“in return” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “in return”:

– On 2 December 2007 the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation of the KCR network to MTRCL, in return for making annual payments to KCRC, thereby merging the railway operations of the two corporations under MTRCL’s management.

– Often, the person who gives the service will get something in return for the service.

– She gave Len a lemon pie in return of his singing “Swiss Yodel” on the radio.

– Instead, the nightclub signs a contract with these entertainers, in which the entertainer promises to come to the club on a specified night, in return for a sum of money.

– The deal was settled by Raffles making an agreement with the traditional rulers of the area to pay them money in return for the right to build, expand and use the port.

– Bijua also angers the criminal gang of Mala, when he asks for a greater sum in return for killing Ramesh.

– The Three Jewels, also called the Three Treasures, the Three Refuges, or the Triple Gem, are the three things that Buddhists give themselves to, and in return look toward for guidance, in the process known as “taking refuge”.

– Then enters their lives, Teni, a carefree-outgoing-lively-bubbly Gujarati girl whom Parth and Shorvori select for surrogacy, in return of their promise to fulfill Teni’s dream of going to America.

in return how to use?
in return how to use?

Example sentences of “in return”:

– In 1437, Sigismund recognized Venetian rule over Dalmatia in return for 100,000 Ducats.

– Newton spent much of the second half of the 2010 football season haunted by allegations that his father, Cecil Newton, who wanted a fair amount of money money in return for his son playing for a major-college team.

– Plantations were farmed first by indentured servants, who would work for a period of years in return for their passage to America and land.

– Vasily Smyslov and Mikhail Tal both won the world title, yet lost it back to Botvinnik in return matches.

– Femi Taylor is a Nigerian-British actress who is famous for playing Oola in Return of the Jedi, a Star Wars movie.

– Bribery means offering something to a person in return for some favour which is bad in some way.

– A fable, perhaps by Aesop, has a mother crab and its young, where the mother tells the child to walk straight, and is asked in return to demonstrate how that is done.

– The duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen gave up his duchy in return for becoming Duke of Saxe-Altenburg.

– Early in the 19th century, British merchants began to take opium into China in return for bringing Chinese tea back to Britain.

– A sponsor is one who gives cash, goods or services in return for promoting the sponsor’s company.

– Adams is thought to have persuaded the IRA to give up its “war” against the UK in return for devolved government for Northern Ireland.

– Frederick himself proposed marrying Maria Theresa of Austria in return for renouncing the succession.

– McDonald also said that Ley had offered him a £2000 share in a property at Sydney’s Kings Cross in return for withdrawing from the election.

– The publisher will do all the selling, and in return for that service, will keep part of the money.

– The only way he can break the spell is to learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal falls.

– Usually, the person working gets paid very little money in return for very hard work.

– He has suggested that, in return for a drive in all British Museum related articles, he may talk about SEWP at the event, and generally promote our project.

– Later, Chun changed Kim’s sentence in return for U.S.

- In 1437, Sigismund recognized Venetian rule over Dalmatia in return for 100,000 Ducats.

- Newton spent much of the second half of the 2010 football season haunted by allegations that his father, Cecil Newton, who wanted a fair amount of money money in return for his son playing for a major-college team.

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