In sentence examples of “macron”

How to use in-sentence of “macron”:

+ Founded by current French President Emmanuel Macron in 2016.

+ The macron is a sign that had always been used, and still is, to mark metrically long “syllables”.

+ French President Emmanuel Macron said that Beltrame deserved “the respect and admiration of the whole nation.”.

+ Le Pen unsuccessfully ran for President of France in the 2017 French presidential election2017 election, losing to Emmanuel Macron in the second round.

+ President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron expressed their sympathies and condolences when addressing the press at the White House the next day.

+ He was given the job by President Emmanuel Macron on July 3, 2020.

In sentence examples of macron
In sentence examples of macron

Example sentences of “macron”:

+ A macron or a brachy that appears on the same vowel as an acute or breathing is noted in brackets after the entry, and doesn’t have to be bothered with: argu/rion ‘.

+ He was also the only candidate to have been nominated for the position as of 30 August 2020 and his nomination was reported to have been approved by French President Emmanuel Macron who was due to arrive in Lebanon for peace talks and discussions about political reforms in Lebanon.

+ Non-traditional Beta Code sometimes used in Perseus entry names includes using an underscore _ for a macron and a Latin circumflex ^ for a brachy or a breve.

+ During the second round, Macron beat Le Pen by a Landslide victory with 66% of the vote to LePen’s 34%.

+ On 16 March, Macron announced mandatory home order for 15 days starting at noon on 17 March.

+ On 12 March, French President Emmanuel Macron announced on public television that all schools and all universities would close from Monday 16 March until further notice.

+ On 15 May 2017, President of FrancePresident Emmanuel Macron appointed him Prime Minister.

+ President Donald Trump of the United States, Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom and President Emmanuel Macron of France ordered the strikes.

+ It was the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, who took the decision to create it and his successor Emmanuel Macron extended it.

+ However, following an Embezzlementembezzlement investigation his popularity decreased and lost the first round to Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

+ During the second round, Macron beat Le Pen by a Landslide victory with 66% of the vote to Le Pen’s 34%.

+ A macron or a brachy that appears on the same vowel as an acute or breathing is noted in brackets after the entry, and doesn't have to be bothered with: argu/rion '.

+ He was also the only candidate to have been nominated for the position as of 30 August 2020 and his nomination was reported to have been approved by French President Emmanuel Macron who was due to arrive in Lebanon for peace talks and discussions about political reforms in Lebanon.
+ Non-traditional Beta Code sometimes used in Perseus entry names includes using an underscore _ for a macron and a Latin circumflex ^ for a brachy or a breve.

+ A macron or a brachy that appears on its own is sometimes marked in the entry form.

+ On 23 April 2017, Macron won 24% of the vote with opponent Marine Le Pen winning 21%.

+ On 23 April 2017, Macron won 24% of the vote with Le Pen winning 21%.

+ Erhel died at the age of 50 on 5 May 2017 of a heart attack while she was giving a speech in Plouisy, Côtes d’Armor at a meeting in support of Emmanuel Macron for the 2017 French presidential election.

+ President Macron said that the event was “a typical Islamist terrorist attack”, and that “our compatriot was killed for teaching children freedom of speech”.

+ In the romanization of Japanese, a letter with macron represents a long vowel.

+ On 15 May 2019, Jacinda Ardern and French President Emmanuel Macron co-chaired the Christchurch Call summit.

+ The incumbent president is Emmanuel Macron of La République En Marche!, who won the 2017 presidential election and whose term lasts until 13 May 2022.

+ Jean-Yves Le Drian and was nominated by Emmanuel Macron to serve as Foreign Minister in the Philippe cabinet.

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