In sentence examples of “doomed”

How to use in-sentence of “doomed”:

– What Goes Around Comes Around: Chronos from “A Comedy of Eras” returns and puts Stanley in a time loop where Stanley—and the Mask—are doomed to repeat the same half-hour.

– For what it’s worth I think this should be stopped to prevent further ado and discussed until there’s a consensus that such a process could survive without being mechanically driven, doomed from the beginning.

– Marie Josèphe was the mother of three kings of France, including the doomed Louis XVI of FranceLouis XVI, who died under the guillotine during the French Revolution.

– Undiscovered by the USSR Kremlin’s censors for many months, however, Charents had used the first letter of each line to frame a quite different “message”, which read: “O Armenian people, your only salvation is in the power of your unity.” Whoops! Like the distant Mount Ararat, it was a brave, hopeless symbol, as doomed as it was impressive.

– Two of his most famous poems are “Anthem for Doomed Youth” and “Dulce et decorum est”, which borrows a phrase from Horace.

In sentence examples of doomed
In sentence examples of doomed

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