“identification” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “identification”:

+ Very few signs nowadays identify the route as one unified road, and the section that runs as Route 695 carries no current identification at all except to say that eastbound it goes “To US 6” and westbound it goes “To I-395”.

+ Natural history and identification of litter-feeding Lepidoptera larvae.

+ Templates are available for other identification number types to be used in the ID field if these aren’t available.

+ In such a situation, a key objective becomes the identification of the first “exemplar” before any split in the tradition.

+ Because of this, examining the arrangement of the hinge teeth in a bivalve shell is often essential for identification and classification.

identification example in sentences
identification example in sentences

Example sentences of “identification”:

+ In mammals, some pathway of pheromones identification are in the vomeronasal organ and some in olfactory receptors.

+ In this sense the process of abstraction entails the identification of similarities between objects and the process of associating these objects with an abstraction.

+ In mammals, some pathway of pheromones identification are in the vomeronasal organ and some in olfactory receptors.

+ In this sense the process of abstraction entails the identification of similarities between objects and the process of associating these objects with an abstraction.

+ Powder diffraction will help the identification of known phases in the mixture.

+ Hospitals also use wristbands on patients so that they know who they are because patients don’t carry identification with them when they are in the hospital.

+ Many international laboratorylaboratories such as the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory and Medical University of Innsbruck did DNA tests.

+ Given the predominant usage of serekhs in the identification of kingship, especially preceding Dynasty IV, the presence of such also serve to demonstrate Egyptian presence in foreign areas.

+ It is often used by scientists for the identification of vertebrate remains, including the Ageingage, development.

+ In 2004 she left the band alleging lack of identification with the group’s musical style, which sold a total of 6 million copies and became the most successful female group in Brazil and one of the twenty that sold the most in the world.

+ The identification between Agni and Rudra in the Vedic literature was an important factor in the process of Rudra’s gradual development into the later character as Rudra-Shiva.

+ The Gram stain is almost always the first step in the identification of a bacterial organism.

+ All plates issued before 2004 also have a blue EU identification stripe on their left-hand edge.

+ There was a large amount of inflation because the Japanese printed paper money for Singapore to use, which did not have any identification numbers.

+ Khandoba’s varied associations also include an identification with Surya and Karttikeya.

+ The BlackBerry has a PIN which is an eight character hexadecimal identification number which is given to every BlackBerry phone.

+ A recent re-examination of two partial skeletons of “Australopithecus sediba” has led to its identification as close to the origin of the genus “Homo”.

+ In the 2000s, the role of gene duplication, the extent of adaptationadaptive molecular evolution versus neutral genetic drift, and the identification of molecular changes responsible for various human characteristics especially those pertaining to infection, disease, and cognition.

+ During three periods of ethnic identification work after 1949, professors Fei Xiaotong, Huang Xianfan, Xia Kangnong and a lot of academic masters and scholars from anthropology and ethnic study circles made their great contributions.

+ The international identification code is CURIT.

+ Ta Moko symbolises identification with their origins.

More in-sentence examples of “identification”:

+ The National Gallery writes: “The masklike symmetry of the bather’s face makes exact identification difficult; scholars have suggested that her aristocratic features indicate that she is one of several royal mistresses, most notable among them Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of Henry II.

+ The militias also blocked roads so they could check the identification cards of everyone who came by.

+ Through his identification with the Hephaestus of Greek mythology, he came to be considered as the manufacturer of art, arms, iron, jewelry and armor for various gods and heroes, including the thunderbolts of Jupiter.

+ He still has his money in his wallet, but his identification cards are missing.

+ In the 20th century, prisoners in Siberian and Nazi concentration camps were tattooed with identification numbers.

+ Michael Coble of the US Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory.

+ Peake has received include the Distinguished Service Medal, Senior Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Ranger Tab, Combat Medic Badge and Army Staff Identification Badge.

+ Depending on the type of card being used, he or she and might have to enter a personal identification number to confirm the transaction.

+ The identification of Agni with Rudra is explicitly noted in the “Nirukta”, an important early text on etymology, which says, “Agni is also called Rudra.” The interconnections between the two deities are complex, and according to Stella Kramrisch:In the “Śatarudrīya”, some epithets of Rudra, such as “Sasipañjara suggest a fusing of the two deities.

+ An identification of the plants, based on the images has mostly failed, though.

+ The Civil Registry and Identification Service is an institution for public service in Chile.

+ It uses radio-frequency identification that is built into many mobile phones.

+ This includes six million specimen records displaying geographic distribution, images, descriptive text and identification tools.

+ This continued identification with the mother may result in what Kristeva refers to in “Black Sun, because female children both reject and identify with the mother figure at the same time.

+ This is identification and promotion of a different Race race, social class, or country to your own.

+ Some retailers make people show identification to prove their age if they want to buy M-rated games.

+ They will also need to have a Personal Identification Number, which is a code that lets them get into their account.

+ Door staff check the identification of people entering the nightclub, to ensure that people that are too young to drink do not enter the club.

+ These two machines, used together, allow a much finer precision of substance identification than either unit used separately.

+ The second number is the identification number.

+ He ringed them for identification and caged them in the winter to prevent their annual migration.

+ To create a URL add after the book identification number.

+ A Personal identification number is a authenticate a user of a system.

+ During his time eluding capture, McNair had been making fake identification cards, and used computer technology to create driver’s licenses and solely monitor what the press was saying about him.

+ The mug shot is taken to allow law enforcement to have a photographic record of the arrested humanperson to allow for identification by victims and investigators.

+ The National Gallery writes: "The masklike symmetry of the bather's face makes exact identification difficult; scholars have suggested that her aristocratic features indicate that she is one of several royal mistresses, most notable among them Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of Henry II.

+ The militias also blocked roads so they could check the identification cards of everyone who came by.

+ Slot scanners are typically used to scan bar codes on identification cards.

+ Since only females were used for egg-production, early identification of male chicks, which were destroyed or separated for fattening, meant that limited animal-feed and other resources could be used more efficiently.

+ Scarification began as cultural identitycultural identification in some places, especially in Maori and African societies.

+ It is used for official identification purposes.

+ Place this template on any “media file” which lacks description, author information, date, or any other less-that-critical identification data.

+ Gay identification with Garland as a tragic figure was being discussed as early as 1967.

+ The Rongorongo Tablets from Easter Island: Botanical Identification and 14C Dating.”Archaeology in Oceania” 40.3.

+ Acoustic identification of twelve species of echolocating bat by discriminant function analysis and artificial neural networks.

+ The “Flag Identification System” was created by Whitney Smith and adopted by Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques.

+ Evidence from the identification of cryptic species means that older estimates of global species richness are too low.

+ It is a scientific research institute that performs research that contributes to the identification and development of new medicines against deadly diseases.

+ Key to the identification of the genera of bdelloid rotifers.

+ The number of branches and the arrangement of the thecae are important features in the identification of graptolite fossils.

+ They are used for either adaptationadapting the identification of clouds during bright sunshine or glare from snow.

+ Typically, this identification is done automatically by computer programs which come with the instrument.

+ Radio-frequency identification is a technology to record the presence of an object using radio signals.

+ In an international adoption a child may also lose identification with their nationality and ethnicity.

+ Several human remains were also found, and were either sent for further identification tests, or were properly disposed.

+ Photo identification is required in order to view the Sound Garden and access to the “Art Walk”.

+ Each sound is unique to the species, and its function is identification for mating purposes.

+ He usually buys a kind of identification card from an unknown and recently dead man, and uses his name.

+ Notes discovered in Heidelberg University Library which were written by Agostino Vespucci, a Florentine city official, reinforced Vasari’s earlier identification of the model.

+ A definitive diagnosis of gout is based upon the identification of uratemonosodium urate crystals in joint fluid or a tophus.

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