“idle” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “idle”:

– It was directed by Chris Miller and Raman Hui and stars Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, Eddie Murphy as the donkey, Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots, Julie Andrews as Fiona’s mother, John Cleese as Fiona’s father, Rupert Everett as Prince Charming, Eric Idle as Merlin and Justin Timberlake as Arthur.

– In an epilogue, the main characters point out the simple moral: that the Devil finds work for idle hands.

– A child who says “I’ll tell my dad” may learn from the reply “I’m so scared!” that the threat is an idle threat: one that is promises harm that that cannot or will not actually be inflicted.

– Lynne first became known as a member of a band called The Idle Race.

– He reattached the ties with Russia once again, which had remained idle since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

idle how to use in sentences
idle how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “idle”:

– I usually idle in and ask for admin actions there.

– Tennyson was excellent at writing short lyrics like “In the valley of Cauteretz”, “Break, break, break”, “The Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light Brigade”, “Tears, idle tears” and “Crossing the Bar”.

– In some idle games, even the clicking is no longer needed after some time, as the game plays itself.

– Eric Idle was born in South Shields, County Durham, England on 29 March 1943.

– The pilots wanted to approach the runway at 137 knots, but the flight data recorder showed that the speed was below this, and that the engines were idle during the approach.

– In the first case it is to comfort man in his misery and a stimulus rousing his activity, in the second case it is the idle hope in which the lazy man indulges when he should be working honestly for his living cf.

– The two armies met at the River Idle near Doncaster.

– A non-pipeline architecture is not as efficient because some CPU modules are idle while another module is active during the instruction cycle.

– Many recommend letting the engine idle for several minutes before shutting the engine off.

– His works included “The Idle Demon”, “The Rhyme and the Reason”, “Genghis Khan” and “The Travels of Herodotus”.

– Large portions of the processor circuitry were left idle at any one step; for instance, the instruction decoding circuitry would be idle during execution and so on.

- I usually idle in and ask for admin actions there.

- Tennyson was excellent at writing short lyrics like "In the valley of Cauteretz", "Break, break, break", "The Charge of the Light Brigade The Charge of the Light Brigade", "Tears, idle tears" and "Crossing the Bar".

– Pipelining does not completely remove idle time in a pipelined CPU, but making CPU modules work in parallel increases instruction throughput.

– Then we have a load of links to an idle Wikiproject…

– He also changed the courses of the rivers Don, Idle and Torne.

– The idle turns one to crime.

– Another form of protest that Idle No More does is blocking railroads.

– The idle apprentice is sent to the gallows by the industrious apprentice himself.

– The project uses the Idle idle processing resources of thousands of personal computers owned by volunteers who have installed the software on their systems.

– The instruction issue logic grows in complexity by reading in a huge list of instructions from memory and handing them off to the different execution units that are idle at that point.

– Jain Temple having 2200 Years old idle of shri Sumatinatha from the time of the great Samprati Maharaja.

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