“illness” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “illness”:

– Guessous died after a long illness on 7 February 2014 in Rabat, aged 76.

– His mental illness involved him killing some of his own servants and at one point he thought he was made of glass.

– Bomboko died from a long illness in Brussels, Belgium, aged 86.

– Since the medications for mental illness were first discovered, there have been tools to understand why the mentally ill behave and think in ways that make it not easy for them to live.

– Schachter-Shalomi died after a long illness on July 3, 2014 in Boulder, ColoradoBoulder, Colorado.

– Some were killed, and many died from illness and hunger.

illness - sentence examples
illness – sentence examples

Example sentences of “illness”:

- Skoumal died after a long illness on 28 September 2014 in Prague.

- Zevon stated previously that his illness was expected to be terminal within months after the diagnosis in the fall of 2002; however, he lived to see the birth of twin grandsons in June 2003 and the release of "The Wind" on August 26, 2003.

– Skoumal died after a long illness on 28 September 2014 in Prague.

– Zevon stated previously that his illness was expected to be terminal within months after the diagnosis in the fall of 2002; however, he lived to see the birth of twin grandsons in June 2003 and the release of “The Wind” on August 26, 2003.

– CBD may be useful either as as treatment for a specific illness or in a smaller dose for maintenance of good health.

– Vallée died after a long illness on 12 March 2014.

– On 1 October 2020, Mahon died after a short illness in Cork, Ireland, aged 78.

– Ledford died after a short illness on May 15, 2019 in San Antonio, Texas.

– It is often prescribed for people who suffer with gastrointestinal illness or damage, or before or after certain types of medical tests or surgeries that involves the mouth or the digestive tract.

– Lithium carbonate is used for the treatment of bipolar disease and other mental illness conditions.

– Dysthymia is a type of mental illness called a mood disorder.

– That said, he didn’t and was totally driven to reach the north coast despite illness and afflictions that arguably he had since arriving in South Australia and were to see him die at such an early age in England in 1866.

– Williamson died of problems from a respiratory illness on April 2, 2019.

More in-sentence examples of “illness”:

– In this disease, the body’s natural guard against illness in the central nervous system.

– Korobov died on 21 November 2018 after a long and serious illness in Moscow at the age of 62.

– Injections can be used to prevent illness or to give medicine.

– At the end of her career, she had problems with mental illness and alcoholism.

– Layne asked Cayce to tell him the cause of his illness and it’s cure while in a trance.

– After a long illness he died at his house in Antwerp.

– The illness can have many different forms.

– Larsen died from a sudden illness on 18 December 2015, aged 46.

– Tuszyński died after a long illness on 1 January 2017 in Warsaw.

– Epidemiology is the study of how diseases affect the health and illness of groups of people.

– His illness was believed to have been caused by the bad weather in the inauguration.

– Becker died on September 3, 2017 after suffering from an unknown illness in Maui, Hawaii at the age of 67.

– The DSM lists every condition that is officially called a mental illness by the APA.

– He died after a short illness on 20 April 2015 in Northwood, aged 95/96.

– Lillo-Stenberg died after a short illness on 27 March 2014 in Levanger.

– Because of this, getting an AIDS-defining illness is a sign that a person’s immune system is seriously damaged.

– Marielle died after a long illness on 24 April 2019 in the Paris commune of Saint-Cloud.

– It is believed that she may have suffered from a mental illness which caused mood swings.

– CBT is based on a cognitive model of mental illness which Beck proposed.

– A mental illness is an illness of the mind.

– The last years of his life were marred by mental illness bordering on paranoia.Lawson, David 1976.

– A serious illness interrupted his career and forced him to retreat to his native city, where he devoted himself to music criticism and teaching.

– Citizens of Rome missing their feet through accident or illness were taken to the arena, where they were tethered together for Commodus to club to death while pretending they were giants.

– Weber died after a long illness on 12 February 2019 in Bremen, aged 72.

- In this disease, the body’s natural guard against illness in the central nervous system.

- Korobov died on 21 November 2018 after a long and serious illness in Moscow at the age of 62.
- Injections can be used to prevent illness or to give medicine.

– This toxin causes the human illness paralytic shellfish poisoning.

– Older people, those with a weak immune system and those with a strong illness suffer from sepis more often.

– During her last years she had a serious illness called encephalomyelitis.

– Carbon monoxide poisoning explains many of the occurrences in haunted houses, such as feelings of being watched, hearing footsteps or voices, seeing “ghosts”, headaches, dizziness, and sudden death or illness of people or pets, and also strange behavior in pets such as excessive barking or meowing.

– Dangers can arise, such as wild animals or illness from drinking unclean water.

– Mroudjaé died after a long illness on 2 May 2019 in Moroni.

– Family-to-Family, like the rest of NAMI programs, takes a biologically-based approach to explaining mental illness and its treatments.

– Some 35 per cent of the subjects have birthmarks or birth defects which often correspond to injuries or illness experienced by the deceased person who the subject remembers.

– On 12 January, the World Health Organization confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness on 31 December 2019.

– Because of his mental illness and strange behaviour, his father had him locked in a rice chest and starved to death.

– This was a little-known illness at the time.

– This illness became a turning point in Tomislav’s life.

– Appropriate hand washing practices can reduce the risk of foodborne illness and other infections.

– His wife, Sarah Shelton, had a mental illness and died in 1775.

– The rapid strep test is faster than a throat culture but correctly finds the illness only 70 percent of the time.

– In the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”, a book about mental illness written by the American Psychiatric Association, there are ten personality disorders.

– Rooney died after a long illness on April 6, 2014 at his home in North Hollywood, California.

– Even though the media show this differently, studies have shown that people with a severe mental illness are not necessarily violent.

– It is often awarded to a player who has come back from career- or even life-threatening illness or injury.

– Signs of illness can appear after an incubation period of one to eight days, but often develop within three days.

– He died after an illness in 2013 in Kabul, Afghanistan.

– Coleman died of a short illness in his home in London.

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