In-sentence examples of “caspian”

How to use in-sentence of “caspian”:

– A long time ago, it came from the coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean, from Syria and the maritime parts of Asia Minor and northern Iran at the south end of the Caspian Sea.

– The hydrography of Azerbaijan basically belongs to the Caspian Sea drainage basin.

– The dividing line is generally considered to be the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea.

– It also operates in areas with great potential to produce oil such as the Caspian Sea, the Middle EastMiddle and Far East, India and Alaska.

– They were the heirs and transmitters of the Central Asian sedentary culture that diffused in prehistoric times from the Iranian plateau into an area extending roughly from the Caspian Sea to the borders of China.

– The Caspian tiger is an extinctionextinct sub species of the tiger.

– A Baku street and a ship in the Caspian Sea are named after her.

– He finds Caspian very old.

In-sentence examples of caspian
In-sentence examples of caspian

Example sentences of “caspian”:

- This line runs North-South down the Ural Mountains in Russia, along the Ural River to the Caspian Sea, and through the Caucasus Mountains to the Black Sea.

- Turkestan is a region of Central Asia around the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea.
- People think that 300 of the mud volcanoes out of the 700 mud volcanoes on Earth are in the eastern part of Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea.

– This line runs North-South down the Ural Mountains in Russia, along the Ural River to the Caspian Sea, and through the Caucasus Mountains to the Black Sea.

– Turkestan is a region of Central Asia around the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea.

– People think that 300 of the mud volcanoes out of the 700 mud volcanoes on Earth are in the eastern part of Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea.

– The roe deer lives in Europe, Asia Minor, and the coastal regions of the Caspian Sea.

– The Caspian Sea is an Endorheic basin without connections to any ocean.

– It is to the north of the Absheron Peninsula, between the shores of the Caspian Sea and the Greater Caucasus mountains.Lerman, Zvi; Sedik, David.

– The border with these countries are more than 2,000 kilometres long and includes nearly 650 kilometres of water along the southern shore of the Caspian Sea.

– The Azerbaijan Navy is the navy of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces operating in the Caspian Sea.

– In the movie, Edmund proves to be much more mature than Peter and Caspian both, but he stays out of their arguments.

– Originally, the House of Seljuq was a branch of the “Kinik” Oghuz Turks who in the 9th century lived in the steppes north of the Caspian SeaCaspian and Aral Seas.

– It is on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

More in-sentence examples of “caspian”:

– Late glacial great flood in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

– The forests are Biological classificationclassified into two major ecoregions in Azerbaijan: the Caucasus mixed forests of the Greater Caucasus Mountains and the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, and the Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests of the Talysh Mountains-Lankaran Lowland region.

– The European part is drained into the Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

– Today’s Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea are remnants of the Tethys.

– Many mud volcanoes are by the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

– It is on the coast of the Caspian Sea, near the southern border of Iran.

– A sea is a large body of waterbody of saline water that may be connected with an ocean or may be a large saline lake that, like the Caspian Sea, lacks a natural outlet.

– They are based on fish from the Caspian Sea, local meat, and the many seasonal vegetables and greens.

– The Caspian is famous for its peculiar animal fauna, including one of the few non-marine seals and the great sturgeons, the source of caviar.

– It is to the south of Caspian Sea.

– This caused a massive river discharge which flowed into the Caspian Sea.

– On the flat Caspian coast there are irrigated cattle and chicken-breeding lowlands around Shurabad.

– Iran is a country of Southwest Asia, it borders the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea, between Iraq and Pakistan.

– The Caspian Sea is on the east border.

– Kraken Mare is believed to be similar in size to the Caspian Sea.

– The Caspian Sea has many edible species of fish, including the sturgeon, salmonCaspian salmon, kutum, grey mullet, and others.

– One southern route of the Silk Road ran along part of the Jayhan river northwestward from Termez before going westwards to the Caspian Sea.

– The hydrography of Azerbaijan basically belongs to the Caspian Sea drainage basin to which all rivers in Azerbaijan flow to.

– The Balinese tiger’s close sub-species were the Javan tiger and the Caspian tiger, which are now also extinct.

– Originally, they were spoken in Central Asia, to the east of the Caspian Sea.

– Basically, Kazakhstan runs from the Caspian Sea in the west to the mainly Muslim Chinese autonomous region of Xinjiang.

– The Caspian sea is an endorheic body of water.

– Pompey ensured the control of Albanians nearly reaching the Caspian sea before returning to Anatolia.

– The Caspian tiger was the second largest of the tiger species.

- Late glacial great flood in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

- The forests are Biological classificationclassified into two major ecoregions in Azerbaijan: the Caucasus mixed forests of the Greater Caucasus Mountains and the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, and the Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests of the Talysh Mountains-Lankaran Lowland region.

– The languages of the Caucasus are languages spoken by more than ten million people in the Caucasus region of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

– Kazakhstan has no ocean shoreline, but borders the Caspian Sea, which boats use to get to neighboring countries.

– As an example, the Caspian Sea is landlocked.

– It is bordered by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west, and Iran to the south.

– Black caviar from the Caspian Sea is one of Azerbaijan’s best known delicacies wanted in many parts of the world.

– These include the Caspian Sea fleet fleet and a border coast guard.

– The world’s largest lake, the Caspian Sea, was mostly in the Soviet Union.

– A leading caviar producer and exporter in the past, Azerbaijan’s fishing industry today is concentrated on the dwindling supply of sturgeon and beluga beluga in the Caspian Sea.

– Crossing the arid province of Cambysenē —recently seized from the Armenians by the Albanians—he turned in the direction of the Caspian Sea.

– By volume it is the world’s fourth-largest salt lake after the Caspian Sea, Issyk-Kul Lake and the Aral Sea.

– Its borders start at Azerbaijan and Armenia in the northwest of Iran and reach to the southern end of the Caspian Sea.

– The Caspian Sea is entirely landlocked, with no access to the ocean.

– In the mid-9th century, they conquered the eastern Baltic SeaBaltic to the Black and Caspian Seas.

– The range stretches for about from west-northwest to east-southeast, between the Taman Peninsula of the Black Sea to the Absheron Peninsula of the Caspian Sea: from the Western Caucasus near Sochi on the northeastern shore of the Black Sea and reaching nearly to Baku on the Caspian.

– The oil and natural gas are carried through pipelines from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea ports of Novorossiysk in Russia and Suspa in Georgia Georgia and to the Mediterranean Sea port Ceyhan in Turkey.

– It is a wildcat subspecies which occurs across northern Africa and extends around the edges of the Arabian Peninsula to the Caspian Sea.

– Much of the time, the most recent period being in the 13th century to the late 16th century, the Amu Darya emptied into both the Aral and the Caspian Seas.

– The Caspian basin could not contain all the floodwater, which flowed into the ancient Black Sea basin.

– But modern Turkic languages still refer to the Caspian Sea as the “Khazar Sea”.

– The “Cassini-Huygens” probe flew by in February, 2007, taking radar and camera pictures of some large areas near the north pole that may be large areas of liquid methane and/or ethane, including one sea larger than 100,000km², and another area similar in size to the Caspian Sea.

– Roe from Kutum, and Caspian Salmon are liked very much.

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