In sentence examples of “first term”

How to use in-sentence of “first term”:

– She served her first term as leader of the Barbados Labour Party from 26 February 2013 to 25 May 2018.

– Schultz was appointed to the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee in her first term in Congress.

– During this first term he was widely credited for his role in defusing the Cuban Missile Crisis and for ending the civil war in the Congo.

– This was the beginning of the first term of Bill Clinton as President and Al Gore as Vice President.

– His first term as president ran from 1991 to 1996.

– The United States presidential inaugurationinauguration was the beginning of the first term of George Washington as president.

– This was the beginning of Truman’s first term as President.

– In 1994, during Clinton’s first term in office, the Congress switched to a Republican majority.

In sentence examples of first term
In sentence examples of first term

Example sentences of “first term”:

– More precisely, the term “magnetic moment” normally refers to a system’s magnetic dipole moment, which produces the first term in the multipole expansion of a general magnetic field.

– The current President of Białystok, elected for his first term in 2006, is Tadeusz Truskolaski.

– His first term was between August 1878 and 23 February 1879.

– It was the beginning of Jefferson’s first term as president and Aaron Burr as Vice President.

– She started her role as the First Lady from 1933 with the beginning of her husband’s first term as the President of the United States.

– The incumbent is Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson, who is now in his first term as president.

– The first term of the administration was the UK’s first Coalitioncoalition government since Conservative and Liberal Democrats ministers.

– John Engler, the governor at the time, served three terms as his first term took place before the change was made.

– It returns false if and only if the first term is true and the second term is false.

– During his first term in 2002, he made a campaign to stop drug abuse including crystal methamphetamine and underage drinking.

– His first term was from 1960 to 1962, for his second term from 1966 to 1978, and again for his third and final term from 1986 to 1996.

– During his first term as a legislator, Chiang was Vice President of the Legislative Yuan.

– In 1989, Inoki entered Japanese politics as he was elected to the Japanese House of Councillors and as part of his first term with the House of Councillors successfully negotiated with Saddam Hussein for the release of Japanese hostages.

– He served as the first Prime Minister of Barbados from 30 November 1966 – 8 September 1976 for his first term and again from 29 May 1986 – 1 June 1987 as his second term.

- More precisely, the term "magnetic moment" normally refers to a system's magnetic dipole moment, which produces the first term in the multipole expansion of a general magnetic field.

- The current President of Białystok, elected for his first term in 2006, is Tadeusz Truskolaski.
- His first term was between August 1878 and 23 February 1879.

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