In sentence examples of “atmosphere”

How to use in-sentence of “atmosphere”:

+ Being above the atmosphere means it can see the sky more clearly than a telescope on the ground.

+ There had always been an atmosphere of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between all religions in Tamil Nadu.

+ Pluto’s atmosphere consists of a thin envelope of nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide gases, all of which are derived from the ices of these substances on its surface.

+ It is a series of dances meant to evoke the atmosphere and ambiance of a romantic ballet.

+ The most important greenhouse gas that humans add to the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, which is now about 0.04% of the atmosphere.

In sentence examples of atmosphere
In sentence examples of atmosphere

Example sentences of “atmosphere”:

+ A giant planet is a massive planet and has a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.

+ Because Mars is further from the Sun, less solar energy reaches the upper atmosphere of Mars.

+ It then reenters the Earth’s atmosphere and parachutes into the ocean.

+ The game was well-received, with some reviews liking the dark atmosphere and levels.

+ An example of a route carbon takes in this cycle is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants and used in photosynthesis to produce sugars which the plant uses for energy.

+ Thompson was using Acosta — a prominent Mexican-American political activist and attorney — as a central source for the story, and the two found it difficult for a brown-skinned Mexican to talk openly with a white reporter in the racially tense atmosphere of Los Angeles, California.

+ Clouds form when the atmosphere can no longer hold all the invisible air vapor.

+ On the first test of his second armor, Stark goes up into the atmosphere and the suit freezes up.

+ In 1947, Gerard Kuiper showed that the thin Martian atmosphere contained extensive carbon dioxide; roughly double the quantity found in Earth’s atmosphere.

+ The atmosphere blurs starlight before it reaches Earth.

+ This is where Earth’s atmosphere is said to stop and outer space begins.

+ There is the role of Oktavian in Richard StraussRichard Strauss’s opera “Der Rosenkavalier but this opera was deliberately trying to produce the old-fashioned atmosphere of Mozart’s time.

+ She sang Eva in Richard WagnerWagner’s “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” at the Bayreuth Festival in 1952, but she did not like the atmosphere there with all the arguments, so she never returned to Bayreuth.

+ The spacecraft also found that the atmosphere of Venus is mostly of carbon dioxide and that there is a very high pressure at the planet’s surface.

+ The carbon in bio gas was generally recently extracted from the atmosphere by photosynthesisphotosynthetic plants, so releasing it back into the atmosphere adds less total atmospheric carbon than the burning of fossil fuels.

+ This is important because it allows us to compare the absorption lines of say, the atmosphere of a far away planet, to the absorption lines of elements we know to exist in a lab.

+ Cosmic rays hitting the Earth’s atmosphere may already create these.

+ The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere changes as result of natural processes such as volcano emissions, lightning and bombardment by solar particles from the Sun’s corona.

+ A giant planet is a massive planet and has a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.

+ Because Mars is further from the Sun, less solar energy reaches the upper atmosphere of Mars.
+ It then reenters the Earth's atmosphere and parachutes into the ocean.

More in-sentence examples of “atmosphere”:

+ Moreover, the sun’s rays with small angle traverse more of the atmosphere than rays striking at a large angle.

+ He thought that the Sun originally had an extended hot atmosphere throughout the volume of the Solar System.

+ Moreover, the sun’s rays with small angle traverse more of the atmosphere than rays striking at a large angle.

+ He thought that the Sun originally had an extended hot atmosphere throughout the volume of the Solar System.

+ The planet’s atmosphere is very thin.

+ In other words, the detection of lithium in the atmosphere of an object means that, if it is older than 100 my, it is a brown dwarf.

+ These mixed feelings created an atmosphere of political in-fighting, and the people were no longer united behind one goal.

+ Unlike other gas giants, Neptune’s atmosphere shows the presence of high clouds making shadows on a thick cloud deck below.

+ The dust in the Martian atmosphere makes Martian sunsets somewhat blue.

+ A cloud is water vapour in the atmosphere that has condensed into very small water droplets or ice crystals that appear in visible shapes or formations above the ground.

+ Liquid water on Mars was once commonplace, which means the atmosphere was thicker.

+ This place is called “Johnson Town.” Its atmosphere isn’t similar to Japan so there are strange bread stores and parks in this area.

+ His counter to the doctrine of original sin, born amid the optimistic atmosphere of Renaissance humanism, was taken up by another author who lived at the same time, the essayist Richard Steele, who attributed the corruption of contemporary manners to false education.

+ Inert atmosphere techniques and low temperatures minimize these side reactions.

+ Cosmic rays are of great practical interest, because they can damage microelectronics and life outside the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field.

+ Mars once had a thicker atmosphere and water.

+ The contrast of colors contributes to create an atmosphere of “mystery”.

+ Sulfur in the atmosphere as sulfur dioxide also absorbs radiation, however which keeps the earth’s surface cooler and combats some of the effects of global warming.

+ Callisto is surrounded by an extremely thin atmosphere made out of carbon dioxide and probably oxygen molecules.

+ The chorus describes an atmosphere of icy stillness.

+ A baroclinic atmosphere is one for which the density depends on both the temperature and the pressure; contrast this with barotropic atmosphere, for which the density depends only on the pressure.

+ Voyager 2 found that Neptune’s atmosphere was very active, even though it gets only 3% of the sunlight Jupiter receives.

+ When writing a speed as a Mach number, the number comes after “Mach.” For example, the Concorde airplane could fly at Mach 2, and a satellite re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere at about Mach 25.

+ The festival has a nice atmosphere because it is in the country near the sea and marshes.

+ In so doing many species of animals and plants are wiped out, and the CO levels in the atmosphere goes up.

+ The lower atmosphere is so heated and the pressure so high that helium changes to liquid.

+ The reddish-brown color is because some of the Sun’s light bends through the Earth’s atmosphere and shines on the Moon.

+ As from his works himself wrote: “I tried my work faithfully follow art my ideas – to capture the potential of everyday life images of beauty – small joys and sorrows, our time and the change of a landscape typical timeless atmosphere of human destinies”.

+ The atmosphere of childhood influenced the formation of Catherine’s personality, having already become a famous actress, Klimova was distinguished by a strong-willed, wayward character and expressive behavior both in her personal life and on the set.

+ Oxygen is Oxygen#Occurrencemore than a fifth of the Earth’s atmosphere by volume.

+ It went down into Earth’s atmosphere on 4 January 1958 and burned up.

+ It reentered the atmosphere and melted on April 15, 1985.

+ It was meant to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to below their levels in 1990.

+ The spacecraft also had other instruments to study the atmosphere of Mars.

+ Carbon sequestration aims to assist in elimination of human introduced carbon from Earth’s atmosphere by disrupting the carbon cycle.

+ At the top of the earth’s atmosphere receives insolation is expressed as the solar constant.It received at the top of the atmospheric surface on a perpendicular plane to the solar beam.

+ In planetary physics, it is the impact of a meteoroid on the surface of a planet and the effects of solar winds and cosmic rays on the atmosphere and surface of planets.

+ Five layers make up the atmosphere of the Sun.

+ Fourier also helped the discovery of the greenhouse effect, by suggesting the atmosphere might act as an insulator.

+ One was designed to enter the atmosphere of Venus and use a parachute to land on the surface.

+ Among the greenhouse gases, the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main cause of global warming, as predicted by Svante Arrhenius a hundred years ago, confirming the work of Joseph Fourier more than 200 years ago.

+ The atmosphere is composed of gases, water vapour and particulate matters.The atmosphere is a mixture of gases,such as nitrogen.

+ The atmosphere of Venus is the layer of Gasgases that surrounds Venus.

+ The corona is the outer atmosphere of the Sun and is much bigger than the rest of the Sun.

+ So if the atmosphere had twice as much CO as it had in 1750 then Earth would likely be between 1.5°C and 4.5°C warmer, after thousands of years.

+ As on all giant planets, its upper atmosphere experiences very strong winds in the direction of rotation.

+ The root cause of the temperature drop may have been the removal of CO from the atmosphere by photosynthesising bacteria and eukaryotes in the previous periods.

+ Also, water vapor goes into the atmosphere through these pores in transpiration.

+ Dew forms best when the atmosphere is clean, the air is calm, and there is not much wind.

+ It was the atmosphere that surrounded the cathedral.

+ The atmosphere has pressure.

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