In sentence examples of “aquifer”

How to use in-sentence of “aquifer”:

– Florida gets much of its drinking water from the Floridan Aquifer and the Biscayne Aquifer, as well as from surface water from Lake Okeechobee and other lakes, but population increases have begun to strain available sources.

– An artesian aquifer is trapped between rocks or clay which causes the pressure.

– In these cases the aquifer contains brackish water.

– An aquifer is an underground layer where the material contains water.

– An artesian aquifer is an underground layer which holds groundwater under pressure.

– The aquifer is fed by the Snake River and its tributaries.

– However, water being forced out of an aquifer below the Los Angeles Basin gave parts of the river an year-round flow.

– They bring up water from the aquifer and use it for irrigation and other purposes.

In sentence examples of aquifer
In sentence examples of aquifer

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