How to use the word “stretch”

How to use in-sentence of “stretch”:

+ MSA boundaries do not stretch into Canada or Mexico.

+ The longest stretch of highway, the Hagley-Westbury bypass, was completed in 2001.

+ One day, Luffy ate a Devil Fruit called the “Gum-Gum” fruit, giving him the power to stretch like rubber, but he can’t swim.

+ A linear map can stretch and scale a volume, but it can also reflect it over an axis.

+ The Mediterranean Region is so called because the largest stretch of area here lies along the margins of the Mediterranean Sea.

+ Because the iron is heavy and hot when it is turned on, the little strings stretch and go flat when the iron is put on top.

+ This is useful because like a spring, a bond requires energy to stretch it out and it also takes energy to squeeze it together.

+ Because these types of exercise may use jerking motion, it is more important to do a long warm-up and stretch before attempting these exercises.

How to use the word stretch
How to use the word stretch

Example sentences of “stretch”:

+ The lowland plains stretch over much of the Top End and they make up nearly 70% of the Park.

+ It has often been said that he hurt his hands because he made something to stretch his fingers, but people now think it was more likely due to mercury mercury poisoning because doctors had used mercury to try to cure his syphilis.

+ His idea was that adults needed to stretch their neck to reach leaves from high branches.

+ They stretch over 7,000km / 4,400 miles from the south of Argentina and Chile to the north of Colombia.

+ A spit is a stretch of land or sand which projects out to sea.

+ Sometimes applying both main text and Comment in the same row may cause the whole map to stretch too wide because there is some very long Comment text in another row regardless whether the main text and note 1 cells of that row are applied or not.

+ About four dams are planned on the stretch of the Yangtze River, and they will produce 38,500 megawatts in total.

+ It lived in enormous migratory flocks — sometimes containing more than two billion birds — that could stretch one mile long across the sky, sometimes taking several hours to pass.

+ For example, if we imagine a stretchy object, then all the shapes we can stretch or twist it into are “homotopy equivalent”.

+ The French also made Germany take its troops out of the Rhineland, the long stretch of land on Germany’s border with France with the Rhine River, which was important since Germany had many factories and businesses there.

+ The Danish Wadden Sea Islands and the North Frisian Islands stretch along the southwest coast of Jutland in the German Bight.

+ The 777-300 was designed as a stretch of its fuselage by 20% from the 200’s version and have extra seats.

+ Some opsins allows vision in just a short stretch of wavelength.

+ The colonnade is in two great arcs that seem to stretch out like loving arms, welcoming people to the Basilica.

+ He’s able to stretch his body and can bend a lot, but it hurts when he does it.

+ This would cause stretch marks, and this was eventually replaced by the soft elastic waistband.

+ The lowland plains stretch over much of the Top End and they make up nearly 70% of the Park.

+ It has often been said that he hurt his hands because he made something to stretch his fingers, but people now think it was more likely due to mercury mercury poisoning because doctors had used mercury to try to cure his syphilis.

More in-sentence examples of “stretch”:

+ Giraffe unicycles are much taller than traditional unicycles, and use a chain so that the performer’s legs do not have to stretch very far.

+ This means that the hand has to stretch a lot.

+ The country has access to the ocean through a stretch of Atlantic coastline at Muanda and the roughly 9km wide mouth of the Congo River which opens into the Gulf of Guinea.

+ Coniferous forests stretch across Canada, Alaska, Northern Asia, and Northern Europe.

+ Very heavy rains led to flooding across the entire stretch of coast from Chennai to Cuddalore.

+ Pulling forces causes rock at depth to stretch like silly putty and rock closer to the surface to break along normal Fault faults into downfallen basins called grabens.

+ The services of a locksmith stretch further than just opening or replacing locks and can take many years to perfect the profession.

+ The stretch of the Indus flowing through Ladakh is the only part of this river in India.

+ They get their name because when they stretch their rays out to catch plankton, they look like the bottom of a basket.

+ In the summer, only a small stretch of snow has to be passed.

+ The character “might” be notable, but even that is a stretch as it looks as though it was a very minor character.

+ It is between the Kamchatka Peninsula on the east, the Kuril Islands on the southeast, the island of Hokkaidō to the south, the island of Sakhalin along the west, and a long stretch of eastern Siberian coast along the west and north.

+ It is a stretch of 15th Street downtown.

+ When an image is made larger, the existing pixels cannot simply be stretched, as you might stretch a rubber band.

+ Fantastic” who can stretch his limbs and body for long distances and sizes.

+ Speakers of Algonquian languages stretch from the east coast of North America all the way to the Rocky Mountains.

+ Kelp can stretch 2-30 meters or more from their anchors on the sea floor to the surface.

+ At the end of the M6 motorway at Carlisle, there is a 6-mile stretch of the A74 which links England to Scotland.

+ The final stretch to Germany took 11 years because the other part of the railroad had to be made in Standard gauge.

+ Think of the atoms as round balls that are attached by a spring that can stretch back and forth.

+ If the external force is removed the force field acts on the body to perform the work as it moves the body back to the initial position, reducing the stretch of the spring or causing a body to fall.

+ Worn on the hand to precisely wipe sweat from the eyes and face, these bands join moisture wicking material to stretch terry cloth. s”Q”oosh brands revolutionized the old-fashioned sweatband market with a new favorite for runners in the 21st century.

+ Agnew spent most of the 1986–87 NHL season1986–87 in the American Hockey League, although he did receive a four-game stretch with the Canucks.

+ Some theatrical costumes stretch the truth about characters.

+ The railroad to Utrecht was finished on December 18, 1843, The next stretch to Arnhem on May, 16 1845.

+ He spent virtually the entire 1990–91 and 1991–92 seasons on the Canuck roster as a utility player seeing action at both forward and defence, but was limited to just 44 games over that stretch due to injury and failed to record a point.

+ Giraffe unicycles are much taller than traditional unicycles, and use a chain so that the performer's legs do not have to stretch very far.

+ This means that the hand has to stretch a lot.
+ The country has access to the ocean through a stretch of Atlantic coastline at Muanda and the roughly 9km wide mouth of the Congo River which opens into the Gulf of Guinea.

+ The cell begins to stretch out as the opposite ends are pushed apart.

+ The Karakoram Highway goes through this district and has a 60km stretch in the district.

+ It denotes the entire stretch of lower Bengal when the sea receded and the landmass became fit for human habitation.

+ The Mort Lagoon, an extremely evocative naturalistic site between Eraclea and Jesolo, was originated by the overflowing of the Piave river in 1936, whose bed was modified in its last stretch after a big flood.

+ They do not date to a particular period, but rather stretch across the entire history of Hinduism, beginning with the some of the earliest known Hindu texts, spanning into the modern period with the Upanishads.

+ It includes a stretch of the left bank of the Nile Valley around Giza.

+ Young children who learn the piano will not be able to stretch an octave with one hand, if their hands are too small.

+ Some people with male genitalia have a long-enough penis and a good enough stretch to lick or put their own penis into their mouth.

+ The island is separated by a 16km stretch of sea from the Argentario promontory: mainly mountainous, it is almost all granite with the highest point the Poggio della Pagana.

+ Road also commences in the district and has a 200km stretch up to Babusar Pass passing through the district.

+ This means the text will not stretch past the right side of the screen.

+ The lone and level sands stretch far away.

+ The stomach can stretch and expand to to make room for large meals.

+ Instead, every time the heart beats, the arteries stretch out so the blood has room to go through.

+ First basemen need to have quick feet, stretch well, be quick and know how to catch wild throws.

+ Black stretch stockings were also popular.

+ Unfortunately, different browsers have different ways of dealing with lines of text that overflow their container – some stretch the container whilst others wrap the text.

+ The Empire Line was opened using the three-engined seaplane CANT Z.506 in the stretch Rome – Benghazi/Tripoli and the three-engined land-based Savoia-Marchetti SM-73 from Benghazi/Tripoli to Addis Abeba and Africa Orientale Italiana.

+ Some modern armour, like bullet-proof vests, are made from plastics that do not stretch or break, such as Kevlar.

+ The enlargement of Park Lane Park Lane and the formation of Hyde Park Corner as a major traffic gyratory system has cut off the western stretch of Piccadilly, with the result that Apsley House has become detached from it.

+ The 3/4 mile stretch of standard gauge track and museum are owned and operated by the Jolly family.

+ There are about 400 extinct volcanoes in a stretch that extends from Kilmore in the north to Mt Gambier in South Australia.

+ This sediment piles up on the land where the glacier had been, a broad, smooth stretch called an “outwash plain”.

+ Each species is confined to a stretch of the north coast between rivers which descend from the Atlas mountains to the Mediterranean.

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