In-sentence examples of “beneath”

How to use in-sentence of “beneath”:

– They live in sand and mud beneath shallow coastal waters and can survive in relatively anoxic environments.

– Angela Cavallo, lifted the car high enough and long enough for two neighbours to replace the jacks and pull Tony from beneath the car.

– The elephant staggered some distance, trampled the dwarf elephant, collapsed, and died beneath a railway car.

– When a display is needed, the lizards erect the hyoid bone of their throat, resulting in a large vertical flap of brightly colored skin beneath the head which can be then used for communication.

– The satellites above the X axis are prograde, the satellites beneath are retrograde.

– Hollyleaf meets a strange cat in the tunnels beneath the Clans’ territory.

– Morality is dangerous when it harms the best people and favours the people beneath them, says Nietzsche.

In-sentence examples of beneath
In-sentence examples of beneath

Example sentences of “beneath”:

- Ford planned to move their Lincoln brand upmarket and put another make in beneath it.

- Rocks here have been exposed from beneath the retreating Arnhem escarpment; they are of volcanic origin and are extremely old.
- He also wrote plays such as "The Dog Beneath the Skin".

– Ford planned to move their Lincoln brand upmarket and put another make in beneath it.

– Rocks here have been exposed from beneath the retreating Arnhem escarpment; they are of volcanic origin and are extremely old.

– He also wrote plays such as “The Dog Beneath the Skin”.

– The skull fragments were found in the lower middle terrace gravels at a depth of almost eight metres beneath the surface.

– The Endolithic biome, consisting entirely of microscopic life in rock porositypores and cracks, kilometers beneath the surface, has only recently been discovered and does not fit well into most classification schemes.

– The Steward Observatory, at the University of Arizona, is making the mirrors in a laboratory beneath the university’s football stadium.

– He is also known for a heroic rescue in 1916 in which he and three others used the safety hood device he’d developed to save workers trapped within a water intake tunnel, fifty feet beneath Lake Erie.

– In Ancient Egypt, so-called “Execration Texts” appear around the time of the 12th Dynasty, listing the names of enemies written on clay figurines or pottery which were then smashed and buried beneath a building under construction, or in a cemetery.

– Philippine historical records show that 16th century hunters hiding in trees used a rock tied to a string up to 20 feet in length to throw at wild animals beneath them.

– Men of the Bantu tribes are buried in an open space in the midst of their huts; in the Nilotic tribes, if the first wife of the deceased be alive he is buried in her hut, if not, beneath the veranda of the hut in which he died.

– This use of offensive mining involved digging tunnels into and under the hill in order to place 5 mines beneath the hill.

– This suggests a similar survival strategy to the African mousedeer or water chevrotain which, when threatened by a bird of prey, dives into water and hides beneath the surface for up to four minutes.

– In World War I, trying to break the stalemate of trench warfare, soldiers tunneled under no man’s land and put explosives beneath the enemy’s trench.

– When Resistance forces broke into the palace, Vaan and his new friends had to hide in the waterways beneath the palace.

– Sometimes images display beneath them a list of family members, indicating that the entire family is entrusted to the protection of Jesus in the Sacred Heart, from whom blessings on the home and the family members are sought.

More in-sentence examples of “beneath”:

– The lion and dog beneath the figures symbolize strength and loyalty.

– At some point a few weeks before the start of the game, they managed to slip past the Brain Scorcher and all the way to the Nuclear Power Plant, finding the Monolith, an electronically locked vault door beneath the Monolith chamber, and documents hinting at the fact that the giant glowing Monolith was in fact a deliberate trap for anyone attempting to discover the secrets of the Zone.

– Its outer boundary is beneath the Earth’s surface.

– Seas away from continents can be very deep, and do not have continental shelves beneath them.

– He was in the middle of a prayer when the trap door beneath him opened, and he was killed.

– The female attaches to the fish’s tongue, and the male attaches on the gill arches beneath and behind the female.

– Microfossils are most common in sediment that forms beneath water, particularly ocean water or lake water.

– According to Vic Fuentes, “the theme to the album artwork is ‘jumping off of the ground that is breaking beneath you’.

– The Pacific plate is a tectonic plate beneath parts of the Pacific Ocean.

– The line goes southeast to northwest beneath the northern Pacific Ocean; and many of the underwater mountains are guyots.

– During the segment, Lita and Edge stripped to their underwear before retreating beneath the covers of a bed that had been erected in the ring.

– It is assumed that there are still human parts beneath their suits, meaning they are actually cyborgs, not robots: in “The Tenth Planet”, a Cyberman tells a group of humans that “our brains are just like yours”, although by the time of “Attack of the Cybermen”, their brains seem to have been replaced with electronics.

– It is beneath the oceans, lakes, and rivers of the earth, and under the polar icecaps.

– Because ice is poor conductor of heat, it does not allow heat energy transfer from the liquid water beneath the layers of ice, which prevents the liquid water from freezing.

– The active and carnivorous larvae live beneath loose tree bark.

– It is partially located beneath the A406 road.

– As the oceanic slab sinks deep into the Earth’s interior beneath the continental plate, high temperatures and pressures allow water molecules locked in the minerals of solid rock to escape.

– The also known as simply the JFL is the 4th tier of the Japanese association football league system, positioned beneath three divisions of the J.League, and is the top tier of amateur football in the country.

– Samson is crushed with his enemies beneath the stones.

– This shows more skin beneath the wearer’s belly button.

– So in the end the moral to this story is that, the gold was the Death that the old man said was beneath the tree and due to their greed and gluttony they all died with nothing.

– The Jade Rabbit carries a range of scientific equipment including a radar system which will be able to examine the ground beneath the surface.

– It is 50 km beneath the surface.

– Just beneath the vault of the arch, there is the tomb of the unknown soldier.

– Her husband buried her cremated remains beneath an elm tree in the garden of Monk’s House, their home in Rodmell, Sussex.

- The lion and dog beneath the figures symbolize strength and loyalty.

- At some point a few weeks before the start of the game, they managed to slip past the Brain Scorcher and all the way to the Nuclear Power Plant, finding the Monolith, an electronically locked vault door beneath the Monolith chamber, and documents hinting at the fact that the giant glowing Monolith was in fact a deliberate trap for anyone attempting to discover the secrets of the Zone.

– The Andean volcanic belt was produced by the eastward subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate beneath the South American continental plate.

– The seven-arm octopus gets its name because the male’s hectocotylus is coiled in a sac beneath the right eye.

– Among the Nilotic tribes the grave is dug beneath the veranda of the hut.

– The town itself lies beneath Fort King George at the Bacelot Bay.

– These are linked by pedestrian underpasses beneath the highway, and paths in front of the residential colleges.

– Purbeck marble is found at outcrop, or beneath superficial cover, all the way across the Isle of Purbeck.

– The trip to China stopped, and his body was taken home to Samarkand where it was buried beneath the dome of the Gur Amir mausoleum in a steel coffin under a slab of black jade six feet long.

– At the boundary, the western edge of the Pacific Plate is subductionsubducted beneath the small Mariana Plate.

– The voice said, “Grieve not! Thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thy feet.

– When a continental plate comes together with an oceanic plate, at a subduction zones, the oceanic lithosphere always sinks beneath the continental.

– It is served by Oxford Circus tube station, which is directly beneath the junction itself.

– And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath thee.

– Recent advances in microbiology concluded that microbes can live deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

– Trees began to recolonise what is now the British Isles over a land bridge which is now beneath the English Channel.

– One hypothesis suggests a mantle plume beneath the Afar region.

– In 1937, golden hammer and sickle were added in the top left hand corner, with beneath the Latin alphabetLatin letters “AzSSR” in a serif font in place of the Cyrillic letters.

– The country has some natural gas beneath the ground and underwater in the ocean.

– It was unique in containing below it a tunnel for a tramway, which started just north of Southampton Row, passed beneath Aldwych and continued to the Thames Embankment: this Kingsway tramway subway joined the North and South London tram systems.

– As of August 2017 Six victims remain unidentified, five of whom had been buried beneath Gacy’s crawl space, with one additional youth buried approximately Based upon Gacy’s confession, information relative to where the victims were buried in his crawl space relative to Gacy’s identified victims, and forensic analysis, police were able to determine the most likely dates when his unidentified victims were killed.

– Fawkes assisted in filling the room with gunpowder, which was hidden beneath a wood store under the House of Lords building, in a cellar leased from John Whynniard.

– The ticket halls are connected by a pedestrian passage beneath the Bus station.

– They live just beneath the sand, either flat or at an angle.

– The storm of arrows killed or disabled the knights’ mounts, and left the knights floundering in the mud on foot beneath a hail of arrows.

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