In-sentence examples of “metis”

How to use in-sentence of “metis”:

+ Its name comes from the mythological Metis Metis, a Titaness and Tethys and Oceanus.

+ They were also afraid that the Canadian government officials, many of which were Protestants, would not allow the Metis to continue being Catholics.

+ To stop Metis giving birth to her son, Zeus came up with a plan, he played a game with Metis, they shape shifted into different animals, Metis turned turned into a fly, Zeus saw his chance and he swallowed her whole.

+ The composition and mass of Metis are not known, but assuming that its mean density is like that of Amalthea, its mass can be estimated as ~7×10 kg.

+ The Metis were afraid that they would then lose their lands, since many did not have clear titles.

In-sentence examples of metis
In-sentence examples of metis

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