In-sentence examples of “from among”

How to use in-sentence of “from among”:

– The Palestine Liberation Organization had already recruited militants in Lebanon from among the families of Palestinian refugees who were expelled or fled due to the creation of Israel in 1948.

– It was not unusual for the young dancers of the Paris Opera to seek protectors from among the well-heeled visitors at the back door of the opera.

– He was shortlisted as one of the 20 Finalists from among the approximately one hundred nominees.

– When Tennessee and ten other Southern slave states declared they were no longer part of the United States, he was the only member from among them to not quit his seat.

– The city council selects one of their members to be the mayor from among its members.

In-sentence examples of from among
In-sentence examples of from among

Example sentences of “from among”:

– The city council hires a manager to supervise city employees on a day-to-day basis, and the position of “mayor” is appointed by the city council from among their own members.

– According to the report of the meeting, “It is interesting that from among 6000 existing historical maps published up to 1890, there are only three maps mentioning the names of Basreh Gulf, Ghatif Gulf, and Arabic Gulf, which are in fact bays but in local language both the bays and the gulf is called khaleej but such names are not applied to the entirety of the Persian Gulf.

– In 2004, the JFA organized a public contest to select a name for the team; and “”Nadeshiko” Japan” was chosen from among 2,000+ entries.

– According to the report of the meeting, “It is interesting that from among 6000 existing historical maps published up to 1890, there are only three maps mentioning the names of Basreh Gulf, Qatif Gulf, and Arabic Gulf, in addition to which the name of small gulfs, Basreh Gulf, Bahrain Gulf,….

– The provinces are divided into municipalities headed by a council and a mayor elected from among the members of the council.

– The president is elected by the Congress from among its members.

– The last raised units were the “Ta’ifat al Ru’sa” recruited from among the North African Arabs and indigenous Berbers.

– Edward I was invited to choose who would be king from among the candidates who had any claim to be king.

– The chair is chosen by the President of the United States from among the members of the Board of Governors; and serves for four-year-terms after appointment.

– Army Indian Scouts recruited from among the Black Seminoles, a group of Seminole Indians of African descent.

– Following the enactment of the 1969 Constitution of Kenya, the system of election by the National Assembly was replaced by direct elections under a first-past-the-post system, yet true separation of powers was still not established; The President had to also be elected as an MP and he had to appoint his Ministers from among MPs, the President was still able to dissolve the National Assembly, and the Assembly was still able to declare no confidence in the ministers.

– Edward I stepped in to choose who would be king from among the candidates who had any claim to be king.

– Turkey received refugees from among the Pakistan-based Kazakhs, Turkmen, Kirghiz, and Uzbeks numbering 3,800 originally from Afghanistan during the Soviet–Afghan War.

– No pedagogy which is truly liberating can remain distant from the oppressed by treating them as unfortunates and by presenting for their emulation models from among the oppressors.

– Aemilianus was not from the nobility, and may have been from among the Moorish people.

– Jurors select five nominees in each award category from among the shows that air on Zee Tamil.

– The Speaker is elected by a majority of all of the Representatives from among themselves.

– The Expansion Era Committee chooses from among 12 people, while the other committees choose from among 10.

– The Cabinet is headed by the prime minister, appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong from among the elected members of Parliament.

– They are usually one or more from among the following:.

- The city council hires a manager to supervise city employees on a day-to-day basis, and the position of "mayor" is appointed by the city council from among their own members.

- According to the report of the meeting, "It is interesting that from among 6000 existing historical maps published up to 1890, there are only three maps mentioning the names of Basreh Gulf, Ghatif Gulf, and Arabic Gulf, which are in fact bays but in local language both the bays and the gulf is called khaleej but such names are not applied to the entirety of the Persian Gulf.

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