In-sentence examples of “flaming”

How to use in-sentence of “flaming”:

– In medieval sculpture, both Agni and the form of Shiva known as Bhairava have flaming hair as a special feature.

– He posted eleven songs on his webpage, and then realizing he needed help with drums and arrangements went to Steven Drozd of The Flaming Lips for advice.

– Every year, a festival is held there called the Flaming Gorge Days where acts will perform music.

– The sound-holes are often in the shape of a flaming sword.

– Lita then hit Foley in between the legs with a barbed wire bat, and lit the table which then allowed Edge to hit a Spear to Foley through the ring ropes through the flaming table on the outside, and pinned Foley to get the win.

– As soon as Hercules cut off one head, Iolaus would cauterise the wound with a flaming torch so that nothing could grow to replace it.

In-sentence examples of flaming
In-sentence examples of flaming

Example sentences of “flaming”:

– At the event The Undertaker appeared from a flaming casket after Randy Orton “killed” him on an episode of Smackdown.

– Hecate assisted Demeter in her search for her daughter Persephone following Hades’ abduction of her, guiding the goddess’ path at night by her flaming torches.

– One night at a masked ball, there is shock among the dancers when a figure cloathed like a corpse in a winding sheet daubled with blood appears; it goes from the six ballrooms each colored blue, purple, green, orange, white, and violet into the last room..a dark colored room only illuminated by a flaming brazier before a single window of scarlet glass and an eboney clock.

– To illustrate his point, he depicted the entity as a goat-headed androgyne with wings, female breasts, a rod between its legs, and a flaming torch between its horns.

– For example, while fighting different monsters in “The Sea of Monsters”, his immunity to fire protected him from magical flaming spheres that would have killed anbody else that stepped in it’s path of fire.

– In the month of April and May the flaming red leaves of the genwa can be seen.

– From there, it flows south, then turns east for a short while, then flows south, west, and south into the Reservoir, formed by Fontenelle Dam, and Flaming Gorge Reservoir, which is formed by the Flaming Gorge Dam.

- At the event The Undertaker appeared from a flaming casket after Randy Orton "killed" him on an episode of Smackdown.

- Hecate assisted Demeter in her search for her daughter Persephone following Hades' abduction of her, guiding the goddess' path at night by her flaming torches.
- One night at a masked ball, there is shock among the dancers when a figure cloathed like a corpse in a winding sheet daubled with blood appears; it goes from the six ballrooms each colored blue, purple, green, orange, white, and violet into the last room..a dark colored room only illuminated by a flaming brazier before a single window of scarlet glass and an eboney clock.

– The Flaming Gorge Days is a festival.

– A theropod dinosaur embryo and the affinities of the Flaming Cliffs dinosaur eggs.

– They have to walk on flaming sand for eternity.

– The Flaming Lips are an American rock band formed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1983.

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