In-sentence examples of “autism”

How to use in-sentence of “autism”:

– With the release of the fifth edition of the DSM in 2013 the subtypes of autism are summarized into the general term Autism Spectrum Disorder.

– NVLD is linked with autism spectrum disorders, mostly autism or Asperger’s.

– Instead, an evaluation is made by a team of doctors and other health professionals who are experienced in autism and know the individual.

– Neither did they find an increased risk for autism by the vaccination.

– The National Council on Severe Autism is a non-profit organization that advocates for individuals, families and caregivers affected by severe forms of autism and related disorders.

– Quetiapine depression, though it is used off-label for anxiety problems, Tourette syndrome and autism issues.

– The first three of these disorders are also called autism spectrum disorders.

– Scientists know that parents do not cause their children’s autism by not being loving enough.

In-sentence examples of autism
In-sentence examples of autism

Example sentences of “autism”:

– J Autism Dev Disord 41: 1256.

– Substances that help to reduce symptoms of autism are the antipsychotic drugs.

– PubMed IdentifierPMID: 12462862 Few people with autism are extraordinarily gifted or talented.

– The people diagnosed with autism can care for these animals, pet them and, in the case of the horse, even ride on them.

– His younger son was diagnosed with autism at an early age.

– Lorna Wing made up the name “Asperger syndrome” for people with high-functioning autism after research into Hans Asperger’s work.

- J Autism Dev Disord 41: 1256.

- Substances that help to reduce symptoms of autism are the antipsychotic drugs.

– She was Diagnosisdiagnosed with autism in 1950.

– However, it is not a single gene that increases the risk for autism spectrum disorders.

– The movie is about a boy with autism who sees a murder.

– And also, high-functioning autism currently does not have its own article.

More in-sentence examples of “autism”:

– In a study published in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, the authors found that movements similar to those exhibited by those with autism may help provide needed feedback to the body.

– Different studies resulted in different numbers of the frequency of autism spectrum disorders.

– Since 1980, Kanner’s so called early infantile autism is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

– Researchers have not yet found a link between autism and serotonin, although they have been successful in treating autism with SSRIs, which stop cells from absorbing serotonin, meaning more is used for signals.

– The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders expanded the definition of autism and included milder cases of autism.

– For example, types of ADHD, Depression depression, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorders would be listed here.

– I was going to suggest using lists for these instead of categories, but I see that enwiki deleted their lists of people with autism spectrum disorders.

– He was the Founder Chairman of the East Anglian Autistic Support Trust which established the first and desperately needed specialised accommodation and daycare for adults with autism in Cambridgeshire.

– Her charity charity work includes support of Autism Speaks.

– Since 1970, ASA has held conferences on autism spectrum conditions.

– People on the autism spectrum show a lower ability for executive function.

– The autism spectrum disorders are highly heritable disorders.

– PMID: 17168158 Vaccines do not even make a person more likely to have autism – even if they are already at a high risk for autism before they get their vaccines.

– There may be many different causes for the different types of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

– The savant syndrome is a rare condition in which people with neurodevelopmental disorders, notably autism spectrum disorders, and/or brain injuries, demonstrate profound and prodigious capacities and/or abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal.

– These findings may explain the difficulties people with autism experience when trying to understand complex facial expressions and emotions.

– Studies with families with a child on the autism spectrum were done to investigate this theory.

– Also, scientists measured brain activity of people on the autism spectrum with Functional magnetic resonance imagingfMRI while they were thinking about their own emotions.

– A 2003 review of epidemiological studies of children found autism rates ranging from 0.03 to 4.84 per 1,000, with the ratio of autism to Asperger syndrome ranging from 1.5:1 to 16:1.

– The risk for autism spectrum disorders can be increased if the mother uses thalidomide, Valproatevalproic acid or drinks too much alcohol during pregnancy.

– For decades parents were blamed for causing their children’s autism by not loving their children enough.Farrugia D 2009.

– This means that it is very likely that the child of an autistic person will also be on the autism spectrum.

– About one in every 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder.

– People were scared that vaccines might cause autism after an English doctor called Andrew Wakefield wrote a scientific article that said that they did.

– However, performance varies between people on the autism spectrum.

– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine”.

- In a study published in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, the authors found that movements similar to those exhibited by those with autism may help provide needed feedback to the body.

- Different studies resulted in different numbers of the frequency of autism spectrum disorders.
- Since 1980, Kanner’s so called early infantile autism is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

– This means that some people who have autism are only mildly affected.

– Henceforth, early infantile autism is called autism disorder.

– Those with Learning disabilitylearning and developmental disabilities such as autism are more likely to self-harm.

– Therefore, people with autism usually need more time for dealing with information coming from their surroundings.

– Schizophrenia and autism were linked in many researchers’ studies.

– In the DSM-V, a diagnosis of autism excludes making a formal diagnosis of other psychiatric disorders.

– J Autism Dev Disord.

– It is a group that sponsors autism research.

– Asperger syndrome, atypical autism and childhood autism are kinds of autism spectrum disorders.

– Another symptom of autism spectrum disorder is OCD, which has also been linked to anorexia.

– This is because ABA is the only treatment for autism that has been scientifically proven to be effective.

– All of the identified genes can in sum only explain one or two out of every ten autism cases.

– Nevertheless, thiomersal as a cause for autism is biologically also not biologically.

– Two researchers by the name of Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner were the pioneers of the research study for autism in the 1940s.

– The autism rights movement is sometimes controversial.

– People with Autism and other mental disabilities are mistreated in the workplace, leading to only around 15% of autistic people being employed at all.

– In 1998 he was the lead author of a misleading research paper falsely MMR vaccine controversyclaiming that there was a link between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism and bowel disease.

– Wakefield and others found autism signs one month after the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine was applied.

– People with autism often have problems with their digestive organs like the stomach or gut.

– Environmental triggers for asthma and autism have been studied also.

– How different are girls and boys above and below the diagnostic threshold for autism spectrum disorders?.

– It’s exactly like autism but it’s just milder.

– A person who has severe autism may need to be cared for all their life.Willemsen-Swinkels S, Buitelaar JK.

– Her autism may have been difficult at times, but it has also given her unusual advantages.

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