In-sentence examples of “dye”

How to use in-sentence of “dye”:

– A laser “burns” pits into a dye layer on the disc, making them transparent.

– It has 25 to 40 per cent dye suspended in a solvent of “oil”.

– As a gel or paste, the dye does not run and is stable.

– Denim was usually colored blue with indigo dye to make blue “jeans” though “jean” meant a different, lighter cotton textile.

– When the Perceptionperceived color is obtained after white light passes through microscopic layers of ink or dye allowing some wavelengths of light to reach the eye, but not others.

– The traditional jersey, and traditional guernsey, are dyed a navy blue colour, using a dye that does not require stripping the wool of its natural oil, rendering these sweaters surprisingly water resistant.

– Some textile dyes are “loose and will release dye during solvent immersion.

In-sentence examples of dye
In-sentence examples of dye

Example sentences of “dye”:

– It gets its name either from the blue “wacet” dye found in the cliffs, or from British “gwo coed” or “waeced”, “under the wood”.

– There are three types of dye used in CD-R discs.

– It is also used as a machinists dye to check wear patterns.

– Tie dye is an expression of emotion and is a very colourful and expressive type of art.

– This means they do not retain the Violet violet dye in the Gram staining protocol.

– In their early years, they had many NHL scoring champions: “Babe” Dye in 1923 and 1925, “Ace” Bailey in 1929, Harvey “Busher” Jackson in 1932, Charlie Conacher in 1934 and 1935, and Gordie Drillon in 1938.

– Many punk musicians put colored hair dye in their hair or put gel to make it stand up.

– The orange dye was particularly unstable and tended to turn red after a while, so in the mid-17th century, red was made the official color.

– On May 21, 2020 Dye was hospitalized in Atlanta for kidney-related problems.

– Crocin was used as a dye for textiles.

– AZO dye is usually dark blue or blue-ish silver.

– It was also made of recycled material, cotton waste from Russia and phenol resins from the East German dye industry making the Trabant the first car with a body made of recycled material.

– The Ancient Greek language word for the dye is “indikon”.

– Verbatim uses phthalocyanine dye on some discs, and AZO dye on others.

– Inkjet printers may use either dye or pigment inks.

– The term “congophilic” is used because the amyloid appears red when looked under a microscope when “Congo red” dye is used.

– Cheminformatics can also be applied to data analysis for the paper, pulp and dye industries.

– Gram-negative bacteria are bacteria that do not retain crystal violet dye in staining.

– The cake gets this bright red color from the large amount of red food dye used in the preparation.

– This dye stains peptidoglycan, a thick layer that is only found in gram-positive bacteria.

- It gets its name either from the blue "wacet" dye found in the cliffs, or from British "gwo coed" or "waeced", "under the wood".

- There are three types of dye used in CD-R discs.
- It is also used as a machinists dye to check wear patterns.

More in-sentence examples of “dye”:

– The cochineal is a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the natural dye carmine is made.

– The blood-brain barrier had stopped the dye from getting out of the brain into the bloodstream.

– First, a violet dye is put on the bacteria.

– Blue indigo dye is made from the woad plant.Raßloff, Steffen “Geschichte der Stadt Erfurt”.

– Many people dye their hair to hide gray or white hairs.

– The dye turned out to be suitable for silk and other textiles.

– The blood-brain barrier had stopped the dye from getting through to the brain.

– Gram-positive bacteria retain the crystal violet dye when washed in a decolourizing solution.

– It is used to dye hair.

– She learned how to Sewingsew, make batik, dye fabrics and spin sheep’s wool to make rugs.

– This shade of indigo, called “indigo dye is darker than the spectrum indigo shown above.

– Then one of Ehrlich’s students injected the dye right into the mice’s brains.

– According to Pliny the Elder, an expedition of Mauretanians sent by Juba II to the archipelago visited the islands: when King Juba II dispatched a contingent to re-open the dye production facility at Mogador in the early 1st century CE Juba’s naval force was subsequently sent on an exploration of the Canary Islands, Madeira and probably the Cape Verde islands, using Mogador as their mission base.

– Tyrian purple dye was important in the ancient Mediterranean.

– The natural dye is still mostly used in Arabia, the Middle East, India, and Pakistan.

– DCPIP is a blue chemical used as a dye because when it is oxidized it is blue.

– Captain Dale Adam Dye USMC is an American actor, technical advisor, radio personality and writer.

– Phoenicians then marketed Kashmiri saffron as a dye and a treatment for melancholy.

– He showed that the rate at which the liver metabolizes an ingested dye can be used to quantify how well this organ functions.

– Phoenicians then sold Kashmiri saffron as a dye and a treatment for melancholy.

– Some believe when a student graduated a kyu, he/she would dye their current belt the new, desired color.

– Occasionally, it is necessary to dissolve cell membranes so large dye molecules can get into the cells.

– The first synthetic dye was aniline.

– These colors do not glow in the dark; they look like dye on the polished steel.

– Everybody wears bandannas and beaded jewellry, apply dye from dried up cow blood.

– They would often stain homespun with a dye made from walnuts.

– Pigment inks are less likely to fade, whereas dye inks create more-realistic photos and are less likely to clog the printhead.

– It was originally called “aniline purple” or “Tyrian purple”, the name of an ancient natural dye got from a mollusc.

– The tree was exploited for their dye in the 18th century, and is now lost over much of its original range.

– Recent cyanine discs have preservatives added to the dye to prevent this from happening.

– Indigo is a dye made from the indigo plant, used to dye cloth.

– For the same reason, the dye needs harder pressure to write than a fountain pen does, sometimes very hard pressure.

– And, making of purple cloth dye was almost as important as glass making.

– It is originally the color of the dye produced from the dried bodies of a scale insect, “Kermes vermilio”.

– For example, pig’s blood was used to make whitewash pink, and blue laundry dye was used to make whitewash blue.

– Gram staining uses Gentian violetcrystal violet to stain cell walls, iodine as a mordant, Mordants join a dye to help it stick on.

– The dye eosin is commonly used for red ink.

– In flag saffron, white, green and blue colors that HTML Arljilbi and Web colors in the ; CMYK equivalent; Dye color and Penton equal number.

– After years of fruitless trial-and-error work on hundreds of compounds, a team led by physician/researcher Gerhard Domagk finally found one that worked: a red dye synthesized by Bayer chemist Josef Klarer which had remarkable effects on stopping some bacterial infections in mice.

– It is also used to dye other things.

– Indigo dye also is used to dye denim cloth, which is used to make what are called blue jeans.

– To solve this the club introduced an all black kit to the club, as black dye was cheap and easily available.

– Later, it was discovered that the drug was split into two pieces inside the body, releasing from the inactive dye a smaller, colourless, active compound called “sulfanilamide”.

– Uranium can also be used as a dye for stained glass or pottery, which is how it was used before people found out that it was radioactive.

– On November 19, 2005 the playing field in the stadium at Auburn University was named ‘Pat Dye Field’ in his honor.

– It is used to dye steel a blue-grey color.

- The cochineal is a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the natural dye carmine is made.

- The blood-brain barrier had stopped the dye from getting out of the brain into the bloodstream.

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