In-sentence examples of “exposed”

How to use in-sentence of “exposed”:

+ In the beginning, actually, the idea of a gas chamber was to let the prisoner condemned to death sleep in a cell which would then be exposed to lethal gas during the night, without the prisoner’s knowledge.

+ When the tide starts to go back out, the upper shore is left exposed until the next high tide, 12 hours later.

+ As a male individual in the African American Society, who has been exposed to two different diverse cultures, navigating my gender roles have proven to be challenging over the time.

+ A phosphor is a chemical compound that emits light when it is exposed to light of a different wavelength i.e.

+ Hence an interstellar ship would be much more exposed to the hazards found in interplanetary travel, including vacuum, Ionizing radiationradiation, weightlessness, and micrometeoroids.

+ Rocks here have been exposed from beneath the retreating Arnhem escarpment; they are of volcanic origin and are extremely old.

In-sentence examples of exposed
In-sentence examples of exposed

Example sentences of “exposed”:

+ The exposed bone rubs against other exposed bone.

+ It turns back into mercury chloride when reacted with ammonia or exposed to ultraviolet light.

+ As the bay is very broad and shallow, a person trapped by the quicksand would be exposed to the danger of the returning tide, which can come in rapidly.

+ The Indian government reported that more than half a million people were exposed to the gas.

+ Pernicious anemia is a blood anemia that happens when someone is overly exposed to radiation.

+ She flushed all accounts, cut off all communication lines, exposed the Agency and used the confusion to vanish and 47 puts an end to “Diana” handling a hit on her.

+ The oldest known stromatolites have been dated between 3,710 million years and 3,695 million years old, and were discovered from an exposed outcrop of metacarbonate rocks in the Isua supracrustal belt in Southwest Greenland.

+ The movie follows the titular MI7 agent who is called into action, when all undercover operatives are exposed in a cyber attack.

+ The exposed bone rubs against other exposed bone.

+ It turns back into mercury chloride when reacted with ammonia or exposed to ultraviolet light.

+ Another type of chromium can cause cancer or make people sick, even though most people do not get exposed to it much.

+ The ammonium carbonate is exposed to air to decompose any bicarbonate and then is sold.

+ He was exposed in 1986 for using an earpiece to receive radio messages from his wife Elizabeth.

+ Some require more light to be exposed than others.

+ So the Germans failed to achieve a strategically important victory, and indeed, it had lengthened the battle line and created a salient exposed to Allied counter-offensives.

More in-sentence examples of “exposed”:

+ The person is exposed to what they fear or what causes them to feel anxious.

+ Many organophosphates are pesticides, and have the same effects as nerve agents if people are exposed to them.
+ Even though O' Keeffe exposed Acorah, the paper also claimed that O' Keeffe had exposed the rest of the "Most Haunted" team.

+ The person is exposed to what they fear or what causes them to feel anxious.

+ Many organophosphates are pesticides, and have the same effects as nerve agents if people are exposed to them.

+ Even though O’ Keeffe exposed Acorah, the paper also claimed that O’ Keeffe had exposed the rest of the “Most Haunted” team.

+ Modesty usually says that the parts of the human body that do not need to be exposed should not be.

+ At standard temperature and pressure, beryllium resists oxidation when exposed to oxygen.

+ The chert is exposed near the village of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

+ The drop in sea levels exposed shallow sea floors that have subsequently re-flooded.

+ However, not everybody who is exposed to primary or secondary syphilis will get the disease.

+ When it is exposed to oxygen in the air, it turns yellow-brown.

+ Like the alpine tree-lines shown above, polar tree-lines are heavily influenced by local variables such as aspect aspect of slope and degree of shelter; trees can often grow in river valleys at latitudes where they could not grow on a more exposed site.

+ On February 19, 2015, 179 people in Los Angeles, California may have been exposed to the bacteria.

+ This area is mostly submerged – it is exposed only during low tide.

+ Most species eat small invertebrates picked out of mud or exposed soil.

+ In Flint, between 6,000 and 12,000 children have been exposed to drinking water with high levels of lead.

+ Antidotes usually have to be given within a few minutes after a person was exposed to VX.

+ When exposed to light, phytocannabinoids can change their chemical structure and turn into other cannabinoids.

+ Eighth Fleet sailors thought of a plan to help reduce the time that destroyers delivering supplies to Guadalcanal were exposed to Allied attack.

+ It is the oldest known exposed rock in the world.

+ This gives the frescoes added durability as they have survived exposed for nearly 1500 years.

+ The highly reproducible results showed that conditioned rats exposed to the conditioned stimulus were immuno suppressed.

+ Some of the changes were exposed headlights, better suspension, and a much better interior.

+ Therefore it is exposed to toxins and mechanical injuries.

+ More roads were built into Navajo land, which exposed them more to English.

+ If a person is exposed to a small amount of a blood agent, their symptoms may not be life-threatening.

+ This occurs when the body is exposed to temperatures of approximately 55°C; any exposure longer than a few hours at this temperature or up to around 70°C kills.

+ Usually, the older layer was exposed to erosion for some time before deposition of the younger.

+ There are short gaps between the myelin sheaths known as nodes of Ranvier where the axon is directly exposed to the surrounding extracellular fluid.

+ When exposed to antibiotics, most bacteria die quickly, but some may have mutations that make them slightly less susceptible.

+ The building fell into disrepair, with peeling wall material, exposed electrical wiring, and a termite problem.

+ Fey was exposed to comedy early.

+ Holsters are commonly used alone for devices that include rubberized padding, and/or are made of plastic and without exposed rigid corners.

+ The metal turns yellow when exposed to air.

+ These cracks slowly extended down into the mass of lava as it cooled and shrank to form the columns, which were later exposed by erosion.

+ Coal seams get exposed in some badlands, so some coal mining districts have developed in badlands areas.

+ An asthma attack is when, after a period of time when aperson has had only a few or no symptoms of asthma, the asthma gets worse all of a sudden, usually because of being exposed to one or more triggers.

+ Giunta, then a specialist with Company B, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, exposed himself to heavy enemy fire to aid a fellow soldier he believed was injured during the ambush.

+ Stereotype lift can increase a person’s performance on a task when he/she is exposed to a negative stereotype of a group to which he/she does not belong.

+ That way, it is possible to record an invisible image with the plastic when it is exposed to light.

+ Sexual interests change in many species when exposed to stressors.

+ During his studies, Stresemann was exposed to the principal political arguments of his day, particularly the German debate about socialism.

+ It is hard to find places to wash up, and homeless people are exposed to extreme cold and hot sun.

+ When someone is exposed to manganese for a long time it can cause a problem with the nervous system.

+ It will die of freezing or hyperthermia when exposed to temperatures below 5 °C.

+ These data are likely to under-represent the true extent of adverse health effects because many exposed individuals left Bhopal immediately following the disaster never to return and were therefore lost to follow-up.

+ If they don’t have symptoms in the avoidance period, but have those when exposed to rice, they are most likely allergic to rice.

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