In-sentence examples of “immunity”

How to use in-sentence of “immunity”:

+ At the Immunity Challenge, the players had to choose between a feast of cheeseburgers, fries, and soft drinks or the immunity challenge.

+ Test won the Immunity Battle Royal, which granted him immunity from being fired for an entire year, beginning a storyline in which he would bully other wrestlers simply because he could.

+ The island also had a hidden immunity idol that could be used at tribal council after the votes have been made.

+ Only the person with Immunity votes since the other two votes would cancel each other out.

+ The vaccine is also recommended in those who do not have evidence of immunity immunity, and those with well controlled HIV/AIDS.

+ With Viveros, Casaya and La Mina winning, the losing tribe, Bayoneta, had to pick one of their own to stay on Exile, who would return in time for the next Immunity Challenge.

+ On day 2, the players were told they would divide into 2 tribes of 9 members each, with the two immunity holders making the first picks for their new tribes.

+ Honorary consuls only work part-time as diplomats, so only have diplomatic immunity when working as diplomats.

In-sentence examples of immunity
In-sentence examples of immunity

Example sentences of “immunity”:

+ The person exiled gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol, which may or may not be located on the island, an "instant comfort" the right to change tribes.

+ Gary, whom Nakúm wanted gone, surprised the tribe with the Hidden Immunity Idol at Tribal Council.
+ With Drake looking like they were going to continue to win, Burton started a plan to purposely lose the fourth Immunity challenge to get rid of the tribe's weaker players such as Trish and Christa.

+ The person exiled gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol, which may or may not be located on the island, an “instant comfort” the right to change tribes.

+ Gary, whom Nakúm wanted gone, surprised the tribe with the Hidden Immunity Idol at Tribal Council.

+ With Drake looking like they were going to continue to win, Burton started a plan to purposely lose the fourth Immunity challenge to get rid of the tribe’s weaker players such as Trish and Christa.

+ Africans had more immunity to these diseases.

+ Particularly important was the work of Paul Ehrlich, who proposed the side-chain theory to explain the specificity of the antigen-antibody reaction; his contributions to the understanding of humoral immunity were recognized by the award of a Nobel Prize in 1908, which was jointly awarded to the founder of cellular immunology, Elie Mechnikov.

+ At the Immunity Challenge, La Mina built the skull pyramid faster than Casaya, finally winning Immunity.

+ The ANC negotiated the release of political prisoners and the immunity from prosecution for returning exiles and moreover channels of communication were established between the Government and the ANC.

+ However, there have been occasions where, after a player is removed, an immunity challenge and a Tribal Council are still held.

+ It originates from medicine and early studies on the causes of immunity to disease.

+ In some seasons, fake hidden immunity idols have been made by contestants; these idols don’t work if played.

+ After a two hour, 38 minute challenge, Danni won the last immunity challenge.

+ The reason behind it is unclear – most think that it is caused by increase in international traveling, increase in second hand furniture market and growing immunity to anti bed bug sprays.

+ Immunology is scientific part of medicine that studies the causes of immunity to disease.

+ The earliest known mention of immunity was during the plague of Athens in 430 BC.

+ Susan “Sue” Hawk left angry in episode six, one day after a problem during an immunity challenge where a naked Richard Hatch had quick but inappropriate bodily contact with her.

+ During “Guatemala”, the hidden immunity idol was not returned to the game after its use.

More in-sentence examples of “immunity”:

+ In the Immunity Challenge, Cirie and Terry were putting up a good fight but Aras ultimately won the challenge, ending Terry’s Immunity winning streak.

+ Herd immunity is a form of protection from infectious disease.

+ However, only those who didn’t think they needed immunity would go to the food reward while the others played for immunity.

+ The hidden immunity idol can only be used up until and including the Tribal Council of the final four or five players, depending on the season.

+ The second-to-last immunity challenge is usually a very hard, multi-part challenge, and usually is the most complex challenge of the entire season, often combining elements from previous challenges.

+ In “Marquesas”, the earlier votes rule was no longer used; instead players who did not have immunity would pull rocks colored yellow and purple from a bag.

+ Innate immunity protects the host against infection, but has no ‘memory’, and so gives no long-term immunity.

+ Yaxhá won the first Immunity Challenge, and because of his illness and injuries he got during the challenges, Jim was voted out of Nakúm.

+ The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from elimination.

+ With Bruce left over because of the odd number of players, he was given immunity and was sent to Exile Island for three days until tribal council and would join the tribe that lost the next Immunity Challenge.

+ As a result of her advantage, Danni won the Immunity Challenge.

+ While in office, the Prime Minister is granted full legal immunity from all prosecutions and legal proceedings.

+ Morgan lost most of the early Reward and Immunity challenges, leaving them three players down and with less items to work with at camp.

+ There was some controversy about an immunity challenge in the last episode.

+ Rafe won Immunity again, and at Tribal Council, the old Nakúm tribe finally got to vote off Gary.

+ After the immunity challenge, Shane told Bobby that Bruce was the next to go, as his tribe was worried he would join La Mina’s alliance when the tribes merged.

+ This happens when a large percentage of a population has become Immunity immune to an infection, whether through previous infections or vaccination.

+ With Terry not wanting to give Danielle the Hidden Immunity Idol, she and Cirie will have a fire-making challenge.

+ Episode 8: It was told that there was a Hidden Immunity Idol located near the camp of the new Xhakúm tribe.

+ Although they quickly lost their new spear in deep water, La Mina won the Immunity Challenge as well.

+ At the immunity challenge, the players competed in an obstacle course, with a few players getting removed from the challenge in each round.

+ The Koror tribe had won every immunity challenge, and members of the other tribe, Ulong, were being voted off one by one.

+ Episode 9: Gary found the Hidden Immunity Idol.

+ The last immunity challenge is held amongst the final four players, and the winner, while assured a place in the final three, does not choose his or her competition for the prize.

+ In the Immunity Challenge, Cirie and Terry were putting up a good fight but Aras ultimately won the challenge, ending Terry's Immunity winning streak.

+ Herd immunity is a form of protection from infectious disease.

+ Herd immunity is an important part of how vaccines work.

+ It gives immunity to an infectious disease caused by a particular germ.

+ The horse’s body will develop an immunity to the venom, so more and more venom from the snake can be injected every day.

+ Ian chose to quit the challenge, giving immunity to Tom, after Tom played on his regret for hurting Katie’s feelings and breaking his promises to her, and Ian felt that dropping out would make up for the emotional damage he had done.

+ Chris won the last two immunity challenges, and took Twila with him into the final two.

+ Once it was completed, the power of the immunity necklaces was over.

+ Dan pulled in Ruth Marie as a fifth person in his alliance, but after losing another Immunity Challenge, Sally told the La Mina men that she was a more weaker player.

+ Ibrehem was given Immunity in a 3-2-2-1 vote.

+ The foreign source of the spacers was a sign to researchers that the CRISPR/cas system could have a role in adaptive immunity in bacteria.

+ Unlike the adaptive immune system, the innate immune system does not give long-lasting immunity against specific infections.

+ The simplest form of immunity is the DNA restriction system in bacteria that prevents infection by bacteriophages.

+ Unlike most antibiotics it seems that antimicrobial peptides may also improve immunity by working as immunomodulators.

+ Those who had won immunity got the first pick, and the last male and female left would leave the game.

+ The last immunity challenge made players stand on buoys for as long as possible; Katie jumped off early, but both Tom and Ian stayed for more than 12 hours.

+ The next morning, Terry showed the now powerless Immunity Idol back at camp, and in a surprise Reward Challenge, he won a protein-enriched meal that would be useful for the last Immunity Challenge.

+ In 50 BC, the Senate, led by Pompey, ordered Julius Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome because his term as governor of Gaul had finished.Suetonius, “Julius” Caesar thought he would be Prosecutionprosecuted if he entered Rome without the immunity enjoyed by a magistrate.

+ The Jury won immunity, meaning that none of the four remaining players had immunity for that vote.

+ The idea of Exile Island was started in “Survivor: Palau”, when a player had to stay alone on a beach due to losing the Immunity Challenge.

+ Cases which have been studied suggest there is some kind of cost to be borne for their relative immunity to the toxin.

+ The right of immunity from some taxes and other legal obligations, especially local rules and regulations.

+ They give an artificially acquired immunity to the specific viral infection.

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