“imply” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “imply”:

+ A quotation mark “, apostrophe ‘, or semicolon ; can be added to the emoticon to imply apprehension or embarrassment, in the same way that a sweat drop is used in anime.

+ Jon’s first edit in this section seemed to read as if his disruption there “was” a main cause, although I know that he probably didn’t actually mean to imply that, in light of his mention of Aaron’s other actions i.e.

+ The large size of hadrosaurid eyes and the presence of sclerotic rings in the eyes imply acute vision and diurnal habits, evidence that sight was important to these animals.

+ There’s a as well, ref 3 is a bare URL, an external link which appears to imply we’re now a service to provide links for streaming pipe organ music…

+ The use of the term non-metallic does not imply the total absence of metals.

+ The term “super-Earth” refers only to the mass of the planet, and does not imply anything about the surface conditions or habitability.

+ Any classical language can be studied philologically, and indeed describing a language as “classical” is to imply the existence of a philological tradition associated with it.

imply use in-sentences
imply use in-sentences

Example sentences of “imply”:

+ To take an obvious example, the comic mask is ugly and distorted, but does not imply pain.” To him, the lampooners became writers of Comedy and the truly artistic ones became writers of Tragedy.

+ Where behaviour seems to imply higher mental processes, it might be explained by trial and error learning.
+ Point 1: My using the phrases "Even if we were to decide that the refs show enough notability,..", and: "If it survives the rfd.." did "not" imply anything about notability.

+ To take an obvious example, the comic mask is ugly and distorted, but does not imply pain.” To him, the lampooners became writers of Comedy and the truly artistic ones became writers of Tragedy.

+ Where behaviour seems to imply higher mental processes, it might be explained by trial and error learning.

+ Point 1: My using the phrases “Even if we were to decide that the refs show enough notability,..”, and: “If it survives the rfd..” did “not” imply anything about notability.

+ The limited information about Sujin does not imply that no such person ever existed.

+ However, this does not necessarily imply that the Japanese are more affluent.

+ Another problem is that weasel words can imply that a statement is more controversial than it is.

+ Higher absorbances at this wavelength imply greater crocin concentration, and thus a greater colourative intensity.

+ To imply is to suggest something is true without actually saying it.

+ Although the first strips clearly show Calvin capturing Hobbes by means of a trap seems to imply that Hobbes is, in fact, older than Calvin, and has been around with him his whole life.

+ For example, the non-separable filters imply more parameters in design.

+ Because correlation does not imply causation, scientists, economists, etc.

+ These games imply Mario and Baby Mario are separate characters, but those games are considered to be outside the continuity of the main “Mario” series.

+ Sometimes deconstruction looks at how an author can imply things he does not mean.

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