In sentence examples of “Go away”

How to use in-sentence of “Go away”:

– Dolly promises she will never go away again.

– One day, Freddie smokes some magic tobacco, which makes all the people in the tobacco shop go away on a magical adventure.

– The anal fissure becomes chronic and will not go away if it lasts for more than 6 weeks.

– Extrusomes shoot out stuff that make predators go away or catch food.

– Arteries divide into smaller arteries as they go away from the heart.

– When Idomeneo finally realizes it is his own son he must kill, he tells Idamante to go away and never see him again.

In sentence examples of Go away
In sentence examples of Go away

Example sentences of “Go away”:

– The color spots go away as the babies grow.

– Sometimes if they try really hard, they can make the tic go away for a little bit, but they can’t make it go away all the time.

– A boy named Daniel does not believe the judges, so he asks one of the judges to go away and the other one to say what he saw.

– Physicists like Erwin Schrödinger suggested that maybe the relationship in position and velocity would just gradually go away somehow.

– The album came almost two years after the lead singer, Bono, said that the band would “have to go away and dream it all up again” after their 1988 album, “Rattle and Hum” was criticized.

– In some cases the symptoms go away entirely when they reach adulthood.

– When a phantom smell is caused by an illness, it should go away with theillness.

– The wizard was once a good sorceror, but when his powers began to go away he was exiled by Lord Dimwit Flathead.

– Sir Clermont Willoughby offers to go away from Lady Howard’s house, and leaves, to Evelina’s satisfaction.

– The attackers go away immediately after the attack.

– After the end of the war the Italians started to go away from Tripoli and now only a few of them remain in the city.

– They go away after a while.

– Big pro-European Union protests called Euromaidan began in November 2013 and made the President go away in February.

– They free Basch from the cage he is being held in and they go away from the Nalbina Dungeons to the Barheim Passage far below.

– Since Taiwanese government invests everything in northern Taiwan, southern Taiwanese have had to go away from their home in southern Taiwan to northern Taiwan to find jobs.

– After the play, Abigail says fake Fester must go away again, so the Addamses throw a large party.

– In the later Middle Ages serfdom began to go away west of the Rhine even as it grew in Eastern Europe.

– Also, in many cases, separating the two patients may not be enough to make the condition go away in one of them.

- The color spots go away as the babies grow.

- Sometimes if they try really hard, they can make the tic go away for a little bit, but they can't make it go away all the time.
- A boy named Daniel does not believe the judges, so he asks one of the judges to go away and the other one to say what he saw.

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