“idea” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “idea”:

– Up until that moment nobody had any idea that measurements could not be forever made more and more precise and accurate.

– The main idea behind these parks and reserves is to guard the values of nature, landscape, heritage, and species.

– This led to the idea of intelligent beings on Mars before it apparently dried up.

– The lyric addresses the idea of thinking about one’s life.

– This gives you an idea of the strength of the magnet.

idea - some sentence examples
idea – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “idea”:

- The goal of Megali Idea was the liberation of all Greek-inhabited lands occupied by Ottoman Empire.

- For his brilliant idea and bravery, Babar is asked to be the new King of the Elephants; he agrees on the condition that Celeste be his Queen, which she accepts.

– The goal of Megali Idea was the liberation of all Greek-inhabited lands occupied by Ottoman Empire.

– For his brilliant idea and bravery, Babar is asked to be the new King of the Elephants; he agrees on the condition that Celeste be his Queen, which she accepts.

– One idea is that the colonists tried to sail back to England in these ships.

– Edward’s brother, Richard, thought that it would not be a good idea for a boy to be king, and he took the throne himself.

– One idea is that feral pigs have come to their rainforests and rip up the low plants that the frog likes to climb on and hide in.

– This idea was invented in medieval times, but really flowered in the 19th century.

– Unfortunately, neither the Deacon nor his crew has any idea how to “read” the map.

– The idea of ‘garden-suburb’ arised in the neighbourhood of Roeselare at the beginning of the last century.

– This idea was given up in 1930 when both the S.A.

– The idea of this theory is that the women of these first settled farmer clans could shorten the time between two children thanks to the additional lactose uptake from milk consumption.

– Buddha came to this idea after six years of extreme self-denial in the search for how to end suffering.

– You can get funding to try out your idea for online community organizing, outreach, tool-building, or research to help make better.

– In a book it might be an idea that keeps coming during the story.

– This idea of a night-watchman state is related to libertarianism.

– The idea of being saved is also an important idea that he used in later operas.

– Trotsky helped to expand on the idea of Permanent Revolution, which is a theory originally thought up by Karl Marx.

– Many Croatians agree with the idea that the majority of Bosnian Muslims are actually Croatians who were converted to Islam during the invasion of the Turks in the 15th Century.

– After this, and discussion, Simple decided that it might not be a bad idea for the project to have local oversighters.

– The last idea of the Declaration was accepted on 26 August 1789, Some sources say 27 August because the debate was not closed.

More in-sentence examples of “idea”:

- He invented the idea of the "will to power".

- After finishing fourth in London, Kardo Ploomipuu started taking skiing more seriously with an idea of making the Winter Paralympics.
- The idea of the game was created some time before the game came out, but many workers in FromSoftware did not think the game would be popular.

– He invented the idea of the “will to power”.

– After finishing fourth in London, Kardo Ploomipuu started taking skiing more seriously with an idea of making the Winter Paralympics.

– The idea of the game was created some time before the game came out, but many workers in FromSoftware did not think the game would be popular.

– Little consultancy, incorporated in 1909, pioneered the idea of contracted professional services.

– In fact, the whole idea of a train is an articulated set of vehicles which run along a track.

– Therefore, it’s a good idea to specify the Gregorian date for a few future years.

– It sometimes give an idea of the harmony.

– In that case, the person himself can of course not be asked to appear, as the idea is to hold the surveillance secret.

– Uniformitarianism in geology is opposed by catastrophism, the idea that major changes in the Earth take place through sudden and violent events.

– Modern writers also question the idea that White has an enduring advantage.

– This is obvious for the Earth and Sun, but the idea applies much more widely.

– The idea was known as “Dolchstoßlegende”.

– There is disagreement as to who came up with the idea first; some say André Courrèges or John Bates.Lester, Richard, “John Bates: Fashion Designer”, London 2008.

– The origin of his idea is the book “The totalitarian state against man” original title in German; in Japanese.

– In some countries, especially in the United States, there is tension between people who accept the idea of evolution and those who reject it.

– Francis Galton, was an English anthropologist who was interested in the hereditary of intelligence and coined the term eugenics, which was the idea of only mating people with desirable traits to increase the occurrence of those traits.

– The argument from inconsistent revelations shows we have no idea which hell to avoid since many different religions exist with different beliefs about hell.

– The same idea can be applied to motion: an object in motion will stay in motion unless some outside, opposing force acts upon it.

– Gene duplication is believed to play a major role in evolution; this idea was first suggested 100 years ago.

– The idea of a cure for mutation was his story.

– This time the Republicans hammered the idea hard.

– This is the idea that questions about life and the world can be answered without using myths, and that “the natural world is the whole of reality”.

– Global cooling was a failed idea of the 1970s.

– I wrote some notes on the idea at phab:T135321 a while ago, and now I’m asking folks here for more feedback on whether you think this might be helpful at all? If so, what specific features would need to be included.

– The idea of the show was that the two main event matches, one for the World Heavyweight Championship World Heavyweight Championship and one for the WWE Championship, would be in an Elimination Chamber.

– The idea of what is a suitable place differs between species, but most build bird nests.

– Oswald was called the lucky rabbit because of the idea of rabbits’ feet being lucky.

– I’m not sure if this idea is that much better, but: Quotes can be added to the articles when needed.

– He came up with the idea of a periodical that would cover every subject the educated public was interested in, from commerce to poetry.

– The idea of protectionism is to stop imports.

– Claims have been made that the idea was known in ancient Persia.

– The idea or theory that something cannot be split into any parts is called monism.

– These prints were not called cartoons at that time, but they led to the idea of modern political cartoons in newspapers.

– Théo Vienne and Maurice Perez got the idea to run the race and in 1896, the sports newspaper Le Vélo worked out original route between Paris and Roubaix.

– World peace is an idea of a world without violence, where nations try to work with each other.

– The idea was invented when a scientist who was experimenting with radio waves saw his chocolate bar, which was in his pocket, had melted.

– The fate of this idea was unhappy.

– This is known as the ‘lions led by donkeys’ view: the idea that Britain had great soldiers but bad generals.

– Jack becomes obsessed with the idea of a kill while Ralph is still more interested in building shelters and escaping the island, something Jack does not seem bothered about anymore.

– Univers was one of the first typeface families to fulfil the idea that a typeface should form a family of consistent, related designs.

– All I can access is an article of Science that is like 30 years old; I am also not a doctor, so I have no idea what the state of research there is, today.

– He helped establish the Evangelical movement, which was based on the idea that Salvation salvation could be achieved through believing in Jesus and following God’s word in the Bible.

– The importance of the idea of despotism is that today it is a very common type of dictatorship or direct rule.

– The dynamic approach to second language development includes the idea that students each have their own path to learning, and that teaching is fundamentally a process of managing learning.

– The main idea of chaos theory is that a minor difference at the start of a process can make a major change in it as time progresses.

– Subsidized housing is the idea to create housing opportunities for people who have trouble finding a flat on the free market.

– The idea of stalemate as a draw in modern chess took a long time to be agreed.

– The idea also appeared in other ancient cultures.

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