“in pairs” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “in pairs”:

– Basking sharks are usually found travelling in pairs or groups of up to 100 or more, but are sometimes seen travelling alone.

– Adults hunt in pairs and sometimes as family flocks.

– Enterococci are Gram-positive cocci that often occur in pairs or short chains.

– They usually occur in pairs or tetrads, and divide along two planes of symmetry, as do the other lactic acid cocci genera.

– Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

– From this Olympic Games to the 2006 Winter Olympics, only Soviet/Russian skaters won gold medals in pairs skating.

– These “transits” happen in pairs eight years apart.

– They are usually in pairs or small noisy groups of 10 to 30.

in pairs use in sentences
in pairs use in sentences

Example sentences of “in pairs”:

– His original horns recede, and more now erupt in pairs along the length of his head.

– Toucans are usually found in pairs or small flocks.

– They are usually sold in pairs inside foil packages, and do not require refrigeration.

– Adults are usually found alone, in pairs or in small groups, The young are found in larger groups of up to one hundred or even more members.

– These armed officers began patrols on the MRT and LRT systems on 15 August 2005, conducting random patrols in pairs in and around rail stations and within trains.

– From 2005, Solothurn’s ten districts are combined in pairs into five electoral districts, called “Amtei”.

– Ostriches normally spend the winter months in pairs or alone.

– It is found in pairs which contain most of the blood in the male penis during erection.

– You are confronted with the three apples in pairs without a sensitive measuring device.

– They usually work in pairs as they copy one double-stranded DNA molecule into two double-stranded DNAs.

– However, many breeders choose to breed in pairs because that way they know which parents produced any given birds.

- His original horns recede, and more now erupt in pairs along the length of his head.

- Toucans are usually found in pairs or small flocks.
- They are usually sold in pairs inside foil packages, and do not require refrigeration.

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