In sentence examples of “favoring”

How to use in-sentence of “favoring”:

+ Vigevano was a Ghibelline township, favoring the Emperor and was therefore invaded and taken by the Milanese in 1201 and again in 1275.

+ Some teams believed that FISA was favoring the major manufacturers.

+ It’s quintessential Griffith melodrama, a mix of opposing forces between those favoring Bible morality and the wealthy hedonists who mock God with their amorality…

+ In fact it seeks to curb economic interventionismsstate intervention in the economy, favoring instead privatization and deregulation.

+ Guyana has also seen political movement favoring and advocating for it to become an American associated territory with eventual statehood as its goal.

+ In the Suez Crisis of 1956, the Cold War alliances were broken for the first time with the Soviet Union and United States favoring one side, and Britain and France the other.

In sentence examples of favoring
In sentence examples of favoring

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