How to use the word “wet”

How to use in-sentence of “wet”:

– Reeds are many polyphylypolyphyletic species, which have all adapted to this wet habitat by convergent evolution.

– The species likes to live in wet areas, and can swim.

– The monks surveying the site thought that this ground would be too wet as it was swampland.

– Living tissues, as in the human body, are wet and therefore conductors of electricity.

– So, they used the goat’s milk to act as a sealer and preserving the wet and marble-like look.

– The Ebola virus that makes people sick lives in the blood and other liquids and wet things in some kinds of non-human animals without killing them.

– They are wet cells, and the dangerous acid can spill out.

How to use the word wet
How to use the word wet

Example sentences of “wet”:

– It was designed by WET Design of California.

– The only people who do not get wet are monks and babies.

– Cotuí has a tropical wet climate.

– This is quite hard, so astronauts usually just take a “sponge bath” with a wet cloth.Toilets can be another problem.

– The vegetation of the small and narrow islands, with their wet climate, is very luxuriant.

– The prevailing climatic conditions in the barangay are categorized into two types: dry and wet season.

– Also wood rots when it gets wet so the structure needed regular repair.

– Personal care includes products as diverse as cleansing pads, bandages, perfumecolognes, cotton swabs, cotton pads, deodorant, eye liner, facial tissue, hair clippers, lip gloss, lipstick, lotion, makeup, nail files, pomade, perfumes, razors, shaving cream, moisturizer, talcum powder, toilet paper, toothpaste, and wet wipes.

– Vancouver is north of Portland, Oregon and shares a similar climate: wet from November through June and dry from July through October.

– If you urinate while asleep, this is called wetting the bed, not a wet dream.

– You can put the topicon on your userpage to say that you are open to being whacked with a wet trout.

– During a wet qualifying session, Pironi plowed into the back of Prost’s Renault.

– He retired on lap 69 with wet electrics and was disqualified for receiving outside assistance.

– During the wet season it can rain hard for long periods of time then not rain at all in the dry season.

– Dajabón has a tropical wet and dry/savanna climate.

– If a fire gives off a large amount of smoke, a person’s mouth should be covered with a wet cloth, since people can faint when they breathe in too much smoke.

- It was designed by WET Design of California.

- The only people who do not get wet are monks and babies.

More in-sentence examples of “wet”:

- On the coast there are mild, wet winters and warm, sunny, and rather dry summers.

- The western side of the mountains is wet and forested with conifers.
- Nagua has a tropical wet climate.

– On the coast there are mild, wet winters and warm, sunny, and rather dry summers.

– The western side of the mountains is wet and forested with conifers.

– Nagua has a tropical wet climate.

– Tough and always moving into new areas, the cane toads started reproducing and expanding outwards every wet season.

– Apply this template to the user talk page of someone who thoroughly deserves whacking with a wet trout.

– The least skipper can be found in damp or wet habitats with tall grasses.

– So, many wet chemistry methods have been automated and computerized for faster analysis.

– At Malaysia, McLaren misjudged the weather during qualifying, and let Hamilton go out on the wrong tyres for the wet conditions.

– A device known as a Cone Penetrometerpenetrometer studied the surface as the probe landed and seemed to find wet clay.

– This means that when the precipitation does soak into the ground, it can be very wet and muddy.

– The climate of the island of Bohol is a warm tropical climate ; it is typically hot and wet throughout the year and rainfall is both heavy and frequent.

– Firm starters tend to be more resource-intensive than wet ones.

– The fens were once wet and marshy: a wetland habitat.

– When people touch animals that have the virus, or wet things that came out of those animals, they can get sick.

– San Juan de la Maguana has a tropical wet and dry/savanna climate with a pronounced dry season in winter.

– The leaves and needles of the trees show adaptations to a dry season, but some of the ferns and mosses are types that grow in very wet habitats.

– Others have a wet season and a dry season, for example because of monsoon.

– They are commonly found in wet marshy areas, as the plant prefers moist soil.

– But a wet plate had to be prepared and used within minutes.

– Winter storms or snowstorms happen when warm, wet air meets with cold air.

– A sling psychrometer works when the scientist spins two thermometers through the air, one plain and one with a wet cloth around it.

– There are two wet seasons: April-June and September-November.

– Mucus that helps their skin to stay wet and slippery.

– Its natural habitats are Sub-tropicssubtropical or tropical wet low lying land bushes and few trees.

– He won the Belgian Grand Prix in another wet race and finished 4th at the end of the season, scoring 38 points total.

– It is most active in wet weather.

– In the 1880s the gelatin dry plate replaced the wet plates.

– It lives in wet places such as in swamps and shallow lakes.

– If a tree grows in a dry place, you can tell its age better than when it grows in a wet place.

– Many high school and college laboratories teach students basic wet chemistry methods.

– Then, the scientist looks on a table to find the dew point according to the air temperature and humidity measured by the wet bulb.

– They did not require all the heavy equipment wet plates did.

– Bringing Moses’ real mother, the princess asked her to be the baby’s wet nurse, for which she was paid.

– Yet, with the heavy rains in the Wet season, they become mighty waterways, spreading across huge floodplains and coastal wetlands and giving life to many freshwater and wetland species.

– Batter is made by mixing wet ingredients.

– This style is the “Mi Fu” style uses large wet dots of ink.

– Otto, who has stepped in wet concrete and cannot move, is run over but survives.

– There is a dry season from December 1 to May 31, and a wet season from June 1 to November 30.

– Like other liquids, water has a surface tension, so a little water can make drops on a surface, rather than always spreading out to wet the surface.

– A study done of 5,300 white men in the United States in 1948 When a boy begins masturbating, wet dreams often stop happening because semen is taken out from his body regularly.

– He took the oath of office in March 4, 1841 which was a cold and wet day.

– A low-lying area will be a lake or a swamp during hot, wet periods, and maybe a desert or a mudflat during dry periods.

– Today’s society and quality control requirements need a high volume of wet chemistry.

– The Andes of Chile and Argentina can be put in two climatic and glaciological zones; the Dry Andes and the Wet Andes.

– During the wet season hunting stopped because the ground was too muddy to follow the buffalo and the harvested hides would rot.

– They may also be caught with a fishing rodfly rod using a dry or wet hellgrammites, crawfish, or leeches.

– Cley Marshes protects an area of reed beds, freshwater marsh, pools and wet meadows.

Wet mud has a soft wet texture.

– In general, wet cleaning is still being improved and developed, although low-tech versions of it have been used for centuries.

– Tropical forests in the The AmericasAmericas have more species than African and Asian wet forests.

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