In sentence examples of “logistics”

How to use in-sentence of “logistics”:

– It is used to provide logistics support.

– They are the 1st Marine Division 1st Marine Division, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, and 1st Marine Logistics Group.

– Gradually, over the years, banking, logistics communications and payment methods have improved creating opportunities for the e-business sector to develop.

– The e-commerce industry needs to put more emphasis on delivery logistics and customer service.

– There are many types of logistics, for example : military logistics, business logistics and production logistics and marketing logistics.

– Housing the industrial area of Fo Tan, Shatin’s economy once heavily relied on manufacturing, logistics and transportation.

In sentence examples of logistics
In sentence examples of logistics

Example sentences of “logistics”:

– Deutsche Bahn is also active in the field of logistics and owns companies like Schenker.

– Challenges also persist in the logistics sector.

– Maksym Shkil is a Ukrainian businessman, founder and owner of MS Capital Holding, which includes the First Logistics Company, AVTOSTRADA, Audi Center Odessa South, and the Pryluky Agrarian Company.

– In 2011, Maksym Shkil founded the First Logistics Company LLC, which is one of the largest Ukrainian companies in the field of grain transportation by rail with a fleet of 1,500 cars.

– The city, that had a lot of problems since the 1970s because of the end of the steel industry and coal-mining, is now having a good economy thanks to the logistics and high tech industry.

– Among the partners of the First Logistics Company are the largest traders in Ukraine and the world.

– Between 2013 and 2016 he was the Minister for Energy, Mines, Water and Environment and since 5 April 2017 he has been the minister for Equipment, Transport and Water Logistics in the cabinet of El Othmani.

– The Air Force called the big plane the CX-Heavy Logistics System.

– The sector suffers from a lack of logistics and a sound transportation system that restricts e-commerce trading to expand.

– In the knockout phase, teams from the same or nearby cities are not scheduled to play at home on the same day, due to logistics and crowd control.

– He later served in top leadership positions in the PLA as Director of the People’s Liberation Army General Logistics Department.

- Deutsche Bahn is also active in the field of logistics and owns companies like Schenker.

- Challenges also persist in the logistics sector.
- Maksym Shkil is a Ukrainian businessman, founder and owner of MS Capital Holding, which includes the First Logistics Company, AVTOSTRADA, Audi Center Odessa South, and the Pryluky Agrarian Company.

– Carranza was the President CEO of the JCR Group, a consulting firm with a focus on business development, profit and loss management, operations, logistics and systems optimization.

– Even the artillery, health and administrative apparatus were renovated, as well as logistics services.

– DB claim they are the second largest logistics company in the world.

– This makes logistics one of its main industries.

– Some of the open-source software he created in the area of dispatch logistics is still used by taxicab companies.

– The weapon would also make logistics simpler and give more firepower to a normal paratrooper.

– He served as Commander, Air Force Logistics Command from 1989 to 1992.

– Over time, the three services have combined headquarters, logistics and training camps.

– For the quarter-finals and semi-finals, teams from the same city are not scheduled to play at home on the same day or on consecutive days, due to logistics and crowd control.

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