How to use the word “tadpole”

How to use in-sentence of “tadpole”:

– Some types of tadpole eat plants and animals, even other smaller tadpoles.

– After a tadpole has grown its hands, their tails continue to get shorter until there is nothing left of them.

– The Tadpole galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy in the Draco Draco constellation.

– When in its larvaelarval state, it looks like a tadpole and is sometimes called a “tadpole larva”.

– The tadpole stage is very short.

– Salamander tadpoles and surinam horned toad tadpoles are carnivorous throughout their tadpole stage.

How to use the word tadpole
How to use the word tadpole

Example sentences of “tadpole”:

- Egg and tadpole development is very fast in comparison to those of most other frogs, so breeding can be completed before the pond dries up.

- If a bullfrog tadpole remains as a tadpole for more than a year, it will become larger when it is an adult.

– Egg and tadpole development is very fast in comparison to those of most other frogs, so breeding can be completed before the pond dries up.

– If a bullfrog tadpole remains as a tadpole for more than a year, it will become larger when it is an adult.

– However, the genus “Nectophrynoides”, their young will not develop from a tadpole stage.

– There is no tadpole stage.

– The tadpole is brown, but it later changes to green during its development.

– The appearance of the green tree frog tadpole changes during its development.

– Could someone move Tadpole shrimp to Notostraca, as in enWP.

– During the tadpole stage of the amphibian life cycle, most respiration breathe by means of external or internal gills.

– They become a tadpole in one or two weeks.

– A tadpole or polliwog is a young frog that breathes and lives in the water.

– Most types of tadpole eat only plants.

– They come in two main styles: tadpole with two wheels up front and one in back and delta with two wheels in the back and one wheel in the front.

– Notostracans, or tadpole shrimps, are omnivores living on the bottom of temporary pools and shallow lakes.

– According to its discoverers, the life cycle of the frog does not include a tadpole stage.

– The tadpole can reach from 8.1 millimeters to 44 millimeters.

– The egg and tadpole stages of the life cycle are short.

– The underside of the tadpole is dark.

– In most there is no free-swimming tadpole stage.

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