“identical with” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “identical with”:

+ However, it is difficult to see why an organic substance should not be called a mineral if its chemical nature “and” its crystalline structure is identical with its inorganic twin.

+ The Skanda Purana, for example, states:Vishnu is no one but Shiva, and he who is called Shiva is but identical with Vishnu.

+ But the two sets of chromosomes are not identical with the parental chromosomes.

+ This also protects against hacking or theft of money from the system, because if the blockchain was to be altered in some computers then it would be noticed that it is not identical with the others.

+ Flagella are structurally almost identical with the much smaller Cilia.

+ Existing definitions are based on replacent of a given particle with imaginary sphere that has one of the properties identical with the particle.

+ His famous kite expirement proved that the atmospheric electricity is identical with the elctrostatic charge on a Leydan jar.

identical with - sentence examples
identical with – sentence examples

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