In-sentence examples of “evade”

How to use in-sentence of “evade”:

– She said the law “creates many opportunities for people to commit terrible acts of violence and evade justice”.

– These persistent viruses evade immune control by sequestration.

– They are getting more suspicious by the moment and are now starting to use more IPs to possibly evade blocks.

– Possibly trying to evade a directive by Auntof6 to edit in the sandbox and to get approval before posting articles.

– By doing so, he also hoped to evade an assembly of Munis who remained on the banks of the lake awaiting his return.

– Also, elk use more forested regions to evade the wolves, and make it harder for researchers to count them.

– Or else it might allow an elected minister to evade responsibility for spending public money.

– They are very adaptable and can change in a short time in order to evade the immune system.

In-sentence examples of evade
In-sentence examples of evade

Example sentences of “evade”:

- The move is usually used instead of charging towards an opponent to build up momentum for an attack, or using the discus spin to evade other attacks.

- She can think through things and look at options that sometimes evade Percy in his moments of battle panic." This means she can think even when there is a fight going on, unlike Percy, and can find solutions to problems.

– The move is usually used instead of charging towards an opponent to build up momentum for an attack, or using the discus spin to evade other attacks.

– She can think through things and look at options that sometimes evade Percy in his moments of battle panic.” This means she can think even when there is a fight going on, unlike Percy, and can find solutions to problems.

– The increasing push of settlement, increased police efficiency, better History of rail transport in Australiarail transport and communications, such as telegraphy, made it increasingly difficult for bushrangers to evade capture.

– Finally, they used some of their agents to disseminate stories of a “Wish Granter” at the heart of Chernobyl, ensuring that anyone who did manage to evade both the Monolith faction and the Brain Scorcher would be drawn to the Monolith and disposed of, rather than discovering the existence of the C-Consciousness lab.

– When you sockpuppet the wiki to evade your indef block, a checkuser blocks you again, forcing you off the wiki forever.

– She fled back to Ely with two nuns and managed to evade capture.

– Reduction in the normal levels of surface class I MHC, a mechanism employed by some viruses and certain tumors to evade CTL responses, activates NK cell killing.These inhibitory receptors recognize MHC class I molecules, which could explain why NK cells kill cells with low levels of MHC class I molecules.

– Harry found out, after a year of believing otherwise, that Sirius was an innocent man, and helped him evade capture from the Ministry of Magic.

– As the original IP block was only set to 31 hours, the IP was used to evade to accounts blocked.

– For example, predators appear perfectly ‘designed’ to catch their prey, whilst their prey seem equally well ‘designed’ to evade them.

– If pathogens successfully evade the innate response, vertebrates possess a third layer of protection, the adaptive immune system, which is activated by the innate response.

– Several attempts have been made to change the formula to evade the patent and its licences.

– Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius evade Bad Cop’s forces with the aid of Wyldstyle’s boyfriend, the superhero Batman, and go to Cloud Cuckoo Land, home of Princess Unikitty.

– After freeing Quasimodo, the kind Gypsy dancer Esmeralda uses witchcraft to evade capture.

– In extreme cases, an entire network may be blocked to prevent an abusive user from continually changing their IP address in order to evade blocks or abusing.

– Looks like this user account has managed to evade the global hardblock on the /64 IPv6 range.

– There is no need for you to know the name, let alone to evade transparency and privately supply you with such information.

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