In-sentence examples of “distinguishing”

How to use in-sentence of “distinguishing”:

– In 1385 the Parliament of Scotland decreed that Scottish soldiers should wear a saltire as a distinguishing mark.

– The template is not capable of distinguishing Julian and Gregorian calendar dates.

– SGL is sometimes used among gay male African Americans as a way of distinguishing themselves from what they think of as white LGBT groups of persons.

– Thus, it is not just an ancestral trait, but a recently evolved distinguishing trait.

– Percival is most commonly known for retrieving Excalibur from a clan of mischievous faery creatures, whose only distinguishing characteristics were their brightly colored headwear and small stature.

– Similarly, a mole refers to a specific quantity– its distinguishing feature is that its number is far larger than other common units.

In-sentence examples of distinguishing
In-sentence examples of distinguishing

Example sentences of “distinguishing”:

- In cerebral achromatopsia, a person cannot perceive colors even though the eyes are capable of distinguishing them.

- It is one of the distinguishing features of a region known as Wachau.

– In cerebral achromatopsia, a person cannot perceive colors even though the eyes are capable of distinguishing them.

– It is one of the distinguishing features of a region known as Wachau.

– Vessel elements are the main feature distinguishing the “hardwood” of angiosperms from the “softwood” of conifers.

– The direct current always flow in the same direction, distinguishing it from the alternating current.

– The flight style of different families of dragonfly is one of their distinguishing features.

– Although very similar in appearance to the Grant’s gazelle, they have some distinguishing features.

– One of the purposes of this template is distinguishing this use more clearly from cases, which use full spacing, and which are hybrids between two taxa, not a genus epithet followed by a species-level hybrid epithet; probably only biologists would notice the capitalization difference.

– Although related to caching, memoization refers to a specific case of this optimization, distinguishing it from forms of caching such as buffering or page replacement.

– The most distinguishing feature of the Korea mask plays is variations of specific lines in plays.

– In central place there was a rest, cuadra and lobby, separated by a “patio” given a space distinguishing semipublic from private areas.

– It currently does oak leaf clusters, award stars, service stars as well as the Arrowhead device, Valor device, Valor deviceCombat V, Fleet Marine Force Combat Operations Insignia, and Operational Distinguishing Device.

– Beyond the visible range, frequency is less discussed, for example it is little used in distinguishing between X-Ray photons and infrared.

– The town was oriented so that the bright blue roofs and white sides of the buildings would be the most distinguishing features when viewed from the border.

– The six-layer neocortex is a distinguishing feature of mammals; it has been found in the brains of all mammals, but not in any other animals.

– The Grant’s gazelle looks similar to a Thomson’s gazelle, except for some distinguishing features, such as a different horn shape.

– One of the distinguishing features of JLab is the continuous nature of the electron beam, with a bunch length of less than 1 picosecond.

– These eyes are fairly simple structures, capable of distinguishing between light and dark.

– The bats’ most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight.

– Other distinguishing features are the protrusible eyes: they can stick the eyes up a bit to see round.

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