In-sentence examples of “dependent”

How to use in-sentence of “dependent”:

– Scientific understanding derives from observation, but the acceptance of scientific statements is dependent on the related theoretical paradigm as well as on observation.

– Many plants, including some avocados, dates, mangos, and peaches, are dependent on these bats for either pollination or seed dispersal.

– If there is some relation specifying “y” in terms of “x”, then y is known as a dependent variable.

– This is dependent upon whether they finish with year levels 11 and 12.

– Hydro power is the oldest and most dependent source of electricity generation, taking a share of nearly 42% of the total available grid capacity in December 2014, and 37% of power generated in 2014.

– A dependent personality disorder is a personality disorder that involves a psychological dependence on other people.

In-sentence examples of dependent
In-sentence examples of dependent

Example sentences of “dependent”:

– The extent of the impact is dependent upon the type, and duration of the stress, as well as the past experiences of the animal.

– It is usually what you think will affect the dependent variable.

– This proportionality constant is dependent on the distance from the wall to the sample shown as.

– The animals and plants become dependent on the humans who keep them, and they change in ways that are better for human use.

– An agricultural dependent area, which produces chunk of fruit that includes Grapes, Apple, Peach, Plums and Berreys.

– Linear regression is a way to explain the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more explanatory variables using a straight line.

– Their economic conditions are heavily dependent on foreign remittances of family earning hands settled in large numbers in Karachi, Middle East and other countries.

– The lesser kudu is less dependent on water sources than the greater kudu.

– Sea transport of Mandaue is highly dependent on Port of Cebu and Cebu International Port, because of the city’s proximity to these facilities.

- The extent of the impact is dependent upon the type, and duration of the stress, as well as the past experiences of the animal.

- It is usually what you think will affect the dependent variable.
- This proportionality constant is dependent on the distance from the wall to the sample shown as.

– The answer is dependent on the values of the input parameters.

– Shiva says: ‘For the benefit of men of the Kali age, men bereft of energy and dependent for existence on the food they eat, the Kaula doctrine, O auspicious one! is given’ Chap.

– Many interesting algorithms take a number of steps that is dependent on the size of the problem.

– Both the North and the South remained heavily dependent on their sponsor states from 1948 to the outbreak of the Korean War.

– The economic resources of Cape Verde are largely dependent on agriculture and fishing.

– But without this independent sentence”Nick came and took a bow”, the dependent sentence cannot stay by itself.

– But the BRIC not necessarily dependent on China to exist, because in 2050 Brazil, Russia and India together have a GDP US$ 57,614 will not have big difference, compared to the G7 which together have a GDP US$ 66,039.

More in-sentence examples of “dependent”:

- The electrical conductivityconductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is strongly dependent on the band gap.

- Newton's second law states that acceleration of a particle is dependent on the forces acting upon the particle and the particle's mass.
- The tribe controlled the area between the Missouri RiverMissouri and Red River to the South and were greatly dependent on nomadic buffalo hunting and farming.

– The electrical conductivityconductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is strongly dependent on the band gap.

– Newton’s second law states that acceleration of a particle is dependent on the forces acting upon the particle and the particle’s mass.

– The tribe controlled the area between the Missouri RiverMissouri and Red River to the South and were greatly dependent on nomadic buffalo hunting and farming.

– The city was a dependent of Abu Dhabi until 1833.

– This is because people have become dependent on them.

– It states that electrons can behave like both Particle physicsparticles and waves, and can cancel the effects of an energy barrier if the energy barrier is thin enough, due to quantum mechanics being dependent on probability.

– The viral life cycle is dependent on a host cell.

– The town Ratibořské Hory, founded four hundred eighty years ago in the northeast of Tabor, was for several centuries dependent on mining.

– This made the area more dependent on the American trade.

– They have some human-like characteristics, such as hypertension, anxiety, and social and dependent alcohol use.

– As its development and release is dependent on the model of “Windows as a service”, it is not included in Windows 10 Enterprise Long-term servicing branch builds.

– Therefore, and as the choice of the prevalent path is dependent on a large number of tiny details, which are very difficult to determine beforehand, this choice appears as random, and can be considered as chaotic.

– They had to learn how to be dependent on others for teamwork.

– Kanfen and all of the Thionville region was dependent of the Duchy of Luxembourg.

– For the next 80 years, the government and the nation were weak, making Poland dependent on Russia.

– Notability is not dependent on the state of sourcing in our version of the article.

– By the 1840s, Ireland was so dependent on the potato that a diseased crop led to the devastating Irish Potato Famine.

– It Dependent territorybelongs to Norway and is not subject to the Antarctic Treaty.

– Though members of the University may borrow some books from some dependent libraries, the vast majority of the material held by the Bodleian may only be read within the library buildings.

– They will become dependent on infant formula products to feed their babies.

– At the half of the 14th century, Bartholus of Sassoferrato, who was a renowned jurist, asserted that Perugia was dependent upon neither imperial nor papal support.

– Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate.

– For example, the Child and Dependent Care Credit is for parents who work, but have to pay over $3,000 a year for someone to take care of their children while they are working.

– On an average, few people do cultivation and rest of them are dependent on other source of income.

– When someone is born with the genes that increase addiction, it causes their brain and body to become dependent on drugs very quickly.

– It is dependent on the kind of vandalism how many warnings I give the anons before I block them.

– If a dependent person stops taking the drug, they may become very sick or die.

– For example, Guam became a dependent territory of the United States, whereas Hawaii was made a state of the Union.

– Skinner invented the “operant conditioning chamber” which let him measure rate of response as a key dependent variable.

– Introspection forms no essential part of its methods, nor is the scientific value of its data dependent upon the readiness with which they lend themselves to interpretation in terms of consciousness.

– The household was dependent on slavery.

– The commune of Antártica was created on July 11, 1961, and was dependent on the Magallanes Province until 1975, when the Antártica Chilena Province was created, making it dependent administratively on Puerto Williams, the province capital.

– Hitler’s Germany was dependent on a continuous importation of fuel and crude oil from the Romanian oil fields of Ploesti.

– Finally, the old dependent population, which includes senior citizens aged 65 and up, accounts for 4.46 percent of the total.

– The only time a sentence can be made up of only dependent clauses is when they are joined by correlative conjunctions: conjunction pairs like “either/or”, “neither/nor”, and “not only/but also”.

– A dependent clause is one that does not express a complete thought.

– Within a table that is in second normal form, the data in each columns in each row are dependent on each row’s entire primary key.

– Unlike Type 2 diabetics who might never need to inject insulin, however, the LADA patients become insulin dependent within several years.

– The economic situation was also poor, and the cities became more and more dependent on Venice.

– The economy was highly dependent on mining until the 1960s.

– The list includes sovereign states and self-governing dependent territorydependent territories based upon the ISO standard ISO 3166-1.

– The Krupps wanted their workers to be absolutely dependent on them.

– The island is an dependent territoryoverseas territory of France, but Mauritius claims that the island is theirs.

– The degree of complexity relative to these activities are dependent on the experience level and abilities of any one individual.

– The amount of capsaicin in peppers is highly variable and dependent on genetics.

– Ionization energies are dependent upon the” atomic radius”.

– Pak Sindhiana Island is a dependent area of ​​Pakistan.

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