In-sentence examples of “gamma rays”

How to use in-sentence of “gamma rays”:

+ In the electromagnetic spectrum, ultraviolet is beyond violet, x-rays are beyond ultraviolet, and gamma rays are beyond x-rays.

+ Both gamma rays and alpha particles are classified as ionizing radiation, and can cause radiation sickness.

+ Spectrometer is a term that is applied to instruments that operate over a very wide range of wavelengths, from gamma rays and X-rays into the far infrared.

+ Medical doctorDoctors can use radiation therapy machines which produce gamma rays in hospitals to treat people with some types of cancer.

+ X-rays and gamma rays are also forms of light with even shorter wavelengths than ultraviolet.

+ Both gamma rays and x-rays are photons with very high energies, and gamma have even more energy.

In-sentence examples of gamma rays
In-sentence examples of gamma rays

Example sentences of “gamma rays”:

+ By then the real interest lay in the same effects caused by gamma rays from nuclear testing.

+ After the war, Chadwick returned to Cambridge where he worked with Ernest Rutherford, studying the emission of gamma rays from radioactive materials.

+ Doctors can find some types of disease by measuring gamma rays which come from a patient afterward.

+ Hospitals can also use gamma rays to sterilise things as disinfectants do.

+ Since a photon’s energy is inversely proportional to its wavelength, electromagnetic waves with the energy of visible light or higher, such as ultraviolet light, x-rays and gamma rays are usually involved in such reactions.

+ Gamma-ray bursts are flashes of gamma rays from extremely energetic explosions.

+ Doctors also use gamma rays to find disease.

+ Gamma rays and X-rays can also be distinguished by their origin: X-rays are emitted by electrons outside the nucleus, while gamma rays are emitted by the nucleus.

+ By then the real interest lay in the same effects caused by gamma rays from nuclear testing.

+ After the war, Chadwick returned to Cambridge where he worked with Ernest Rutherford, studying the emission of gamma rays from radioactive materials.

+ When aluminium-26 decays it also produces gamma rays and x-rays.

+ Some are electrons, gamma rays or photons and a tiny fraction are even heavier particles.

+ The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is looking for gamma rays that might come from micro black holes in outer space.

+ The carcinogens in them are caused by the radiation they release, such as gamma rays or alpha particles.

+ X-rays and gamma rays can make a person sick, or even die, depending on the dose they get.

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