In-sentence examples of “mythology”

How to use in-sentence of “mythology”:

– As the Etruscan civilization was assimilated into the Roman Republic in the 4th century BC, the Etruscan religion and mythology were partially absorbed.

– We currently have one or more editors making complex changes to mythology articles, and creating new, complex, uncategorized ones.

– The elves of Norse mythology have survived into folklore mainly as females, living in hills and mounds of stones..

– It represents the Kanglasha, a mythical dragon lion god in Meitei mythology and religion.

– In Greek mythology he is named Herakles, but he has some different stories.

– Hippolyte like in the Marvel comics and mythology falls in love with Hercules.

– Excalibur is a legendary sword, in the mythology of Great Britain.

– The official symbol of Ulaanbaatar is the, a mythical bird in both Buddhist and Hindu mythology called Khan Garuda or “Khangar’d” by Mongols.

In-sentence examples of mythology
In-sentence examples of mythology

Example sentences of “mythology”:

– The “Temple of Hiyangthang Lairembi” is an old temple, dedicated to Goddess “Hiyangthang Lairembi”, who is a form of Irai Leima, the water goddess in Meitei mythology and religion.

– In Irish mythology a giant called Fionn mac Cumhaill was fighting with a Scottish giant and he picked up a big stone to throw at the Scottish giant but he missed.

– The similarity between these legends and the Orion and Pleiades of Greek mythology is believed to be a coincidence – there is no proof of any cultural connection.

– Other demigods from Classical mythology include Achilles, Heracles and Romulus and Remus.

– Fairy taleFairy tales and mythology often have animal characters who talk or do other human things.

– Imoinu Iratpa or Emoinu Eratpa is a sacred religious festival dedicated to Imoinu, the goddess of wealth and prosperity in Meitei mythology and Meitei religionreligion.

– Their mythology and stories develop from their environment.

– After Mythology disbanded, he and Iommi joined vocalist Ozzy Osbourne and bassist Geezer Butler to form a new band called Earth.

- The "Temple of Hiyangthang Lairembi" is an old temple, dedicated to Goddess "Hiyangthang Lairembi", who is a form of Irai Leima, the water goddess in Meitei mythology and religion.

- In Irish mythology a giant called Fionn mac Cumhaill was fighting with a Scottish giant and he picked up a big stone to throw at the Scottish giant but he missed.

– The Norns are female deitydeities in Norse mythology who govern fate.

– The satellite is named after Xiangliu, a nine-headed poisonous snake monster in Chinese mythology that attended the water god Gonggong as his chief minister.

– When this painting was done, other nude figures, painted in Italy, Germany and other countries, always showed the woman as a goddess from mythology or had some other “allegorical” meaning.

– Armenian mythology originated in ancient Indo-European traditions, specifically Proto-Armenian, and gradually incorporated Anatolian, Hurro-Urartian, Mesopotamian, Iranian, and Greek beliefs and deities.”Armenia ” by A.H.

– He was so influenced by the figures that Michelangelo had painted that he designed a series of pictures called “Twelve Panels showing Strong Men from Mythology and Biblical History”.

More in-sentence examples of “mythology”:

- Its name comes from the Greek Mythology story where Hercules battled the Hydra.

- Though comparatively few of Botticelli's mythological paintings survive, "Primavera" epitmizes his use of classical mythology as vehicles to illustrate the sentiments that are actually derived from medieval courtly love.
- The show Got replaced by a Mythology show Karunamoyee Rani Rashmoni.

– Its name comes from the Greek Mythology story where Hercules battled the Hydra.

– Though comparatively few of Botticelli’s mythological paintings survive, “Primavera” epitmizes his use of classical mythology as vehicles to illustrate the sentiments that are actually derived from medieval courtly love.

– The show Got replaced by a Mythology show Karunamoyee Rani Rashmoni.

– The earlier detailed records come from the “Eddas” and the “Heimskringla” by Snorri Sturluson though the mentioning of their deities And mythology goes back to Cornelius Tacitus’ report “Germania” in 98 AD.

– Irai Leima, is a primordial goddess in Meitei mythology and religion.

– The more elaborate versions are accompanied by scenes of Hindu and Buddhist mythology sculpted in wood or plaster and coated with wax.

– There are many snakes in Greek mythology – some myths feature a snake called “ophion” as one of the original rulers of the world.

– Rodin’s most original work departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory.

– In Egyptain mythology Sopdet was the goddess of the star Sothis.

– He did portraits, landscapes, as well as themes from mythology and religious works.

– Dolphins are common in Greek mythology and there are many coins from ancient Greece which feature a man or boy or deity riding on the back of a dolphin.

– In European mythology the best known example is the tree Yggdrasil from Norse mythology.

– Roman mythology has a story about a minotaur, which is part bull and part human.

– Norse mythology is a set of beliefs and stories shared by Northern Germanic tribes.

– Their mythology involves a set of Totemismtotemic creation spirits who are said to have formed the world.

– Nature, history and mythology are the topics of one of the most mature and sophisticated novellas of R.Granauskas “Jaučio aukojimas” eng.

– The Khoirentak tiger was a viscous monster in Meitei mythology that lived in Khoirentak.

– Aurora is comparable to Eos in Greek mythology and to Ushas in Hindu mythology.

– Meitei mythology is known mainly from the Meitei literature from ancient times.

– It is based on the legendary saga of Phouoibi, the goddess of bounty in Meitei mythology and religion.

– Egyptian mythology has many gods who are part animal and part human.

– Tamamo-no-Mae is a legendary figure in Japanese mythology and folklore.

– An impression, but only that, of the Anglo-Saxon mythology can be obtained from reading about Scandinavian mythology.

– It appears in the both Ancient Manipurhistory and the mythology of Manipur.

– The mythology associated with Moirang Kangleirol has diverse range of accounts.

– The International Astronomical Union reserves names taken from Gallic mythology for these moons.

– It was named after a queen in Greek mythology called Cassiopeia.

– Nambudiri mythology associates their immigration to Kerala from the banks of Narmada, Krishna RiverKrishna, Kaveri rivers with the legendary creation of Kerala by Parasurama, the 6th avatar of Vishnu.

– The werewolf of European mythology is part wolf and part human.

– Ancient GreeceGreek, Phoenician, and Persian mythology showed them as fierce, sometimes evil, while others showed them as brave, powerful animals.

– It was named in April 2007 after Bébinn, an early Irish mythology goddess of birth, renowned for her beauty.

– Yumjao Leima or Yumjao Lairembi or Yumjao Lairemma is the mother goddess of the house and the household in the Meitei mythology and religion.

– This is followed by an account of the history of the alphabet, which weaves together elements of Greek mythology and the Hebrew Bible as well as several Jewish and pagan texts: according to this account, the Hebrew alphabet was first handed down to mankind by divine inspiration during the generation of Enoch, but was lost during the Confusion of Tongues.

– In Celtic mythology and English folklore, a “Puck Puck” is a mischievous sprite, imagined as an evil demon by Christians; the moon is named after the Puck who appears in Shakespeare’s “fairies.

– Meitei mythology may also mean the modern analysis of these representations, and to the subject matter, as represented in the literature and art of the culture of the Meitei people.

– He soon began exhibiting at their annual summer exhibitions, focusing on the creation of large canvas works depicting scenes from the daily life and mythology of ancient Greece.

– Another influence was her love of Greek mythology and fairy tales when she was a child.

– King Arthur was a legendmythical king in the mythology of Great Britain.

– Megalithic mounds such as Newgrange entered Irish mythology as sídhe or fairy mounds.

– It’s mentioned in Greek, Hebrew, Buddhist and Christian mythology and writings.

– Freud’s interest in Greek mythology and religion greatly influenced his psychological theories.

– Norse or Scandinavian mythology is the belief and legends of the Scandinavian people.

– This snake is revered in Hindu mythologyIndian mythology and culture, and is often seen with snake charmers.

– A dragon is a legendary creature, belonging to mythology and fantasy.

– Helios’ equivalent in Roman mythology was Sol.

– The Hindu scriptures and the Hindu mythology tell that all the above things came out of the ocean for the good of human beings.

– The mythology was passed on from one generation to the next in the form of poetry.

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