How to use the word “the species”

How to use in-sentence of “the species”:

– In this case we want to display the authority for both the species and the genus, since there is no other article.

– House mouse the common mouse is one of the species of the genus “Mus”.

– Moreover, changing systematic treatment is liable to alter the species number even in well-known genera.

– It describes the species of flora of the country.

– In Australia the colonisation began in the 1940s, with the species establishing itself in the north and East of the continent.

How to use the word the species
How to use the word the species

Example sentences of “the species”:

– It is caused by parasites from the species “Trypanosoma brucei”.

– Males and females of the species are very similar but males have a curve on the end of their beak.

– It is either of two plants of the species “Brassica oleracea” with light green heads.

– This is why the discoverers have called members of the species “hobbits”, after J.R.R.

– Teeth in the fossil jaw suggest that the species had a different diet from “A.

– The main threats to the species are poaching and habitat destructionhabitat loss resulting from human settlement.

– Full-time colonial animals fall into this category in principle, but in practice the species of interest here are those who form temporary groups.

– About 67 percent of the species growing in the whole Caucasus can be in Azerbaijan.

- It is caused by parasites from the species "Trypanosoma brucei".

- Males and females of the species are very similar but males have a curve on the end of their beak.
- It is either of two plants of the species "Brassica oleracea" with light green heads.

– Suppose that the species “Yucca grandiflora” has a variety “Y.

– Some of the species are used by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species.

– Animal populations in the crater include most of the species in East Africa, but there are no impalas.

– Its leaves are covered in short hairs and should not be confused with the species “Smilax bona-nox”,which has tendrils and prickles.

– By 1995, the species was found in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, and recently seen as far north as southern Nebraska, Illinois, and Indiana.

– At least half of the species now known to have been living on Earth at that time went extinct.

More in-sentence examples of “the species”:

– Before, “army ant” meant ants from 5 different ant subfamilies: in two of these subfamilies, the Ponerinae and Myrmicinae, it is only a few species that show legionary behavior; in the other three subfamilies, Ecitoninae, Dorylinae, and Leptanillinae, “all” of the species are legionary.

– This is often the reason some traits become so noticeable that they almost define the species concerned.

– In this way, the species gradually changes.

– Fossils finds in southern China indicate that, at some point in the past, the species occurred there.

– Many of the species have small ranges, and some have local subspecies.

– Toad and the species were first seen in the game “Super Mario Bros.”.

– For instance, we talk about the genus “Homo”, the species “Homo sapiens”, and the subspecies “Homo sapiens sapiens”.

– Almost 235 of the species of birds come to the park during this time.

– Shortly after, Heselon discovered “Kenyapithecus wickeri”, the species name from the owner of the property, which Louis promptly celebrated with George Gaylord Simpson, who happened to be present, aboard the “Miocene Lady” with Leakey Safari Specials, a drink made of condensed milk and cognac.

– Thus, the species as a whole parasitizes a wide variety of hosts, but “each line of females specializes in a single host species”.

– It takes its name from famed explorer Marco Polo who described the species during his crossing of Pamir in 1271.

– Butterflies are any of the species belonging to the superfamilies Papilionoidea and Hedyloidea.

– Molecular cloning generally uses DNA sequences from two different organisms: the species that is the source of the DNA to be cloned, and the species that will serve as the living host for multiplying the recombinant DNA.

– Reprinted in 1972 by Landsdowne Press The species was named by ornithologist John Latham, who worked on Phillip’s book.

– Although hunting the species has been banned by the Indonesian and Papua New Guinea governments, traditional hunting is permitted.

– The 1980s saw the rise of “dolphin-friendly” tuna capture methods in order to save millions of the species in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

– That such a creature could have been unrecorded for so long is rare, but perhaps the cold depths of the West Indian ocean, and the few predators it has, may have helped the species survive.

– Schott named the species after him.

– Most biologist would not call evolution at the species level “macroevolution”.

– In this case, the species present in solution are the ions.

– When a male detects signs of a female nearby he checks whether she is of the same species and whether she is ready to mate; for example in species that produce webs or ‘safety ropes’, the male can identify the species and sex of these objects by smell.

– Honestly, the page does no harm, even if it is not the species I would have expected.

– There may, however, be many genetic changes in the species after polyploidy has taken place.

– Most of the time, the species because better suited to its environment, a process called adaptation.

– A variety is a plant that is different in some way, and continues to be different, from the rest of the species but is not different enough for it to be classified as a new species or as a sub-species.

– The name hawthorn used to be used for the species found only in northern Europe but is now used for the entire genus.

– For algae, fungi and plants, it is different: the type species of a genus is the species that has the same type as the genus.

– Specimens of the species have been identified from the cloud forest stretching from central Colombia to western Ecuador.

– The IUCN Red List says that the species is not believed to reach the threat of decline.

– The eastern grey is the species most commonly seen in Australia.

– Once it was thought that the species only could eat the leaves of Araceaearums and mangroves, but the species does eat the leaves of more than fifty species.

– All of the species of the Discoglossidae will lay their eggs in ponds and will turn into tadpoles.

– In cases where this relationship demonstrates “specificity the species are thought to have co-evolved.

– Although it is debated, it is believed the three individuals who made these footprints belonged to the species “Australopithecus afarensis”.

– The use of the Speciesbox template with the parameter set to the species name ensures that the taxobox ends with the binomial name even though the page title is the genus name.

– The red breasted parakeet or moustached parakeet is among the more widespread species of the genus and is the species which has the most geographical variations.

– This template takes an optional id parameter, heading, author listing and page number or numbers for the MSW3 entry on the species or other taxon in question.

– The series shows how vampires evolutionevolve and deal with conflict between the species throughout history.

– If a novelty were to evolve gradually in an animal’s juvenile form, then its development might not appear in the fossil record at all, but if the species were then to undergo neoteny, in which sexual maturity is reached while in a juvenile form, then the feature would appear suddenly in the fossil record, despite having evolved gradually.

– This would have made it possible for the species to live in all the oceans of the world.

– Shrimp of the species “Pandalus borealis” play an important role in the diet of fish, particularly cod and blue whiting.

– Most of the species have yellow flowers, but a few have white, orange, red, pink or purple flowers.

– Rounding off the species number and denoting this as approximate value will help decreasing maintenance.

– The park has several undisturbed ichthyosaur fossils of the species “Shonisaurus popularis” as well as the early-20th Century ghost town of Berlin.

– Of course, all the species were somewhat different then but, as an ecosystem, it is similar.

– Fewer than a quarter of the species have not been identified, named and catalogued.

– It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, where it is referred to as “tzebua” or “zevoa”, though the species is absent in some English translations.

- Before, "army ant" meant ants from 5 different ant subfamilies: in two of these subfamilies, the Ponerinae and Myrmicinae, it is only a few species that show legionary behavior; in the other three subfamilies, Ecitoninae, Dorylinae, and Leptanillinae, "all" of the species are legionary.

- This is often the reason some traits become so noticeable that they almost define the species concerned.

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