In-sentence examples of “hydrogen sulfide”

How to use in-sentence of “hydrogen sulfide”:

+ Kimura suicidekilled herself by swallowing hydrogen sulfide on May 23, 2020, at the age of 22.

+ Cadmium salts, normally the cadmium sulfatesulfate or the chloride, are reacted with hydrogen sulfide to make a bright yellow cadmium sulfide solid.

+ Iodine reacts with hydrogen sulfide or hydrazine to make hydriodic acid.

+ Pipelines limit hydrogen sulfide to 3 grains per thousand cubic feet of natural gas.

+ It reacts with hydrochloric acid to make hydrogen sulfide and an antimony compound.

+ There is abundant evidence of major volcanic eruptions 4 billion years ago, which would have released carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere.

In-sentence examples of hydrogen sulfide
In-sentence examples of hydrogen sulfide

Example sentences of “hydrogen sulfide”:

+ It reacts with only the strongest acids to make hydrogen sulfide and a mercury salt again.

+ When the ampoule is broken, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases are released from the solution.

+ It is made by reacting hydrogen sulfide with a bismuth compound like bismuth chloride.

+ They may have used reducing agents such as hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide as sources of electrons, rather than water.

+ This makes hydrogen sulfide and barium chloride.

+ Haemoglobin combines hydrogen sulfide and transfers it to the bacteria living inside the worm.

+ It can be made by reacting hydrogen sulfide with lead nitrate.

+ It reacts with only the strongest acids to make hydrogen sulfide and a mercury salt again.

+ When the ampoule is broken, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases are released from the solution.
+ It is made by reacting hydrogen sulfide with a bismuth compound like bismuth chloride.

+ Of sulfur nucleophiles, hydrogen sulfide and its salts, thiols are used most often.

+ Small amounts of hydrogen sulfide can be found in crude petroleum.

+ It reacts with hydrogen sulfide to make zinc sulfide.

+ Another way of making it is to react hydrogen sulfide with a zinc compound.

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