In sentence examples of “abuse”

How to use in-sentence of “abuse”:

– The United States Secretary of EducationEducation Secretary Arne Duncan said that colleges and universities have “a legal and moral responsibility to protect children”, and that Penn State’s failure to report the alleged abuse would be a “tragedy”.

– I solemnly swear that I will never abuse “rollback”, I will use it just for reverting blatant vandalism.

– Computer rage may manifest itself in verbal abuse and occasionally physical violence towards the object, Brinks, 2004 in some cases violent actions towards the hardware itself, usually either thumping the keyboard, shaking the monitor or banging the mouse on the table/desk.

– Furthermore, there has been one case where the user blocked without talk page access, and didn’t even leave “any” talk page notice for the user, and this to me is an even bigger no-no than blocking without talk page access before abuse occurs under the current block.

– Several years of prescription drug abuse damaged his health, and he died in 1977 at the age of 42.

– Among people who have a mental disorder, 25% also have alcohol abuse issues.

In sentence examples of abuse
In sentence examples of abuse

Example sentences of “abuse”:

- This made it clear that the CRAFFT was not just needed to test teenagers who were more likely to have substance abuse problems.

- He was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, but the case was settled out of court.

– This made it clear that the CRAFFT was not just needed to test teenagers who were more likely to have substance abuse problems.

– He was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, but the case was settled out of court.

– Neil views his sexual abuse as love; he becomes mainly attracted to middle-aged men.

– The god of honor and justice, Zeus was the one who both established and enforced law, and served as the standard for kings to follow, ensuring they did not abuse the power of their position.

– The other ducks abuse him.

– Well I just ran into the abuse filter on another wiki.

– As of May 15, 2014, 6 criminal cases of abuse of power were being investigated against Yanukovych.

– Most struggle with substance abuse and/or addictions.

– For years, there were protests over Parchman’s abuse of prisoners’ civil rights.

– The abuse is all the greater that the consul’s duties, apart from the supplying of information of a military character, take the form of assembling stocks of arms, which constitute a threat to the peace of the country, whether from the internal or the international point of view.

– He was interviewed by the “National Enquirer” of January 2013 and said: “I don’t blame anybody but myself and my drug abuse for my career going haywire.

– Ibogaine, the active alkaloid, is also used to treat substance abuse disorders and depression.

– The Mandate of Heaven was often invoked by philosophers and scholars in China as a way to curtail the abuse of power by the ruler.

More in-sentence examples of “abuse”:

– Phumulani was founded by Comfort Dondo, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence.

– Elder abuse happens when there is an “expectation of trust” by the older person toward their abuser.

– After World War II, there was an epidemic of methamphetamine abuse in Japan, according to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

– Around a third of child sexual abuse is by a relative of the child, most often fathers, uncles or cousins.

– Sometimes people will abuse open proxies, and so they are often seen as a problem.

– In 1784 she experienced the near death of her sister Eliza who was also the victim of abuse at the hands of her husband.

– When people abuse drugs over a longer time, their personalities often change as well.

– Low self-esteem in victims of abuse may lead them to believe that the abuse was their fault.

– This interpretation of due process is sometimes expressed as a command that the government must not be unfair to the people or abuse them physically.

– While vandalism is not a major concern, I think we should enable abuse filter for this wiki.

– The rate of steroid abuse grew greatly in the early 21st century, all over the world.

– Children in orphanage may often suffer from child abuse or trauma to be left by parents.

– The key question that democrats will tend to ask of any proposed change in electoral law or the voting mechanism is: “Will it actually increase the capacity of the electorate to get rid of unsatisfactory rulers and replace them with others?” Democrats regard that basic capacity as the best protection against bad government and the abuse of power.

– Studies have shown that good treatment of depression, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse can decrease the number of suicides.

– Vegans believe in a moral philosophy where the people who believe it not only take out animal products from their meals, but they stop using them for clothes as well, because we believe that as long as there are alternatives for those things, animals don’t want to be part of the abuse they go through in animal industries.

– In a counter claim, the lawmakers through the Chairman, Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Abdulrazak Namdas stated that his suspension was connected to his investigation by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission and abuse of power during his tenure as Chairman of Finance Committee.

– Yet, although I have not always agreed with her, I “trust” her to make the right decisions with the extra buttons and not abuse them.

– Several drugs have been linked with the development of schizophrenia and the abuse of certain drugs can cause symptoms like those of schizophrenia.

– The DSM also has drug abuse as a different issue than drug dependence, which is defined as compulsive use of a drug.

– This was done to prepare for an inquiry which would hear complaints about abuse of power by royal officers.

– The opioid crisis affects women and men differently, To help stop the spread of opioid abuse in women, it is advised that women are educated on the drugs that they are taking and the possible risk of addiction.

– Back to the point, I am compiling things for an article on and I think that abuse page would make a good addition.

– A Spider-Man story arc from 1971 dealing with drug abuse had to be published without the approval of the Comic Code Authority—the self-regulatory body that had policed comic content since 1954—despite the fact that it was portraying drug use in a negative light.

– Amy Klobuchar’s abuse of staff scared off candidates to manage her presidential bid” “The Huffington Post” Feb.

– Since it wasn’t taken away on grounds of rollbacker abuse and I am a rollbacker on enwiki, I don’t see any reason for it not to be restored.

– This is due in part to the steps taken by the convention to prevent abuse of the system.

- Phumulani was founded by Comfort Dondo, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence.

- Elder abuse happens when there is an "expectation of trust" by the older person toward their abuser.
- After World War II, there was an epidemic of methamphetamine abuse in Japan, according to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

– Kelly” detailed allegations of sexual abuse by multiple women, allegations Kelly denies.

– This was linked to the sexual abuse scandal.

– Description:I’m trying to tag the page for deletion because it’s a userpage belonging to an indefinitely blocked user but since the page is already blank and I’m an anon it keeps triggering the filter “Unregistered user creating pages in other userspace” since the abuse filter assumes I’m trying to create someone else’s user page.

– The problem is that it can be harmful for humans life when they abuse of it because technology can affect human relationships.

– I triggered the abuse filter when trying to reverting another user’s edit on Temperature,Filter description: ** vandalism. Then every time I submit my edit I would encouter the warning and my autopromote is blocked.

– On 7 March 2007, Di Bello received another guarantee notice from the deputy public prosecutor Maurizio Carbone for abuse of office and fraud in the context of an investigation into the extension of municipal contracts.

– For example, its list was the first one to include types of sexual abuse like forcing women into sexual slavery.

– Hello, I think abuse fiter 12.

– I will be an asset by assisting in the prevention of abuse and socking on this wiki.

– Informed consent is part of the medical ethics to avoid medical abuse or accidents.

– Child sexual abuse is a kind of child abuse when an adult or someone else with power makes a child do any kind of sexual activities.

– On 21 December 2019, the Legion of Christ discovered that Sodano was the one who led efforts to cover up the reports of abuse when he was serving as Secretariat of State.

– On December 18, 2003 Jackson was charged with seven child sexual abuse offences.

– He is the founder and chairman of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, an evidence-based research organization.

– I propose the de-sysopping of the above administrator for abuse of the Block tool.

– The university was concerned about Paterno’s possible responsibility after long-time assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested on child sexual abuse charges.

– In early 2002, “The” “Boston Globe” published results of an investigation that led to the criminal prosecutions of five Roman Catholic priests and pushed the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy into the national spotlight.

– It is very easy to show that trauma, such as sexual abuse increases the risk, but 40 years of searching for the right genes has not found anything that has been confirmed by independent research groups.

– I have made an enemy over there, for removing racist abuse and hate speech, and I’ve just had someone ask me if I’m still working there.

– He was fined 913 US dollars and the court ordered him to take part in a substance abuse program, and to be assessed for alcoholism.

– I used to have my admin bot block them, though that’s now redundant to the abuse filter.

– Early life experience and sexual abuse was thought to cause wrong brain development.

– Still, this was an abuse of the tools.

– Pat surely wouldn’t abuse the administrator tools.

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