In sentence examples of “motivation”

How to use in-sentence of “motivation”:

– Usually, the motivation for genocide is based on political reason.

– The “Lord of the Rings” movies were changed in several things from the book; among them where changes in the plot and motivation of the characters, and parts of the story were cut.

– You can learn more about the motivation behind the change here.

– Therefore, people with BDD can sometimes not feel motivated for anything in their life, but when they are working on their looks, they will have an extreme motivation that is not normal either.

– However, this dimension may link to leadership ability and giving motivation to others.

In sentence examples of motivation
In sentence examples of motivation

Example sentences of “motivation”:

– In BuddhismBuddhist thought, bodhicitta is the motivation of a bodhisattva.

– In 2017, he founded the Ukrainian Medical Festival, an all-Ukrainian festival dedicated to the development and motivation of the young generation of physicians.

– People with BDD may often have little motivation for anything.

– A primary motivation for this clause was to validate the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed that all people would have rights equal to those of all citizens.

– This time, my motivation happened while comparing myself with another less active sysop.

– In The Sims 3, Aspiration is removed entirely, replaced with “Moodlets”, which contribute good or bad values to the original Motivation meter.

– This deficit is said to be the main factor in regulating motivation and sustaining attention.

- In BuddhismBuddhist thought, bodhicitta is the motivation of a bodhisattva.

- In 2017, he founded the Ukrainian Medical Festival, an all-Ukrainian festival dedicated to the development and motivation of the young generation of physicians.

– To tell you the truth, I have lost motivation to edit here because of a certain email that a certain user has sent to me during my previous RfA and because of the fact that I am feeling like I can never have a successful RfA.

– Animals do not need conscious motivation or awareness for it to occur.

– With humans, whose mental life is so much more complex, motivation is more complicated.

– Each category of belief is based on a different motivation for claiming exceptional age.

– Some fruitarians who hold Judeo-Christian beliefs hold that fruitarianism was the original diet of humankind in the form of Adam and Eve, based on the Book of Genesis. They believe that a return to an Garden of EdenEden-like paradise will require simple living a health and diet.  Another common motivation is the desire to eliminate perceived toxicity within the body.

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