In sentence examples of “christian”

How to use in-sentence of “christian”:

+ With the help of Bran they plan on secretly taking Niamh out of Sídhe Dubh and take her to a Christian nunnery where she can be safe.

+ The Christian schism was an important factor in the history of Dalmatia.

+ These people should then convince the local population to convert to the Christian faith.

+ Neoplatonism, with its fusion of pagan and Christian themes and its elevation of estheticism as a transcendental element of art, was deeply influential in his artwork, as it was with his patrons, the Medicis.

+ In some of late writings, he wrote that the Bible was the authority of the Christian religion, not of the church.

In sentence examples of christian
In sentence examples of christian

Example sentences of “christian”:

+ Van Andel was a member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

+ The terms, with variations, are used for all kinds of Christian churches.

+ Van Andel was a member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

+ The terms, with variations, are used for all kinds of Christian churches.

+ The Christian Social Union of Bavaria or Christlich Soziale Union is a conservatismconservative political party in the German state of Bavaria.

+ Since her husband’s death from AIDS, Nancy Heche has been a Christian therapist and motivational speaker.

+ He taught many famous musicians, including Edvard Grieg, Christian Sinding, Leoš Janáček, Isaac Albéniz, Johan Svendsen, Felix Weingartner and Max Bruch.

+ She was the manager of Young Women’s Christian Association of Korea.

+ The traditional way of making an icon was used in Egypt in Early Christian times to make portraits of dead people to use for their funerals.

+ These include Christopher, Christian Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christos.

+ During the Crusades, the Christian crusaders laid siege to Antioch.

+ In the Christian Bible, the story of the creation of the world in the book of Genesis describes how Adam and Eve lived in Eden in peace with all of the animals.

+ The order’s approximately 25,000 confrères, supported by 4,000 employees and 250,000 volunteers, are mainly Anglicans, though those of other Christian denominations or other religions are accepted into the order, and honorary membership is presented to distinguished adherents of other religions.

+ Rodney Mullen did many of the skateboarding stunts for Christian Slater in the 1989 skateboarding movie “Gleaming the Cube”.

+ The highest-profile contemporary supporters for conversion therapy are Christian fundamentalists and other religious organizations.

+ Ambrose and Augustine were among the first Church fathers who brought Christian ideas and Greek philosophy together.

+ In 1832 a Christian mission was started in the settlement for the Aborigines.

+ Another result of the council was an agreement on the date of the Christian Passover, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar.

More in-sentence examples of “christian”:

+ The remaining 1% are Christian and Jewish.

+ John 3:16 is a verse from the Christian Bible.
+ These letters are called Pastor"pastoral", because the are sent to persons who are pastors of Christian churches.Timothy was a pastor in Ephesus.

+ The remaining 1% are Christian and Jewish.

+ John 3:16 is a verse from the Christian Bible.

+ These letters are called Pastor”pastoral”, because the are sent to persons who are pastors of Christian churches.Timothy was a pastor in Ephesus.

+ Writing by Coptic Christians was important to Christian literature at that time.The Nag Hammadi library protected some books from being lost or destroyed.

+ Most Croatian Americans are of the Roman Catholic faith, but other Christian faiths are commonly followed.

+ Losers were left parties like SP and GL, Christian democratic party CDA, populist party PVV, and senior citizen party 50+.

+ About his political involvements in the 1980s, Cruz reflected, “I was on the state board of the Religious Roundtable, a Christian and Jewish religious organization that worked to elect Ronald Reagan.” At the time, he told his son, “God has destined you for greatness. “The Brody File”, David Brody, July 22, 2013.

+ Gloria Gaither is a Christian songwriter, editor, educator and screenwriter.

+ The Konkan had various Christian castes, because of the rule of the Portuguese.

+ Armando Christian Pérez, better known by his stage name Pitbull, is a Cuban-AmericaAmerican rapper and singer.

+ He obtained his PhD in 1976 with thesis on the relationship between the Slovenian Christian Socialist movement and the Communist Party of Slovenia within the Liberation Front of the Slovenian People, which at the time was a somehow problematic topic.

+ When he died in Paris, Voltaire was not allowed to be buried in a church because he did not believe in the Christian God.

+ In 1990 and 1992, “Billboard” named him the Contemporary Christian Artist of the Year.

+ On February 14, 269 AD, Valentine was executionbeheaded because of his Christian faith.

+ The Christian Holy Bible talks about God in different ways.

+ Ylva Elisabet Eggehorn is a SwedenSwedish Christian poet, writer, and hymnwriter.

+ Yi ruled between 1863 and 1874, during his rule he tried to close Korea from foreign influences and protect the traditional Korean way of life; when Christian missionaries threatened the traditional Korean social hierarchy, he became a persecutor of Christians martyring Korean converts and Western missionaries.

+ In 1909 Narasu left Christian College.

+ In 1986 he became a councilor for the Christian Democratic Appeal in the town of Ridderkerk.

+ Bede asserts that the current Christian festival of Easter took its name from the Goddess’s feast in “Eostur-monath”.

+ Persons who are more devoted the their Christian faith prefer not to use the word so broadly, but only use it to refer to those who are active in their Christian religion and really believe the teachings of Jesus and their church.

+ There are also other Christian groups in Italy, more than 700,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians.

+ There are many Christian stations that operate with a Missionary purpose.

+ The best known are the four Christian books called the Gospels.

+ The Serbian Orthodox Church is one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches.

+ In virtually all Christian traditions, this regular public worship is accompanied by other forms of worship, such as prayer and study, small group prayer, and formal ceremonies on special occasions, including weddings, funerals and events of Church or state.

+ Ernest Winston Angley is an American Christian evangelist, author and television station.

+ Shocked by the poverty and injustice which he discovered, Young became a staunch Christian socialist and, very rare for a chief constable, a lifelong Labour Party voter.

+ The debut single from the album, “You”, was released on March 27, 2007 and reached the Top 10 on Hot Christian Songs.

+ Baptism by the Christian Roma and Male Circumcision by the Muslim Roma are practiced.

+ According to the 2005 statistics from the World Christian Database, Ethiopian Pentecostal/Charismatic members cover a bit over 16 percent of the country as P’ent’ays of Ethiopia.

+ Salvation history, especially in the context of Christian theology, is an approach to understand events as part of the working of God’s will to save humans.

+ Ecumenical movements within Protestantism have focused on determining a list of doctrines and practices essential to being Christian and thus extending to all groups which fulfill these basic criteria a equal status, with perhaps one’s own group still retaining a “first among equal” standing.

+ She was about eight years older than Johann Christian and, perhaps because of this, they never had children.

+ He went on to organize the whole Christian Church at the First Council of Nicea, even though he himself did not get baptized until near the end of his life.

+ Flanders had originally been meant to just be a neighbor that Homer was jealous of, but Harry Shearer used “such a sweet voice” and Flanders was planned to become a Christian and a sweet guy that someone would choose to live next to over Homer.

+ The name comes from its inventor, Hans Christian Gram.

+ The great Moorish cities of Córdoba, SpainCórdoba and Seville fell into Christian possession in the first half of the 13th century.

+ The resurrection of Jesus is the Christian belief that he returned to life by a miracle.

+ Many members of the Christian right do not believe in evolution, because it goes against the creation story of the Bible.

+ Then he became a Christian himself and was an important leader.

+ Edge and Christian won the match after they climbed the ladder and grabbed the belts that were hanging above the ring.

+ Byzantine art means the Christian Greek art of the Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire from about the 5th century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

+ Richard Girnt Butler was a white supremacist and American Christian religious leader.

+ Hans Christian Andersen was a DanesDanish writer.

+ Stoic doctrine was popular in Greece and the Roman Empire from its founding until all the schools of philosophy were ordered closed in 529 AD by the Emperor Justinian I, who thought their pagan character was at odds with his Christian faith.

+ Part of this is told through letters by early Christian leaders, especially Saint Paul.

+ The printingprinters then began to print everything that they thought was interesting:- Ancient Greek and Roman plays, lives of the saints, medical textbooks, Christian stories, erotic stories, books about animals and monsters, advice to princes as to how to rule their people and maps of the world.

+ This is like a Christian Baptism.

+ Before the Grey family’s annual charity ball, Christian takes Ana to a beauty salon, Esclava.

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