In-sentence examples of “dropping”

How to use in-sentence of “dropping”:

– The bionic elbow is a mover where a wrestler jumps or falls from a higher position and drops to the floor, dropping the point of their elbow right on the opponent.

– The tower is supposed to make the viewer think that pearls are dropping onto an jade plate.

– Any gas can condense, either because the temperature is dropping or the pressure is increasing.

– Hart suffered a cut to the bridge of his nose from a boot to the face, after which Triple H began to only attack Hart’s damaged ankle, dropping his knee onto it and stretching it.

– At night, he plans on dropping them off in the countryside.

In-sentence examples of dropping
In-sentence examples of dropping

Example sentences of “dropping”:

- Michaels used the momentum to take advantage inside the ring, delivering a snapmare and then a low kick to the grounded Austin but as he took time to offend the audience Stone Cold briefly picked up some speed throwing Michaels out of the ring but just as quickly lost ground as his opponent repeatedly worked on Austin's left knee, throwing it into the ring post and then kicking and dropping onto it back inside the ring.

- Unlike older muzzleloading mortars, which were loaded the same way as muzzleloading cannon, the modern mortar is fired by dropping the shell down the barrel.
- Hvítá is a river in Iceland that starts at the Hvítárvatn glacier lake on the Langjökull glacier in the highlands of Iceland at before dropping down into a narrow gorge at the Gullfoss waterfall.

– Michaels used the momentum to take advantage inside the ring, delivering a snapmare and then a low kick to the grounded Austin but as he took time to offend the audience Stone Cold briefly picked up some speed throwing Michaels out of the ring but just as quickly lost ground as his opponent repeatedly worked on Austin’s left knee, throwing it into the ring post and then kicking and dropping onto it back inside the ring.

– Unlike older muzzleloading mortars, which were loaded the same way as muzzleloading cannon, the modern mortar is fired by dropping the shell down the barrel.

– Hvítá is a river in Iceland that starts at the Hvítárvatn glacier lake on the Langjökull glacier in the highlands of Iceland at before dropping down into a narrow gorge at the Gullfoss waterfall.

– Just a heads up, shortly after the maintenance window ended, an issue with the MediaWiki job queue led to edits completely dropping off Recent Changes.

– Garner studied at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, for one semester before dropping out and returning home.

– It is a component of the SP 500 and was a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1985 to 2008, dropping due to spin-offs of Kraft Foods Inc.

– Moraines may also develop when a glacier or iceberg reaches the sea and melts, dropping rocks that it has carried.

– By the 1980s and 1990s, business in Brantford was dropping and some companies like White Farm Equipment, Massey-Ferguson, Koering-Waterous, Harding Carpets, and others stopped making products.

– All games last 60 minutes, and dropping the camogie stick to handpass the ball is allowed.

– Around that time, I was dropping off in activity on a lot of different projects.

– Earlier radio and television voices spoke with an authoritative “announcer’s” intonation, resembling public oration, often dropping about a musical fifth on the last word of a sentence.

– In order to do this, he terrorizes everyone by doing things such as dropping a chandelier and wearing a scary disguise in the middle of a large party.

More in-sentence examples of “dropping”:

– The founders solved this issue by dropping the Amendment requirements.

– After dropping out of high school in his senior year, Gacy moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, to work in a mortuary.

– This nocturnal bird of prey hunts mainly rodents, usually by dropping from a perch to seize its prey, which it swallows whole; in towns its diet includes a higher proportion of birds.

– The song almost broke into the Billboard Hot 100, appearing at 101 before dropping out of sight.

– This resulted in the United States dropping two nuclear bombatomic bombs over Hiroshima.

– They may be bombers, dropping bombs on ground targets.

– The 1st Battalion commander—Major Dobson—attacked one tank by shooting the commander with his pistol, and dropping a white phosphorus grenade into the tank.

– However, he was elected county judge again in <!– The prevailing assumptions are that there existed no other alternative besides effecting the atomic bombs and that upon dropping them, Japan would immediately surrender.

– He was known for running multiple times in general elections either under the Workers’ Party or Independent and for dropping out of the elections in the last minute.

– The prevailing assumptions are that there existed no other alternative besides effecting the atomic bombs and that upon dropping them, Japan would immediately surrender.

– After dropping to tropical storm strength it became a hurricane again on October 17.

– Navy in December 1941, dropping out of the University of Texas.

– Hi, dropping by with some good news.

– This plane is famous for dropping the first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II.

– Hennig was known by the nickname, “The Axe”, a nickname he had because of his signature, often finishing move of dropping a full weight elbow onto his opponents.

– A bomber is a type of airplane that is used to attack ground targets, mainly by dropping bombs.

– The police try to kill The Blob by dropping a power line onto it.

– Ironically, the recording notably includes the drummer yelling “Fuck!” after dropping his drumstick at the 0:54 mark.

– His approval ratings had begun dropping because of the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

– It is done by dropping the last digit on the right of the number.

– Ian chose to quit the challenge, giving immunity to Tom, after Tom played on his regret for hurting Katie’s feelings and breaking his promises to her, and Ian felt that dropping out would make up for the emotional damage he had done.

– Senate race in New Mexico after Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn Jr., was dropping out of the race.

– Officials have thought about putting in or aerial dropping radiation killing boric acid, boronated plastic beads or boron carbide pellets into the spent fuel pools to absorb neutrons.

– Prost started to attack Piquet who gave in to the pressure and went wide, dropping down to fourth.

- The founders solved this issue by dropping the Amendment requirements.

- After dropping out of high school in his senior year, Gacy moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, to work in a mortuary.
- This nocturnal bird of prey hunts mainly rodents, usually by dropping from a perch to seize its prey, which it swallows whole; in towns its diet includes a higher proportion of birds.

– Paul is famous for dropping the first Atomic bomb on Hiroshima in the B-29 Superfortress called Enola Gay.

– Howdy all; just dropping by to administer the next WP:CENSUS.

– An overhead kick is a move where a wrestler starts by either lying down or dropping down on the mat while the opponent standing near their head.

– Example: A person is standing on the top of a roof and dropping a feather.

– In most countries in the Developed countrydeveloped world, the number of people going to church who claim to be Christians has been dropping over the last few decades.

– The team were awarded what was termed a 14th entry, which hinges either on another team dropping out or all the other teams agreeing to allow 28 cars to enter the 2010 Championship.

– If Mario goes back to small Mario, the item will start dropping right away.

– Ivan accelerated to the northeast ahead of an approaching cold front, dropping heavy rainfall along its path.

– The idea of dropping soldiers from height dates back to Benjamin Franklin whose idea was to drop soldiers with parachutes from balloons.

– Slowly moving northwestward through Texas, Tropical Depression Erin managed to keep an area of convection near the center, with its widespread, but scattered rainbands dropping moderate to heavy precipitation.

– During the “puja” sisters circle brothers by dropping oil on the floor from a copper pitcher.

– But Mansell then passed Senna on lap 2 and Senna spun on the next lap, dropping down to fifth.

– Kong holds Mechani-Kong’s leg and dropping Susan and hold her onto the place, Mechani-Kong steps an tower and electrocutes the giant robot ape, Mechani-Kong fell off the tower and crashes to metal pieces.

– Many weight trainers train differently and for the result of being strong and doing difficult things for a long time while not thinking about dropping body fat far under normal.

– Pouring of EM solution and dropping Bokashi balls into the lake has only become a temporary solution.

– The end of the video shows the band dropping their instruments and leaving.

– US military commanders made statements during and immediately after 1945 that they believed Japan was effectively defeated prior to the dropping of the bomb.

– The whole design of the tower aims for an effect of splendor, giving the viewer the impression that pearls of various sizes are dropping onto an emerald plate.

– Contact frightens her; she escapes, dropping her scarf…

– I have even seen people then start dropping the “‘re” from “you’re”, as in “You going to be mad!”.

– In April 2014 the museum was renamed Azerbaijan Carpet Museum dropping its much longer official title.

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