How to use the word “underway”

How to use in-sentence of “underway”:

+ In accordance with global policy, let it be known an election for Oversighter is underway for Enfcer.

+ However, the change was already underway – BC subsequently became one of the most diverse places in North America, with people calling it home, from places like Asia, Europe, and even the Pacific Islands.

+ A long-term multibillion-dollar program to upgrade the entire length of I-95 through Connecticut has been underway since the mid-1990s and is expected to continue through at least 2020.

+ Projects underway early in 2008 were starring roles in Mike Myers.

+ In some areas, such as the Near East, agriculture was already underway by the end of the Pleistocene, and there the Mesolithic is short.

How to use the word underway
How to use the word underway

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