“hyoid” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “hyoid”:

– In a suspected case of murder, a fractured hyoid strongly indicates throttling or strangulation However, this is not the case in children and adolescents, because their hyoid bone is still flexible as ossification is yet to be completed.

– The hyoid aids in tongue movement and swallowing.

– Third, woodpeckers have a special hyoid bone, which reaches from their beak, loops over top of the skull to completely surround their brains.

– Muscles in the pelvic region are used in order to reel the tongue and the hyoid back to its original position.

– In the lungless salamanders, muscles surrounding the hyoid bone contract to create pressure and actually “shoot” the hyoid bone out of the mouth along with the tongue.

– Many of the highly aquatic species, however, have no muscles in the tongue, and do not use it for capturing prey, while most other species have a mobile tongue, but without the adaptations to the hyoid bone.

– Computer analysis has shown that the Neanderthal hyoid was very similar to human hyoids.

– When an undamaged Neanderthal hyoid bone was discovered, it made people think Neanderthals could talk.

hyoid how to use?
hyoid how to use?

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