In-sentence examples of “kibbutz”

How to use in-sentence of “kibbutz”:

+ During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, members of the Israeli Kibbutz Degania managed to stop a Syrian tank assault by using Molotov cocktails.

+ He was also a member of Kibbutz Beit Alfa.

+ The four rivers join to form the Jordan in northern Israel, near kibbutz Sede Nehemya.

+ Sheriff was Artistic Director of the Kibbutz Chamber Orchestra.

+ They may want to join a kibbutz or other cooperative way of living.

+ Kinneret was the center of the Kibbutz culture of early Zionism.

+ In the 1990s, following the decline of the kibbutz movement, HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed began to re-examine the ideal life path of its members, which had always begun with settling kibbutzim in “gar’inim” after finishing their mandatory period of army service.

In-sentence examples of kibbutz
In-sentence examples of kibbutz

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