In-sentence examples of “cut into”

How to use in-sentence of “cut into”:

+ After a tree falls, the wood in it can be cut into long, straight pieces called lumber.

+ On April 21, 2001, “Weekend Now” was the first news programme to cut into the weekend timeslot of “Weather Center”.

+ A fixed tenon was made by shaping the end of one timber to fit into a mortise that is cut into a second timber.

+ The section is cut into a series of wafer-thin slices, each of which is put on a glass microscope slide.

+ Mortise locks, commonly found on older buildings, are comprised of a pocket that is cut into the door to which the lock will be fitted.

In-sentence examples of cut into
In-sentence examples of cut into

Example sentences of “cut into”:

+ A tuber is cut into pieces, each with one or more “eyes”.

+ Then he was beheaded, and his body cut into four parts.

+ A matchstick is a thin, smooth slice of wood, delicately cut into a rectangular stick.

+ The valley of Aosta is a typical alpine valley, cut into a V-shape by glaciers during the ice age.

+ In East Asian cuisines, the meat is often cut into thin slices and then steamed or stir-fried.

+ In September 2016, “BFM Politique” with Apolline de Malherbe became the first live programme to cut into Sunday’s “Non Stop Week-End”, from noon to 2pm.

+ There are channels cut into the lake that allow clearance for boats.

+ The strings are taken out and left to dry, before being cut into the appropriate length.

+ Cho at the Korean embassy in WDC, that this is mostly, or at least partly, an artificial cliff cut into the north side of the terrain, and explains this combination semantic and ‘blind-men elephant’ issue.

+ Klein ended up owning much of the music of the Rolling Stones, the Animals and other artists, which cut into their long-term earnings.

+ The body would then be cut into four pieces, and the king would decide where they were to be displayed.

+ A tuber is cut into pieces, each with one or more "eyes".

+ Then he was beheaded, and his body cut into four parts.

+ Ingredients are often cut into pieces or sliced thinly.

+ His tomb was cut into a rock face near Persepolis.

+ Logs are first cut into thin sheets, which are then cut, chopped, milled and bleached into each toothpicks.

+ Even though they ate with their fingers, they had the food cut into tiny pieces before it was served.

+ The art of making sashimi is in the choice of fish and the way it is cut into pieces.

+ In cross-country skiing, a trail refers to the parallel grooves cut into the snow, one for each ski.

+ The order is cut into two parts, civil and military.

+ In PVC, rubber stopper with a hole cut into it can be used.

More in-sentence examples of “cut into”:

+ When John Ostrom described it for “Deinonychus” in 1969, he interpreted the claw as a blade-like slashing weapon, much like the canines of some saber-toothed cats, used with powerful kicks to cut into prey.

+ Slicks with grooves cut into them are used for dirt tracks.

+ Mahogany trees, although endangered, grow very tall and are so may be cut into large sheets.

+ The deeply eroded valleys are cut into Mississippian limestones and below that layer Ordovician dolomites.

+ The town was cut into into 300 lots for future houses and its people were all given civil rights and did not have taxes for seven years.

+ The facade is cut into solid rock, with two groups of very large statues on either side of the large gateway.

+ Between 1964 and 1968, the entire site was carefully cut into large blocks.

+ The military parade was cut into several sequences, somewhat in the manner of a play.

+ It can be cut into parts which look like a smaller version of the picture that was started with.

+ The museum also stands out because it has dragons cut into its foundation stone, which is unusual for a Japanese castle.

+ In one family, the Trigonalidae, the female wasps deposit eggs into small pockets they cut into the edge of leaves with their ovipositor.

+ The oldest gaming pieces ever found – 49 small painted stones with pictures cut into them from 5,000 years ago – come from Turkey, so perhaps the history of Herodotus is true.

+ Meat that is cut into flat pieces for frying or grilling is called ‘steak’.

+ This was because the dog would always cut into on-coming traffic.

+ The tip is shaped in a certain way to match the groove cut into the head of a screw.

+ In some dolmens, the entrance has a door cut into one or more vertical stone slabs.

+ A circular hole was cut into the backdrop and covered with a transparent material.

+ The lowest chamber is cut into the rock on which the pyramid was built.

+ Potato chips, often called crisps, are potatoes cut into very thin round pieces and fried until they are hard.

+ People were horrified by the idea of Morgan’s body being cut into pieces; the government was forced to have an inquiry.

+ An image is cut into a block of wood.

+ The tombs are cut into the rock underground.

+ A tortilla chip is a snack made from corn tortillas, which are cut into triangles and then fried—or baked.

+ Printing is often done on paper before the paper is cut into sheets.

+ The meat in the dish was normally cut into medium-sized pieces and boiled with the vegetables in water.

+ The common name comes from the saw-like appearance of the ovipositor, which the females use to cut into the plants where they lay their eggs.

+ When John Ostrom described it for "Deinonychus" in 1969, he interpreted the claw as a blade-like slashing weapon, much like the canines of some saber-toothed cats, used with powerful kicks to cut into prey.

+ Slicks with grooves cut into them are used for dirt tracks.

+ The first places that were built for Christian worship were small chapels that were cut into a rock where people could worship without being discovered.

+ Shells of many types were popular as human decorations, either used whole or cut into pieces.

+ Pictures for prints can be cut into plates of metal, usually copper or zinc for engraving or etching; stone, used for lithography; blocks of wood for woodcuts, linoleum for linocuts and fabric plates for screen-printing.

+ They are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the “Nubian Monuments.” The temples were cut into solid rock in side of a cliff during the reign of Pharaoh RamessesII in the 13th centuryBC.

+ French fries or “chips” are potatoes cut into long pieces and fried until they are soft.

+ One way is to cut into a tree and measure how far apart the growth rings are.

+ That was whole pages cut into wood, words and pictures.

+ It is cut into small pieces and stirred into milk with sugar.

+ It joined two pieces of wood by putting a separate tenon into a hole of the same size cut into each piece.

+ After fixation a tissue may be cut into thin slices, and put on a series of glass microscope slides.

+ The potatoes are cut into thin strips and fryingfried in oil.

+ Twice-cooked pork is cooked by boiling pork rib steak chunks in hot water with slices of ginger and salt first, then after being cut into thin slices, the pork is put back into a wok and shallow-fried in heathot oil.

+ Bokeh also takes on the shape of the aperture which the light passes through, making most bokeh circular in shape, which also means a lens “mask” made of black paper that has a certain shape cut into it can be placed over a camera lens to make the bokeh shape conform to that of the shape cut into the paper.

+ Most of those that have are made of polished black granite, with the name of the pyramid’s owner cut into them.

+ The Koch Curve can be cut into four pieces, each of which are of the size of the original.

+ The My Little Pony movies and TV specials were later shortened, cut into smaller pieces and put on television as episodes of the show.

+ In later times they were made from granite by Alan Winston which had royal titles and religious symbols cut into them.

+ Wood and other raw materials are cut into small chips and cooked with chemicals in large vessels.

+ The grooves cut into the wood.

+ It is possible to buy underwear made specially to excite another person in a sexual way, such as underwear that can be eaten and underwear with holes cut into them.

+ It is normally served cut into square squares or rectangles.

+ A sawmill is a place where lumber is cut into boards.

+ In a salpicon, ingredients that are diced, cut into small cube-like pieces, and cooked with a sauce or other liquid.

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