In-sentence examples of “end”

How to use in-sentence of “end”:

– Starting at the end of the 19th century they were gradually replaced by the boats that used steam to generate motion.

– Near the end when Shelby describes Nevel, she says that he is “about our age”.

– The highway starts at the northern end of Highway 410 near Caledon.

– In the end the Dutch defenders were defeated.

– Darth Sidious ruled the galaxy for 23 years, when in the end he was killed by his own apprentice, Darth Vader.

In-sentence examples of end
In-sentence examples of end

Example sentences of “end”:

- At the end of time, Jesus will Second Comingcome back to Earth to everlasting life to those who believe in him.

- By the end of the conflict more than 4.7 million American soldiers, sailors and Marines would fight in the war.

– At the end of time, Jesus will Second Comingcome back to Earth to everlasting life to those who believe in him.

– By the end of the conflict more than 4.7 million American soldiers, sailors and Marines would fight in the war.

– The Jews, followed by Christian Protestants, end the first commandment with “You are to have no other gods but me.” as above.

– The chunks of food that a shark swallows end up in its stomach, where they are digested.

– But you had a habit of spelling it “Japen.” You end up in search, instead of the article.

– After the end of the live TV programs, the programs are repeated from recordings.

– Bart asks the Magic 8-Ball if he and Milhouse will still be friends at the end of the day.

– The other Beatles try to help, but also end up in danger.

– Even at the end of the first season of “Star Trek”, there were already calls in the network to cancel the series due to its low Nielsen ratings.

– The channel started broadcasting at the End of 1996.

– When Mala is forced by Jumboo, the gangleader, to fly abroad, she is confronted by the still mysterious man who forces her to give him the diary, failing which she would end up in jail.

– At the end of the month, Central and Northern European cultures celebrate Walpurgis Night on April 30, marking the transition from winter into summer.

– This happened at the end of the First French Empire in 1815.

– The phrases “Q.E.D.” was often used at the end of mathematical or philosophical proofs.

– On the other end of the screwdriver is a Cylindercylindrical handle to be held by a person’s hand.

– At the end of the war, he went back to Melbourne and began to train as a clergyman in the Church of England.

More in-sentence examples of “end”:

- They say the SS training that Törni received at the end of World War II was to support a National Socialist coup in Finland.

- Knotts left the show at the end of its fifth black and white season.

– They say the SS training that Törni received at the end of World War II was to support a National Socialist coup in Finland.

– Knotts left the show at the end of its fifth black and white season.

– The Peace made the violence end for a bit.

– At the end of the first century, the Iceni had their own capital, Venta Icenorum, located near the modern-day village of Caistor St Edmund.

– At the end of April, EXO-M appeared as guests in the concert of Super Junior “Super Show 4” in Jakarta, Indonesia.

– At the end of 1896, he formed a new company, Star Film.

– At the end of 2006, the special edition of the album King of Kings is released: the “Armageddon Edition” in which four additional titles are added.

– There are two Fallopian tubes attached to either side of the end of the uterus.

– In Arnhem Land, there were about 55 outstations by the end of 1976, with an average size of about 30 people.

– Many of Alger’s books end with their young heroes getting modest clerical jobs in large firms.

– After the death of his son Kingsley just before the end of the First World War, and the deaths of his brother Innes, his two brothers-in-law and his two nephews shortly after the war, Doyle sank into depression.

– AWB can remove bold tags at the start and end of headline names, but not those in the middle of the headline.

– The small viaduct to the south of the Parish, at the end of Robbery Bottom Lane, follows the same basic design as the long Digswell Viaduct.

– Create a school project: give a name, a description and an end date for the project on this page,.

– At the end of World War II, the Ustaše were defeated and expelled by the Yugoslav Partisans.

– This was after the end of the Second English Civil War, and the trial and execution of Charles I of England.

– Most singular feminine nouns end in -a, and most plural feminine nouns end in -e.

– Christians believe that at the second coming of Christ at the end of time, all who have died will be raised up from the dead for the Last Judgment, when Jesus will establish the Kingdom of God.

– From 2012, his opportunity to play decreased and he retired end of 2014 season.

– On the western end are the Russian Embassy former Soviet Embassy, No.

– His disloyalty to Lord Salisbury was the beginning of the end of what might have been a glittering career.

– At the end of this guide is a list of all parameters available as well as definitions for all the parameters introduced by template are valid in an automatic taxobox, and for descriptions of some of the parameters, see the documentation for that template.

– This region was briefly part of the short-lived West Ukrainian National Republic in 1918 and occupied by Romania at end of that year.

– The elaboration ends with the Buddha’s statement about the danger of clinging to these beliefs, as they are still influenced by desire that its faithful followers will not end in the final liberation but still in the cycle of samsara.

– He resigned end of 2008 season.

– Since the end of the Cold War and the formal end of colonialism, the Non-Aligned Movement has been forced to redefine itself and reinvent its purpose in the current world system.

– Since it began in 1982, it has been awarded at the end of 25 seasons to 27 different players.

– Some of these special consonants indicate that the word needs to end with a puff of air, like in “uh-oh” between the uh and the oh.

– Big Ben is the nickname of a bell that hangs in the clock tower at the northern end of the Palace of WestminsterHouses of Parliament in Westminster, London, England.

– Shannon Goad Sharpe is a former American Football tight end who played for the Denver Broncos and Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League.

– Ioke was retired at the end of the year.

– By the end of 2009 rumors about the iPad had been around for several years, and on January 27, 2010 Steve Jobs announced the iPad.

– At the end of the German Empire in 1918, there were no Markgrafs left.

– The addiction is as strong as tobacco, that they “need” it, so many of them end up breaking into people’s houses and cars to steal money and possessions to trade for more, which tobacco users do not tend to do.

– When she learned the truth, Oswin was almost taken over by her Dalek personality, but in the end she still would not kill the Doctor.

– All of the problems in the story are figured out or fixed by the end of the movie.

– The EMUs had a single diamond-shaped pantograph, mounted over the driver’s cab and adjacent guard’s compartment at the outer end of one of the driving carriages.

– The dipole antenna is simply two wires with one end of each wire connected to the radio and the other end standing free in space.

– If two arrows form an elbow shape, then they have a composition arrow from the start of the first to the end of the second.

– The 14 September 1648 the Treaty of Eilenburg was made and meant the end of the Thirty Years’ War for total Saxony.

– When he became king, he had to end his marriage to Jeanne, partly because she was disabled and could not have children.

– He made his final appearance in the 2009 Christmas special “The End of Time”.

– Audiences in the olden days often used to clap between movements, but usually these days they wait until the end of the work to applaud.

– They toured the United States a lot that year, though by the end of it, Todd left.

– The Fall of Constantinople is sometimes called the end of the Middle Ages.

– At the end of 1905, he went to a meeting in Finland and met Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

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