In sentence examples of “disabled”

How to use in-sentence of “disabled”:

– In 1967, Brown joined the staff of Disabled American Veterans, a service and advocacy organization.

– Cleland, a Democratic Party Democrat, is a disabled US Army veteran of the Vietnam War.

– Stadium access was made eaiser for disabled fans.

– By this they meant Jews, Slavs, Romani peopleRoma, homosexuals and disabled people.

– But when she plans one night to go see him, Edward has disabled her truck so she cannot go.

– As part of the project, a new main entrance will be created at the southern end of the station with new escalators, stairs and lifts installed for quicker access to other platforms and to help disabled passengers.

– The social model of disability encourages identity first language and is not just preferred by most of the disabled community but is also part of the social model of disability.

In sentence examples of disabled
In sentence examples of disabled

Example sentences of “disabled”:

– For disabled people, there is some extra time.

– From 1944 on, T4 doctors no longer picked out sick, elderly, or disabled prisoners to be killed.

– The municipalities are responsible for many social issues, like schools, Kindergartens and the care for older and disabled people.

– They may also benefit younger people or disabled people by providing periodic payments of money over an extended period of time.

– She was disabled for 2 years.

– These troubles might involve a terminally sick child at home, a husband disabled and out of work, or the need for a hearing aid or a new washing machine.

– When most of the stations in the London Underground system were built, disabled and wheelchair access was not considered.

– He was a disabled veteran of World War I, and a victim of tuberculosis, but he was allowed to join.

– He was on the disabled list for the remainder of the regular season.

– Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with low income in the United States, providing free health insurance to 74 million low-income and disabled people as of 2017.

- For disabled people, there is some extra time.

- From 1944 on, T4 doctors no longer picked out sick, elderly, or disabled prisoners to be killed.
- The municipalities are responsible for many social issues, like schools, Kindergartens and the care for older and disabled people.

More in-sentence examples of “disabled”:

– Obviously, this method isn’t foolproof; those using Netscape Communicator or any skin other than MonoBook, as well as users with CSS disabled aren’t protected, and no one is protected against inappropriate ASCII art.

– The storm of arrows killed or disabled the knights’ mounts, and left the knights floundering in the mud on foot beneath a hail of arrows.

– In World War Two, many thousands of disabled people were murdered by Nazis.

– Turkey Physically Disabled Sports Federation Wheelchair Curling was created a year before the ability to get the right to go by winning the Wheelchair Curling World Championships B Tournament.

– Ableism or ablecentrism is prejudice towards disabled people.

– Due to Facebook Connect service changes, Facebook support is disabled in all bundled apps effective June 8, 2015.

– The more specific categorisation system of “States and territories established in the ” is disabled at present.

– Because the verification function adds some overhead to the template, it can optionally be globally disabled by setting the variable “verifydates = no”.

– His election as Vice President was well known because as a paraplegic, Moreno was one of the world’s few disabled national leaders.

– Annie Oliv is a SwedenSwedish beauty queen, disabled person.

– As most users use Monobook, and it is the default for new users, i made certain it was disabled there so it does not cause too many issues.

– The Liming Family received more than 600 abandoned or disabled babies.

– At that time, disabled people often could not marry.

– It provides further executive areas and disabled facilities for viewing an event.

– Also, the children who acted as the disabled put on splendid acting like real.

– This can happen for a short period of time, if the President is just sick or disabled for a short time.

– His story is heartening and tells me that those who may be perceived by some as disabled can make a productive life for him or herself and may even find great fame and fortune.

– Some studies show that disabled people are sometimes treated badly.

Disabled people, especially disabled girls, are much more likely than non-disabled people to be sexually abused.

– Newer stations include disabled access, and many older stations install disabled access when they are refurbished or rebuilt.

– He also founded the Manuela Espejo Solidarity Mission for the Disabled, which offers rehab, technical help, and psychological support to thousands of disabled Ecuadorians.

– This is a convenience for the disabled driver or passenger.

– During his first year in the office of Vice President of Ecuador, Moreno investigated the state of disabled people in Ecuador.

– After having published “The Crucible” raising public interest in the rights of disabled students.

– It seats up to 1,500 fans and also provides extensive facilities for disabled supporters.

– One day, she knew that the disabled students in Jayae school physically attacked by school officers.

– The 2014 Asian Para Games is a disabled sport event held months after the Asian Games.

– This can be offensive to disabled people.

– On January 21 2014 the MediaWiki extension Universal Language Selector was disabled on this wiki.

– Forcing a fixed number of columns has been disabled in mobile view.

– Ford reported that he downloaded the audio recording from a NASA Websiteweb site and analyzed it using editing disabled people.

– As well as giving practical support to families with disabled children, Owen Spencer-Thomas headed several successful major charity appeals and raised millions of pounds for adult accommodation.

– On October 21, the Harris Fire damaged and disabled the Southwest Power Link, a 500,000-volt power line from Arizona to San Diego.

– In 2013 a councillor in Cornwall called Colin Brewer said that disabled children ‘should be put down’ to save money.

– Upload import is disabled on most Wikimedia wikis, but this wiki has elected to allow bureaucrats to assign and revoke the flag if needed.

– The risks in training a disabled person in diving are no higher than for able bodied people.

– Nonverbal learning disabilities affect one in ten learning disabled children.

– Drivers who are not disabled can be fined or their cars towed if they use these spaces.

– I was trying to add 112332, but was disabled by abuse filter.

– Attanayake was a known disabled rights activist because he was paralyzed due to ALS.

– I disabled e-mail on his account a while ago, so I’d appreciate if another admin could look into it.

– The disabled spaces are usually wider than the others so that the vehicle doors can be opened wide for the disabled person to get out.

– Some of the victims were left permanently disabled due to the injuries caused by the explosion.

– Additional requirements relating to access by disabled persons, may be mandated by laws or regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.

– He was placed on the 10-day disabled list on June 19 with shoulder inflammation.

– Some spaces are set aside for disabled drivers or disabled passengers.

– He was killed by Philoctetes, an Achaean hero-king who had been abandoned by the others on the island of Lemnos after a venomous snake bit rendered him disabled and made his leg stink.

– A separate question would be whether the button would be enabled or disabled by default, so if many people objected here, it could be disabled by default, and turned on in each individual editor’s preferences.

– In Germany, Adolf Hitler allowed disabled children to be killed, and called it euthanasia.

– The Metro network was disabled in its entirety.

- Obviously, this method isn't foolproof; those using Netscape Communicator or any skin other than MonoBook, as well as users with CSS disabled aren't protected, and no one is protected against inappropriate ASCII art.

- The storm of arrows killed or disabled the knights' mounts, and left the knights floundering in the mud on foot beneath a hail of arrows.
- In World War Two, many thousands of disabled people were murdered by Nazis.

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