In sentence examples of “magneto”

How to use in-sentence of “magneto”:

– In X-Men:Days of Future Past, Magneto tells all the mutants in the world to “form a new Brotherhood of our kind” to take over from the humans.

– In the next movie X-Men:The Last Stand, Magneto frees a number of dangerous mutants captured by the government and makes them part of the new Brotherhood of Mutants.

– The movie is on the Earth that has been ruled by sentient evil robots named Sentinels that torture and kills hundred of humans and mutants, Charles Xavier, the redeemed and repented Magneto and Shadowcat sends Wolverine ‘s conscience in the years 70’ where he wakes up in his younger self and he teams up with a young Charles Xavier and a dangerous young Magneto to impeding to a young Mystique to kill Bolivar Trask as this act would create the post-apocalyptic future where they lives now and he must prevent that all of this can happen to cancell the horrible future.

– He voiced dubbed Magneto Magneto in “X-Men”, “X2”, “The Wolverine”, and “X-Men: Days of Future Past”.

– He is also known for his role as Johnathan Doors in “Earth: Final Conflict” and for voicing the character of Magneto Magneto in the animated series from 1992 to 1997.

In sentence examples of magneto
In sentence examples of magneto

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