In sentence examples of “contrast”

How to use in-sentence of “contrast”:

+ Rowling says she put Harry through extreme emotional stress to show his emotional vulnerability and humanity–a contrast to his nemesis, Voldemort.

+ It has a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1. It is also very sharp, with a resolution of 2436-by-1125.

+ By contrast other well-known eukaryotic groups are often referred to as bikonts.

+ The mechanical, flat movements of the puppets provide contrast to the natural movements of the crowd, and mime accentuates the Ballerina’s vanity, the Moor’s mindless pride, and Petruchka’s helplessness.

+ In contrast to it naginata is shorter, wider and more curved to the tip.

+ Connecticut’s rural areas and small towns in the northeast and northwest corners of the state contrast sharply with its industrial cities, located along the coastal highways from the New York border to New Haven, then northwards to Hartford, as well as further up the coast near New London.

+ They have naked seeds, in contrast to the seeds or ovules of flowering plants which are enclosed during pollination.

+ Romana first appears in “The Ribos Operation”, and was intended as a contrast to her predecessor, the savage Leela.

In sentence examples of contrast
In sentence examples of contrast

Example sentences of “contrast”:

+ In the late 19th century it came to mean the concept that natural selection was the only mechanism of evolution, in contrast to Lamarckism.

+ Socrates drives it towards a contrast between true knowledge produced by the art of philosophy, and the practical tricks of rhetoric.

+ The logical topology, in contrast to the “physical”, is the wignals act on the network media, or the way that the data passes through the network from one device to the next without regard to the physical interconnection of the devices.

+ The term “desktop publishing” is attributed to Aldus Corporation founder Paul Brainerd, who sought a marketing catch-phrase to describe the small size and relative affordability of this software in contrast to the expensive commercial phototypesetting equipment of the day.

+ Another theory explains that the nation was termed as such in order to emphasize the division of those who stayed in China in contrast to the people living in Vietnam.

+ They were nicknamed ‘Tadpole’ units because of the contrast between the wide-bodied 416 ‘head’ and the narrow-bodied 206 ‘tail’.

+ It created a striking contrast to the bareness of Petrushka’s room.

+ A punt is in contrast to a drop kick, in which the ball touches the ground before being kicked.

+ These rapid plant movements contrast with the more common, and much slower “growth-movements” of plants.

+ Maximilian was shocked by the living conditions of the poor in contrast to the magnificent haciendas of the upper class.

+ In the late 19th century it came to mean the concept that natural selection was the only mechanism of evolution, in contrast to Lamarckism.

+ Socrates drives it towards a contrast between true knowledge produced by the art of philosophy, and the practical tricks of rhetoric.
+ The logical topology, in contrast to the "physical", is the wignals act on the network media, or the way that the data passes through the network from one device to the next without regard to the physical interconnection of the devices.

+ In most of his paintings, there are deep whites and blacks which shows contrast between different parts of the work.

+ In contrast to the peaceful and affectionate behaviours she observed, Goodall also found a mean side of chimpanzee nature at Gombe Stream.

+ Its backlight and contrast are as good as the 101 model of the Game Boy Advance SP.

+ In contrast the seven departments that have gained the most population in absolute value are Haute-Garonne, Gironde, Bouches-du-Rhône, Seine-Saint-Denis, Loire-Atlantique, Hauts-de Seine, and Hérault.

+ The contrast of the smoothly rendered nude figure to the intricate surface details of the fruit, draperies, and jewelry, presents a union of Flemish and Italian motifs that characterized French courtly art of the sixteenth century.” National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

+ In contrast to this illusion he stands for the reality.

+ It is also a technical term used by art historians and artists for the contrast of light.

+ It gives a very good contrast in style with the four other dances.

More in-sentence examples of “contrast”:

+ In contrast to the Proterozoic, Archean rocks are often heavily metamorphized deep-water sediments, such as greywackes, mudstones, volcanic sediments, and banded iron formations.

+ Today the word has different meanings, but it is always used for the contrast of a word or phrase with its primary, literal meaning.

+ In contrast to other languages, Alemannic German is only a spoken language; there is no fixed orthography for the language.

+ Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries.

+ The ubiquitous black created a striking contrast with the banners and dynastic color of the Umayyads, which had been white…

+ That depends on the contrast being drawn.

+ But in contrast to the other game the player has to take card to move.

+ Boyle supported the policy that the Bible should be available in the language of the people, in contrast to the Latin-only policy of the Roman Catholic Church at the time.

+ They are the antagonists, and they usually use red lightsabers in contrast to the variety of colors used by the Jedi.

+ A DVD-R can be written only once, in contrast with a rewritable DVD formats such as DVD-RW or DVD+RW which can be rewritten multiple times.

+ In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank can increase or decrease the amount of money in the nation.

+ The last movement is a big contrast to the atmosphere in the slow movement.

+ In 2006, a new version of Furby baby was released, with most notable features being the new look and a more “Baby-ish” appearance in contrast to the Emoto-Tronic Furby adult.

+ Calvin’s mom and dad are mostly American middle-class parents; like many other characters in the strip, their relatively realistic and sensible manners act as a contrast to Calvin’s childish and selfish behavior.

+ They eventually developed a vast colonial empire, in contrast to the Portuguese who ruled a few islands and coastal cities along the Indian Ocean.

+ Inkjet printers are preferred for printing Photographyphotos and graphics due to their high-quality color output, whereas laser printers are preferred for printing text due to their high contrast and speed.

+ In sharp contrast to this population genetic phenomenon of regression to the mean, which is best thought of as a combination of a Binomial distributionbinomially distributed process of inheritance, the term “regression to the mean” is now often used to describe completely different phenomena in which an initial sampling bias may disappear as new, repeated, or larger samples display sample means that are closer to the true underlying population mean.

+ A different girdle in terms of color on the chest adds variety to the contrast of black and white, which could otherwise look serious and solemn.

+ PMID 1251214 In these animals, light organs control the contrast of this illumination to create optiminal matching.

+ Even when viewed from nearby, most spacecraft images use contrast enhancements to clearly show the cracks in the Europan ice.

+ In contrast with the helium nuclei which are positively charged, and therefore repelled by the strong electrical forces in the nuclei of heavy atoms, this new tool in atomic disintegration need not overcome any electric barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting the nuclei of even the heaviest elements.

+ This is in contrast to Herodotus, who frequently mentions multiple versions of his stories and allows the reader to decide which is true.

+ Some trilobites such as “Asaphus kowalewski” evolved long eyestalks to assist in detecting predators whereas other trilobite eyes in contrast disappeared completely.

+ This is in contrast to other herbivores like the Ceratopsia and Ankylosauria, which were low browsers, eating lower vegetation like shrubs.

+ This is in contrast to turbulent flow, when a fluid swirls around.

+ In contrast to real numbers that vary “smoothly”, discrete mathematics studies objects such as integers, graphs, and statements in logic.

+ In contrast to the Proterozoic, Archean rocks are often heavily metamorphized deep-water sediments, such as greywackes, mudstones, volcanic sediments, and banded iron formations.

+ Today the word has different meanings, but it is always used for the contrast of a word or phrase with its primary, literal meaning.
+ In contrast to other languages, Alemannic German is only a spoken language; there is no fixed orthography for the language.

+ Beta decay is what scientists call a neutron breaking down, in contrast with alpha decay where an atom breaks down.

+ In both games he played midfield, this is in contrast to his ‘right back’ role for his club side, Manchester United.

+ Wright showed the contrast of light and dark.

+ In contrast to the A-side, which is a cover song, the B-side, with the Latin song “Midnight Lovers” composed by Takashi Miki, tried to revive with a sound that was ahead of the trend, but the decline of the GS boom could not be stopped anymore, and the same year.

+ A strong lightness contrast between a mid-valued yellow paint and a surrounding bright white makes the yellow appear to be green or brown, while a strong brightness contrast between a rainbow and the surrounding sky makes the yellow in a rainbow appear to be a fainter yellow, or white.

+ This was in contrast to the attitude of the British Dublin Castle administration, which refused appeals from the Royal Irish Constabulary that that force be disarmed.

+ They had short necks and large heads, in contrast to other plesiosaurs.

+ Please read the below, contrast it with what is on the current page, and tell me how the below constitutes vandalism.

+ They are in contrast with the stingless honey bee.

+ In contrast to CQD, which was sent as three separate letters with spaces between each letter, the SOS distress call has always been transmitted as a continuous sequence of dits-and-dahs, and not as individual letters.

+ In this way, the medieval and early modern Fens stood in contrast to the rest of southern England, which was primarily an arable agricultural region.

+ The solemnity of the scene is in sharp contrast to the emotional scenes that have preceded and follow it.

+ Originally, it referred to the countries that were under the influence of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople during the middle ages, which was in contrast to the West which referred to the countries under the influence of the Roman Catholic and later Protestant Churches.

+ The module has several preset background colors that have acceptable contrast with black foreground text.

+ In contrast with the First Chamber First Chamber or Senate the Second Chamber has extensive legislative powers.

+ The term: microarchitecture was used to describe the units that were controlled by the microprogram words, in contrast to the term: “architecture” that was visible and documented for programmers.

+ Fashion columnists of the “Dallas Morning News” reported that Davis’s work was strongly influenced by the great masters of couture, but that he managed to move forward, adding his own signature of modern minimalism; further stating that his approach to fashion and to his business were in remarkable contrast to his age.

+ Pre-rendered scenes can require more digital storage space, weaken suspension of disbelief through contrast with real-time animation of normal gameplay, and limit interaction.

+ Fluids usually take on the shape of their containers, in contrast to solids which maintain their own shape.

+ The double bass is generally tuned in fourths, in contrast to members of the orchestral string family, which are tuned in fifths.

+ This species lives on the ground, in contrast to other living anteaters and sloths which are arboreal or semi-arboreal.

+ It was a maritime empire, in contrast to the land-based Roman empire.

+ In contrast to this, a general-purpose computer needs to be ready for new device drivers and software to run hardware it doesn’t know about yet, like new printers or hard drives.

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