“Immune response” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “Immune response”:

– This is a trigger for toll-like receptor 2, a signalling receptor which triggers an innate immune response in mammals.

– The evolution of the MHC polymorphism means that a population will not succumb to a new pathogen or a mutated one, because at least some individuals will be able to develop an adequate immune response to defeat the pathogen.

– The symptoms of the common cold are believed to be mostly related to the immune response to the virus.Eccles Pg.

– The next time the same antigen contacts the body, a full-scale immune response is not needed as the body already has a specific antibody available instantly for that antigen.

– The adaptive immune response gives the vertebrate immune system the ability to “recognize and remember specific pathogens”.

– As part of an immune response to foreign pathogens, histamine is produced by basophils and by mast cells found in nearby connective tissues.

Immune response - sentence examples
Immune response – sentence examples

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