In-sentence examples of “estimation”

How to use in-sentence of “estimation”:

– The calculation of a confidence interval generally requires assumptions about the nature of the estimation process, since it is primarily a “parametric” method.

– Isotope electrochemistry is a field within electrochemistry concerned with various topics like electrochemical separation of isotopes, electrochemical estimation of isotopic exchange equilibrium constants, electrochemical kinetic isotope effect, electrochemical isotope sensors, etc.

– He pioneered the estimation of genetic linkage and gene frequencies by maximum likelihood methods.

– The claim is based on a partial specimen, and the estimation is of a 4 metre length and a weight of 75 kg.

– For a given estimation procedure in a given situation, the higher the confidence level, the wider the confidence interval will be.

– To make our estimation more precise, we need to shorten the range which contains the solution.

– Value function estimation is the most important part of most reinforcement learning algorithms.

In-sentence examples of estimation
In-sentence examples of estimation

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