In-sentence examples of “hostility”

How to use in-sentence of “hostility”:

+ Such a matter, in turn, makes Egypt one of the most Arab countries that show hostility to freedom of expression as well as press freedom, especially that about 59 journalists have remained in prison so far.” Fatma is not a political figure, she is an Egyptian writer, poet, translator and journalist who always says her point of view.

+ While Mike often does things at the expense of his housemates, he usually does not show the sort of open hostility that the others do, and seems to cause them trouble only when it benefits him.

+ The letter suggests that Miletus was under his control and refers to an earlier ‘Wilusa’ episode” involving hostility by “Ahhiyawa”.

+ The Yugoslavian nationalists, who controlled the city with their “National Guard”, soon showed huge hostility toward the Italian troops, fearing they could remain forever in the city.

+ In Daegu, this will be met with open hostility towards both persons by strangers.

+ The Iraqi resistance were widely considered to be stronger in this province than in any other in Iraq, and hostility toward Against American forces.

+ Within a year, the leadership of the commune became embroiled in a conflict with local residents, primarily over land use, which was marked by hostility on both sides.

In-sentence examples of hostility
In-sentence examples of hostility

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